1,899 Topics

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Member Avatar for Muttley

Hello, i have some problems implementing the following pseudo-code. Te problem is that in Pascal i can return user defined data structures (in this case: matrix), and i also tried to return it as a parameter with "var" but it gave a stack overflow error. Anyone can help me? pseudo …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Vega_Knight

hi all, i try to make array here but i didn't know how to make it? please help me.. best regards..

Member Avatar for Clive29
Member Avatar for acs_andrade

Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum and I've been tried to learn a little about programing in Pascal language. I have to do a school project program for a video rental shop developed in Pascal and I would like to know if someone could send me a entire code …

Member Avatar for Clive29
Member Avatar for dad45

I have borrowed code that I don't understand but it serves my purpose. The code saves Text data in a TFile, i.e. MyNewStuff.txt. I want to put it into a TSringlist pronto. Immediately after saving the TFile and closing same, is the data still in memory when I say "MyTStringlist.loadfromfile('MyNewStuff.txt');" …

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Member Avatar for jessamyryan

I am trying to code a program that will generate six random lotto numbers, and then the two supplementary numbers. And not to generate the same number twice. I'm new to pascal, so I understand if you don't want to create a whole code for me but could you at …

Member Avatar for alvisonhunter
Member Avatar for Clive29

[B][/B] i know its kinda funny, but please help me. my father is a bussiness man and he wants to hire a programmer to design a program that record bussiness history like their products, their profits and even to perfom necessary calculations for his wide supermarket. since the stock have …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for Misha_CZ

Hi, ok... Here's the story- I have been absent from my Pascal programming class for 3 weeks, I came back and now the teacher wants me to try out a few programs for a test tomorrow. I have one that I have no idea how to do... Here are the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for bbradley

Please help. I really need to find out how to get a data value from one for onto another form. For example I put a value in an edit box in Form1 and I want that same value to be in Form2, but if I were to chage the value …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for monxxx

Hi, i need some help about using swap() functions i am using this code: [CODE]var x: integer; begin x := $11223344; x := swap(x); edit1.text := inttohex(x); end; [/CODE] this code is working fin its swap like this: '22114433' but if i pud/add byte on like this: [CODE]var x: integer; …

Member Avatar for Clive29
Member Avatar for gilcimar

Hello staff, I have a program to Paschal that when he starts allocates the message "one more" open a window of DOS. When the program runs, is writing this message on the screen until you do not overthrow, is there. I need to implement this same routine another routine to …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Adz52

Hi there i have the task of making a progam that sorts out a list of words from a text file, i need to take the text file and then take the words and but then in a binary search tree, then i need to display them on screen in …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for gerhardjl

I am using Delphi 5 I wish to do date/time calcs I have noticed now that I require the 'DateUtils' unit in order to use Functions such as IncMinute What are my options to get a copy of 'DateUtils' unit for Delphi 5 Is it downloaded, free, or what? Please …

Member Avatar for gerhardjl
Member Avatar for glindhot

[code]begin Inc(GamesThisPlayer[Winner]); if GamesThisPlayer[Winner] = SampleGamesBatch then ProvisionalRating[Winner] := Rating[Winner]; Inc(GamesThisPlayer[Loser]); if GamesThisPlayer[Loser] = SampleGamesBatch then ProvisionalRating[Loser] := Rating[Loser] end;[/code] This extract of code is from a player rating program. A player either wins or loses. When a player has played a sample batch of games (20 in this case) …

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Member Avatar for lexdalex

Hi friends, i'm new to this forum.i need help from you guys .i have a client side executable file together with other dll files. this executable file is a delphi file. i want to generate the interface from this .This client side is for a cyber cafe system.how do i …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I am trying to compile some code using BDS2006 and have received the following err: [Pascal Fatal Error] Variants.pas (1035): F2092 program or unit 'Variant' recursively uses itself. The code is highlighted by the debugger at the end of line 1035 which is the final end; statement for the Procedure …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for joekim

i have a problem here and i got to use lists to solve it!! there is a furniture factory producing different kinds of furnitures but in sets, eg. (5 stools, 24 beds, 12 tables etc), these sets of furnitures r supposed to be in some kind of database. am supposed …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for begin02

Problem: here's the code. [code=pascal]program fun; Uses wincrt; var y:integer; ans:integer; function User(input:integer):integer; var x:integer; ans:integer; Begin readln(input); ans:=1; if (input>0) and (input<100) Then begin ans:=ans+input end else begin x:=User(input); halt; end; User:=ans; End; Begin ans:=User(y); writeln(ans); end.[/code] when run all work perfectly. when i entered 99 i got the …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Dajwalker

I have, today, made some comment regarding the Fibonacci "Pattern". To fully appreciate what the Fibonacci Pattern is requires a deep knowledge of nature. The simple piece of pascal code which I have witnessed only contributes to a very small part of the required knowledge. The Fibonacci pattern is not …

Member Avatar for Jade_me

i try to make fibonacci pattern but i confused. there are anyone give me a hand for this example?please.... thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for Dajwalker
Member Avatar for manutd4life

Hi am in prob. 4 me its now or never to pass. get a program to do. Convert binary to decimal octal to decimal binary to hexadecimal some1 can help me. i need some PRO so if interest post ur mail id and i'll mail u my paper if some1 …

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Member Avatar for sheady

[INDENT][/INDENT]I have created a Program that first searches and returns the contents of a file into a richedit then opens up the next file finds the matching record and displays that in the rich edit and then the same again with another file. [INDENT][/INDENT]My problem is that when i search …

Member Avatar for afripino
Member Avatar for mmx64

Hallo, can someone help me out: I have a stringgrid, where i display hex data of a file( a hexeditor), and i need to change the color of the cell, if i chenge the data inside it. How can i do that?? Thanks.

Member Avatar for mmx64
Member Avatar for mel1

Hello, I am having a bit of trouble with a hangman game that I am currently writing. The program runs without any error (syntax) however when I press a letter (buttons on the form), it simply states Congratulations, you were saved from the Gallows!' with only having had 1 go …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for mfran2002

hi everybody, i'm going to set the procedure for OnTimer event runtime but i don't know how... i've written the following (WRONG) program, can someone help me? var Timer1: TTimer; procedure PROC(Sender: TObject); begin .. end; begin Timer1.Create(Timer1) ; Timer1.Interval := 2000; Timer1.OnTimer := PROC; end;

Member Avatar for luis_ramos
Member Avatar for johnkurtz

Hey, could anybody lend me dijkstra's algorithm in pascal? (commented please). I have searched for it on Internet and I haven't find it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for luis_ramos
Member Avatar for sheady

Does anyone know how to do this just i have a piece of text in a rich edit which is in centre aligned but now i want it changed to be aligned to the right for the next bit of text???? Any help will be Appreciated

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for littleatomic

Hi, I am programming in Delphi for Win 32. I need to use a C# .Net component. I need to send the component a System.DateTime (.Net time struct), and at another point it requires a pointer to a System.DateTime struct to write to. Is there a way to do this …

Member Avatar for rayman341

I am working on porting C++ code to Delphi and I am only having a problem with the correct conversion of memmove() statements in the C++ code. If you or any one you know could help me to convert this C++ code to Delphi I would be thankful. // Move …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for rayman341

// Size of the encrypted buffer should be void XOREncrypt (unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long length, unsigned char* key) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length/8; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j < 8; ++j) buffer[i*8 + j] = buffer[i*8 + j]^key[j]; } // Calculate padding padding …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for rayman341

typedef struct iphdr { u_char ip_hl:4, /* header length */ ip_v:4; /* version */ u_char ip_tos; /* type of service */ short ip_len; /* total length */ u_short ip_id; /* identification */ short ip_off; /* fragment offset field */ #define IP_DF 0x4000 /* dont fragment flag */ #define IP_MF 0x2000 …

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The End.