39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for brentv911

Hello, I'm looking for a way to make a simple multi line text box in PHP. I am trying to make a text box a couple thousand characters log. but when i try to create it, it just makes a very long text box. I can't seem to find any …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Newbi

Hi i am fairly new to php and am trying to make an application where some1 enters a unique id which brings up a form with data in it retrieved from the database. the user should then be able to edit the information and submit & the details changed in …

Member Avatar for Newbi
Member Avatar for dwdata

I have one page that has several form actions: [CODE]form action="maze_enter.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="finance" target="_self"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="style11"><a href="#" onclick="document.finance.submit();return false;">Enter Maze</a> </span></td> </tr> </form> <form action="maze_enter.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="shop" target="_self"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="style11"><a href="#" onclick="document.shop.submit();return false;">Enter Maze</a> </span></td> </tr> </form> [/CODE] I want …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello guys, after some searching and playing around and ofcourse with alot of help. i have got this code, which basically GETs ID from browser and then sends them an email, but why isnt it working, can some one please show me why. thank you [code=php] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost", …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for arvindikchari

Hello I have a ticket helpdesk script that I am converting to make it completely skinnable. For this, there is a file called header.php which includes the link to a css file. The code is below [code] <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php print $GLOBALS["URL"];?>/templates/gothica/aquarius.css" type="text/css" /> [/code] I want that the path …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for star69

Hi, I am trying to do my terms and conditions and I had trouble with this error it kept saying on line 68 I went to it and there was nothing I could see wrong, so I started all over again put it in a fresh and now it is …

Member Avatar for star69
Member Avatar for CFROG

I'm working on trying to approve photos that get posted. It works fine, but to keep files with the same name from overwriting each other I went with assigning them a random number. The problem is that even if a file is not uploaded it still writes a random number …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for whitestream6

Thank you for the tutorial last time on query strings :) It worked for me, this is my working query string: [code=php]<? $i=$_GET['vehicle']; switch ($i) { case Chrysler: include("chryslernew.php"); break; case Chevrolet: include("chevnew.php"); break; default: echo "include ("nopage.php")"; } ?>[/code] However, I'm trying to get my PHP URLs with query …

Member Avatar for whitestream6
Member Avatar for zeusofolus

I have a query that is returning customer data. I want to pass the $row['VisitorID'] Value on using the _GET _POST superglobal in two different links one that goes to a page to edit users profile and one that edits the users order preferences. I can get one or the …

Member Avatar for zeusofolus
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all I would like to start debugging and have been doing some searching on the web, but everything I find is pretty complicated. (I'm just starting to learn web developping) Does anyone know where to find good, plain, correct instructions, for setting up my environment for debugging? I'm using …

Member Avatar for K?!
Member Avatar for talisien

[CODE=PHP] <? // This is the directory to list files for. $theDirectory = "upload"; // without the / // Do you want to show directories? change to false to hide directories. $listDirectories = false; if(is_dir($theDirectory)) { echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; $dir = opendir($theDirectory); $counter = 1; while(false !== ($file = …

Member Avatar for heroic

i am trying to make a small search script, but i cannot get it to search for a particular keyword that may end in a space... my input string is like... amit qby:name hello i want the preg_match to gimme qby:name another input string can be amit qby:name i can …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jbd4d

so i have a program that is supposed to update a table called master by increasing the clicked field by 1 for every time the email shows up on a second list (tempop); it worked fine when i tested it on a small dataset - the tables were 5000 and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for skipbales

I read all the thread on a similar post from 2006 but did not find an answer there. I can not redirect on my localhost (Apache) or on my hosted site (Apache). I was using a function created in a php course I took then switched to a basic piece …

Member Avatar for skipbales
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I use [inlinecode]header("Cache-Control: private");[/inlinecode] to prevent page expiry problem. It is to make browser’s “Back” button work otherwise; page expires if user hits “Back” button to go back and see previous pages. I have 3 steps buying process. 1. Delivery address selection from radio boxes 2. Creadit card details …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for saveyourtime

Does anyone know how I would go about searching through an array for repeated values and return the one with the smaller index? For example: $array[0]= "timmy"; $array[1] = "joe"; $array[2] = "elmo"; $array[3] = "clarissa"; $array[4] = "joe"; I need a function that will return "1" if I do …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for penepepe

Hi there! I'm very new to php and I'm trying to send an email with an attachment from my localhost. I have only managed to receive simple emails but not the attachment so far. Is there a particular problem with localhosts and attachments or it's just my scripts? (i've tried …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for matkene

Pls, i am installing claroline and this is displayed on the browser WARNING ! SYSTEM UNABLE TO FIND CONFIGURATION SETTINGS. What can i do?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for K?!

Hi all I'm used to programming in Java, which does support method overloading. So when starting to use PHP, I quickly found that this was not supported in PHP. But why and how is this supported with "system methods" (I don't know if that name is correct) like, for example, …

Member Avatar for K?!
Member Avatar for jino

Dear All,, I have a search query for searching 40 fields that are belonging to 5 different tables.. I have used INNER JOIN for this purpose... I have stored the search conditions into a $string variable and the result is getting correctly.. Here comes the problem.... I want to paginate …

Member Avatar for kashif farooq
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, i am currently using my localserver dont have a hosting where i can test it, so i would like to know if this basic idea will work or not. Here is the code do you think if i enter the ID it will get the email and then …

Member Avatar for NoID
Member Avatar for sandeep.nami

hi guys i have seen this new line of code and surprised! mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or testFun(); i know that this is used in db connections i want to know all the applications of 'or' guys plz help me

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for BigDan531

okay guys ive got this page in which i want to verify the key that the user inputs with the key in my sql database, and then it updates a row called user_okay when i click on the enter button. [code] <?php session_start(); include ('dbc.php'); //if ($_POST['Submit']=='Enter') // { $keys …

Member Avatar for pin8marian
Member Avatar for vtek

From what I can gather on the internet this is a fairly easy piece of PHP script but success is eluding me. Maybe im missing something really small like punctuation or an uppercase letter or maybe its something else. Im wondering would it be possible that theres conflict between java …

Member Avatar for jagadishwor
Member Avatar for BigDan531

Hi all i need some help with my code. i have a page where i want to update a row 'key' in my table users with a new value that i have generated. dbc.php [code] <?php $dbname = 'phplogin'; $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("Couldn't make connection."); $db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $link) …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Allison2009

Hi, We have developed a website, viz., [url]http://www.plussizebeauties.com[/url] for plus size women. This website is viewed best in Mozilla Firefox. But when you view this in IE, the top alignment is not coming accurately. Could anyone suggest reasons for this, so that I could correct my website. Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for Allison2009
Member Avatar for papermusic

[CODE] <?php include 'dbc.php'; $query = "SELECT * FROM em.tutor"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "Name :{$row[0]} <br>" . "Subject : {$row[1]} <br>" . "Message : {$row[2]} <br><br>". "Message1 : {$row[3]} <br><br>". "Message2 : {$row[4]} <br><br>". "Message3 : {$row[5]} <br><br>". "Message : {$row[6]} <br><br>". "Message : …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for papermusic

test_imagedb_create.php [CODE] <? $dbserver = "localhost"; $dbuser = "root"; $dbpass = ""; $dbname = "em"; $dbconn = @mysql_connect($dbserver,$dbuser,$dbpass) or exit("SERVER Unavailable"); @mysql_select_db($dbname,$dbconn) or exit("DB Unavailable"); $sql = "SELECT image_type,image FROM em.testblob WHERE id =". $_GET["id"]; $result = @mysql_query($sql,$dbconn) or exit("QUERY FAILED!"); $contenttype = @mysql_result($result,0,"imgtype"); $image = @mysql_result($result,0,"imgdata"); header("Content-type: $contenttype"); echo …

Member Avatar for papermusic
Member Avatar for Sethron

I created a login and registration page with the following code, but it seems to have a syntax error at the command prompt "die ()", and I'm not sure as to how to fix it? Name the table "dbUsers." It will need 4 fields: Name Type Addition id int(10) Primary …

Member Avatar for otakua
Member Avatar for levtyler

I want to sort the result of a while loop alphabetically, here is the code. I am new at this and I tried everything I can think of, but I am still clueless. Thanks for anyone who could help. [code=php] <?php while (loop_collections()): ?> <div class="collection"> <h2><?php echo link_to_collection(); ?></h2> …

Member Avatar for TommyBs

The End.