2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for Xokzin

Hi, I'm using sql to extract data from the database tables. But the jobs are scheduled on Controlmem which are driven by the perl script. I'm still new in perl and I noticed that in order for the extracts to work I must have a -noq in the job. My …

Member Avatar for chaychie

Hi all, I am facing a problem here which would like to seek helps from the experts. I have a table which is able to display all the data in text field format from the database in a table. The users are able to edit the displayed data. I would …

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for senthilamp4

Dear Experts, Here i am written code for convert the text to CSV file conversion. i am facing a problem in while compare the two array to print the values row wise. below i have mentioned my code,input and output format. input : "OC192-11,OC192:CVS,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:ESS,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:SESS,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:SEFSS,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:CVL,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:ESL,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" "OC192-11,OC192:SESL,0,COMPL,NEND,RCV,1-DAY,02-11,00-00,1" …

Member Avatar for poorrich
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Evening All I have Silverlight application and it is rendering better(not Good) in IE and it renders differently from different browsers, like IE8,Firefox 3, 4, and worse in Chrome. i tried different examples , i used one example that was good , but the moment i view this in …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for pythonnoobie

I need to find a pattern of kind APP[a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9] in the body of HTML and then replace them with hyperlinks. I am using Beautiful Soup to replace as I am dealing with HTML content. For Eg: APPsd222 to [URL="http://www.dani.com/APPsd222"]APPsd222[/URL] APPfd333 to [URL="http://www.dani.com/APPfd333"]APPsd333[/URL] If you are not aware about Beautiful Soup, …

Member Avatar for pythonnoobie
Member Avatar for baig772

i am new to perl, before i ve ben working on php i want to knw that how i can run myperl script using wamp or how to activate perl in xampp please if any 1 can help me out

Member Avatar for senthilamp4
Member Avatar for Steve49855

Hello, I am new to Perl and am trying to write a script that will take a list of MAC addresses from a text file, and use them as parameters for a command line "wake on lan" executable program. The concept seemed simple enough. It's basically a batch script written …

Member Avatar for Steve49855
Member Avatar for Claude2005

Hello there, I installed [URL="http://www.activestate.com/activeperl"]ActivePerl[/URL] (I kept all default settings) and also downloaded [URL="http://search.cpan.org/~srezic/Tk-804.028/"]Tk 804.028[/URL] and extracted it to C:\Tk-804.029. I'm wondering why I keep on receiving this error whenever I run this simple script on my command prompt window (I'm using Windows XP Pro). [QUOTE]Can’t locate Tk.pm in @INC …

Member Avatar for jmichae3
Member Avatar for terabyte

I'm trying to convert html to plain text (remove all html tags) I don't want to use regex so I tried the module HTML::Parser and tried the parse() function but i got this error [CODE]Undefined subroutine &main::start called at getwords.pl line 27. [/CODE] and as a matter of fact I …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for svmer

Hi i want to know how to make space within hyperlinked text or images for example: <a href="http://www.daniweb.com">daniweb</a> <a href="http://www.daniweb.com">daniweb 2</a> so the output will be Daniweb daniweb 2 if add <BR> instead of </a> then it's now what i mean it's out put is that daniweb daniweb 2 is …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for perlnoob

Please Help me to extract the inner table to the outer table so that it will not have table within table because it is not good data.. thank you Raw Data [CODE]<item> <pre> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <tr> <td><p>"Gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best …

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu
Member Avatar for suvisoya

hi i am using webservice i added web reference into my project to call webservice method but below error was happend when i execute my project A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for nibalan

I am writing a script in perl for my project. I have given a snippet of the files below start.pl contains: system("/ws/nibalan/submain.pl"); submain.pl contains: system("/ws/nibalan/submanual.pl") open(INPUT, ">/users/$login/input"); - - some writing into input file submanual.pl contains: open(INPUT, "/users/$login/input"); open(MANUALANS, ">/users/$login/manualans.pl"); - - some writing into manualans.pl file While trying to …

Member Avatar for roswell1329
Member Avatar for senthilamp4

Hi Experts, Recently i written the script for text file to CSV file conversion. my script has read the directory and it would process the each file by file based on iteration. Coding and output was fine. i need to improve to speed up the script to convert the csv …

Member Avatar for senthilamp4
Member Avatar for MareoRaft

x.find() does not return the proper values for x.find('J'), x.find('K'), and x.find('.'). Do you know what could be the issue? It could possibly be x.substr() which is causing the issue. I want the variable q to be "q_J30_K5.txt". [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; short ato( string number ){ return …

Member Avatar for MareoRaft
Member Avatar for Diwakar Gana

Dear All, Can anybody tell me how to autoincrement the Hexa decimal value. For Ex: I am having the value FF0B in Result array and want increment it to FF0C. Now Result array should contain two values.

Member Avatar for Diwakar Gana
Member Avatar for terabyte

how can i get a variable inside a package example: [CODE] { package example; my $baz = "sometext"; sub new{ my $self = shift; bless \$self; } } my $foo = example->new; [/CODE] how can I get the value of $baz i tried [CODE]print $foo->{vv}; print $foo::vv[/CODE] and no luck …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for pinkeyore

my ADVENT laptop was working fine and then shut down it wont start up again, I get the ADVENT screen and the options F2 F8 and F12 but when i select any of them it just goes off and on again repeating the same performance... can anyone help

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for nonshatter

All, I have a simple question. What is the standard procedure for retrieving form values via POST method in a web form? Perl can be extremely awkward for web programming, I'd normally use something else, but in this case I need to use Perl for the CPAN module. Anyway, back …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii I am New in SalesForce CRM and i am facing big problem with Salesforce Web To lead form what i did i have created landing page and in which one lead Collection Form connected to Sales Force CRM now what is the problem i am facing is when i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for skymap

Hi, we have a USB superlink cable to transfer files from one pc to another, however we have not used it for a while, and we've lost the cd, and it was not installed onto the newer machines. BTW we dont use vista.. so auto finding the software and installing …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for ibakir

i'm working on adobe dreamweaver cs5 and i create a dynamical table contain a lot of training courses , any way if i click on one of those text it will go to the registration page and showing me the text that i clicked on connected with the text ID …

Member Avatar for ibakir
Member Avatar for bio-grad

I posted a similar thread back in Nov and got some great help. I'm modifying the code to be useful to not only compare multiple columns from two separate files, but also to classify each line from @hairpin to determine if the parameters fall within any of the ESThits, outside …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for anarchy2cruo

hi..i am new to perl language..ive given a task to extract some info from a logfile and print the extracted to a new file..what make it difficult is because it need to extract vetically..for example below with some conditions; [ICODE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C H W S Z S W T C …

Member Avatar for anarchy2cruo
Member Avatar for tejaminnu

Hi, I have been trying to execute this program and i am getting an error. Kindly help me. #!usr/bin/perl -w # The filename of the file which contains the protein sequence $proteinfilename = '/users/sukeerthiteja/desktop/perl/NM_021964fragment.pep'; # First open the file and associate a filehandle with it. for readability purpose lets use …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for eagle1140
Member Avatar for aspproject
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Hi guys! Does any body tried to repair dell latitude c600?I've got a dell latitude for repair with windows xp, everything works fine except the build in keyboard..Some keys are not functioning properly like the windows icon, c, x, v almost everything on the left side.. Ive done lot of …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all, am using a regex (in php), but I'm all confused. I'm trying to replace a string ('di') with 'deu'. SImple enough, but I don't want a replacement if 'di' is preceded by 'io' as in 'iodine', 'iodic', 'iodide' etc. This is what I have: [CODE]'/(?<!io)di/i'[/CODE] It works fine …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for anraevlus18

Hi, Could any one tell me what is wrong with my code? It does not time out after 5 seconds which is what i need. It remains in the infinit loop. [CODE] #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub comeOut; $SIG{ALRM} = \&comeOut; while (1) { }; eval { alarm …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

When we click on the Hyperlink of subject a new HTML Page should be pop up and shows the body of the mail. I have written two perl codes first is for displaying the page with folders with subject another perl code having function to show the body.How can I …

Member Avatar for hsincredible

The End.