39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sukhy_1

Hello ive got a login form and when each person log's in i want there details to appear automatically in textboxes what kind of code do i require?? is it sessions not sure, there details are stored in a table called students in mysql database table :)

Member Avatar for hunkychop
Member Avatar for husna_feza

dear guys out there...can u guys help me on how to inverse 3x3 using php.. i get really confuse wit it since i an a newbie with this php..help me guys!!!:'(

Member Avatar for hunkychop
Member Avatar for marlonbrando

Hi, I am new to PHP and i want to know the basics of php regarding how can it be used for a web designing purpose,i have tried a lot but there was some success but most of my attempts were not successful.i need a help .

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for justted

Hello everyone, I seem to be having a problem inserting some information into a MySQL table. Below is a copy of the MySQL table code I used and also the PHP code. I was wondering if anyone can help me find out why it wont insert the information. What I …

Member Avatar for RoryGren
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, is there in PHP a way how to determine in real time geographical area from IP. I mean rough estimation e.g. Asia, USA, Russia etc.? Thanks in advance for any advice!

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for sagedavis

I am banging my head against the wall here. I've tried everything that I can think of to get this to work. [code] class myData { function myStuff($sql){ $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $adId = $row['adId']; $adName = $row['adName']; $adData .= "my adId is $adId …

Member Avatar for sagedavis
Member Avatar for mspake

hi y'all. i just found this site today, but so far, it looks great. anywho, i need a little help. i'm sure it's simple but i'm having a major brain fart. in the part that says 'this_is_where_i_need_the_redirect' i want it to go to a page named invalid.htm. what the heck …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for Dsiembab

Good afternoon, Quick question, this may not make any sense but it is a thought, I was thinking, like I usually like to do, when you pass variables over a browser would it be crazy to md5 hash and salt the variables id and keep them in a db table …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for sukhy_1

Hello the code below checks if the email is real but when a real email is entered for some reason or another it states undefined when the sumit button is clicked even though the email entered is real. if no email is entered is says enter a an email, if …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for kusal

Hello I have a category select menu, what I want is to when user select a category I have to repopulate the sub category select menu with items can I do this with out AJAX, it does not matter if there is a another request can I use a onchange …

Member Avatar for kusal
Member Avatar for sukhy_1

Hello people i need some help, ive got all the code but having problems making it work. The webpage which i am creating allows the user to select day and time and when they click search it displays the results and i want the user to be able to select …

Member Avatar for sukhy_1
Member Avatar for lydia21

is it possible to alert session variable.is the syntax is correct... [CODE=php]<html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- function login() { alert($_SESSION["un"]); } --> </SCRIPT> </head> <body bgcolor="#f1f3f3"> <form> <?php print "<input type='submit' value='submit' onClick='javascript:login();'>"; ?> </form> </body> </html>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dark06

[CODE=php]<? $c = $_POST['col']; $r = $_POST['rw']; ?> <? for($cvchk = 1; $cchk<= $c; $cchk ++) { echo $cchk."<br>"; for($rchk = 1; $rchk<= $r; $rchk ++) { echo $rchk." "; } } ?> [/CODE] i don't know what is wrong with this one i want the output to become this …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for kishou

ok i think someone got into my sever. and when ever you try to go to like sdlfsdjklfjlkdsfjk.php or any page that doesnt exist but has a .php it says "No input file selected". Anyone know why? I think someone got in using my File upload manager. but i deleted …

Member Avatar for RoryGren
Member Avatar for justted

Hello everyone, Im once having problems trying to retrieve information from one of my tables. I have a table with the following information: [code] CREATE TABLE `island2` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `island` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `town` int(11) NOT NULL …

Member Avatar for justted
Member Avatar for Diode

The title might be messed up a bit; I didn't know how else to title it... Basically I'm making a web page for a guy who sells sports memorabilia/penants/team clocks, etc. for free as a favor, and I'm making the item create page where you type in the name of …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for OmniX

I know you cannot have multiple headers in a section of code. But is there a way to make it work? I require 1 header to refresh the page. I require 1 header to open a new page. Note: The refresh paged is not the new paged that is opened. …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for frannydee

Hi everyone !!! I'm new here... and i have my first question... let's see if someone can help me... I have a form on the web i'm working that collects messages from viewers in a database, right? How can I make a script to send me an automatic e-mail everytime …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for rajivloharuka

Hi All, I am trying to send some data using Ajax and recieve that data in php code using _POST method. But my data contains "&" and _POST method takes it as a seperating token and data after tht does not get passed. Does anyone has a solution to this. …

Member Avatar for sagedavis
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

Now i know how Display someones information from DataBase after loggin In using php. Now i want to understand how can i arrange the profile. So that the profile will be more proffesional. For example. a table in which someones info are, including picture,message,video, even a search box if one …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for mcx76

I installed oscommerce successfully.But when i try to place order through payment by paypal. At paypal page the message comes as below [QUOTE][B]Please provide an amount and click Update Totals Item osCommerce Price $0[/B][/QUOTE] Please be advice how i can get the information which order is placed and price on …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi and thanks for looking. The code below is my signup page and it all goes fine until i have to compare the code i sent to their email address with the code they copy into a textbox. It works but only on when you submit the form and then …

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Member Avatar for Scottmandoo

Couls someone help me fix this code, I think I need to put in a function and a return but i'm not quite sure. All the code does is return the value # for everything even letters [CODE=php]$letter = ucfirst($_POST['tut_name']); $letter2 = $letter{0}; if($letter2 = 1) { $letter3 = '#'; …

Member Avatar for Scottmandoo
Member Avatar for ujwalkhairnar25

hi please tell me the answer of this question How to give the variable value to textfield on same page?

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for miss_bismillah

Can someone give me idea on how to remove image url? For example when i click on the news link..the news information will come out..In the news information page, i only want text.I dont want to display the image. How can i figure out the image.Cause my problem is.. the …

Member Avatar for sagedavis
Member Avatar for BenWill

Hey all im basically a bit lost when it comes to how to do something in PHP. Im new to php programming and any help would be greatly appreciated: I have a query that displays a list of courses (In a while loop).. now all these courses belong to say …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for sukhy_1

How can i allow a user to select only 2checkboxes, if they choose more then 2an error message will appear saying you can only select 2, heres my code below where the checkboxes are used. // Loop through data and display [code=php]while($a_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<tr>". '<td style="color: black;"><input …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for maxmannuk

Just set up a local host with php an apache 2.2............. it says all working fine but when I test, it looks like apache dosn't know what to do with php and asks if it shouldm open with a program or download???? any ideas......... Brian

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i created a databases with name,lastname,username,password,email,country and proffesion. Also created a registration form. apart from from i also created a Login Form in which only username and password. Now I need when Someone is logen in To view all of his Datas supplied while registering. How can i Do this?? …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi all, I was wondering how to you create application in PHP . Do you have any program tool ? Or you write Forms or you do something else . Do you know any good site about application development in php . Thank you for your info .

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.