39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for guyco

I am creating a real estate site and on the navigation tab it reads "search for your property" When you click it opens to my search page with all my contact info. I have an address the mls search group provided, but I want to have it open when my …

Member Avatar for guyco
Member Avatar for w_3rabi

how to force a page to some character set? im not talking about the meta thing what i need is something like yahoo mail beta when u change the character set the page rechange it to the one specified thnx in advance

Member Avatar for marcuskona

Hi everyone im getting this error when i try to execut the code via a browser, its a SOAP call to a footprints webservices server written in php, well it only shows me this error. I pasted the entire code below minus my username and password :) [code=php] <h2>Web Service …

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Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow

Hi everyone,can ffmpeg-php for PHP run under windows?If it can could anyone give me instructions on how to install it on windows. thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Anupkumar

This is a general discussion. [B]Now a days file sharing through torrents has become very popular. People are actively participating in sharing the illegal and copyrighted matrilas like movies, songs, games and other stuffs. [/B] [U][COLOR="red"]Even though knowing that their IP can be traced out from the trackers people are …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for njagi

Hi I have made a HTML Form with check boxes and text boxes for submitting data to the database table Problem is it does not capture the values in the text boxes array but captures the one on the check boxes but the values in the text boxes is blank …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow

good day,does anyone know how to play .flv files using php?It can play using javascript and I was wondering if I can code that too using php and with database involved?thanks..

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for theleo

hello, i'm new to this place; here's what i'm trying to do.... i am very new to web site development . I am running a local appache host, with php i am trying to get some sort of user input, so i decided to go for FormToEmail.com php script as …

Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

when we click on BOLD tab up of this texarea then [ b][ /b] tags are appeared inside the textbox..........How can I use this process in my text area...........help me giving the idea or any type of code

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Book38

I know that most of you are not frame fans. Let me explain why I need them. I have a few affiliate programs that make me money. However, I have found that there are some people who have hijacked my affiliate id and some who get to the destination page …

Member Avatar for mag00
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

[B]How can I insert text in special form in a textarea and as well as in the database......[/B] e.g. [code=html] [B]H<sub>2</sub>O[/B] [/code]

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for carvey

with regard to this code I need your help on how to make a code in online examination 1.first how to random the examination 2.How to make a condition whether the examinees will pass or not 3. and how to make a time limit with the examination heres program in …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for shaza2008

Ok my problem is I already success make a form with multiple check box. When I submit form it successfully goes to my mysql database. But the funny thing is on my run screen it's shows error like this. Notice: Undefined index: kursusa3 in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\ctlcourseapply\insert_application.php on line 15 Notice: …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for mag00

Anybody know of a good one? One that tells where they came from and when they exit. I have been trying a few out that I got off of hotscripts and haven't found one I like. If possible I would like to put in root directory without having a script …

Member Avatar for longtime
Member Avatar for shaza2008

Good Morning, I have problem with check box using PHP. I want to make course registration form. In that form contain 2 type of course that user must select. Course 1 - Course Related to Teaching and Learning. Under this option contain 4 different course. Course 2 - Course Related …

Member Avatar for Eiolon
Member Avatar for culp

Hi I am webmaster of a small website called [url]www.real-songs.com[/url] The site is a way for unsigned bands in the Northeast of England to get their music heard and promoted and as such stores around 100 MP3 files of different band's songs. On Friday lunch time the site traffic suddenly …

Member Avatar for shovels
Member Avatar for guyco

I have to send monthly promotions for my commercial real estate business. I wish to send them to around 300 brokers and would like to use something beside the bcc function. I am using outlook 2003 and trying to create a new distribution list for this. Any advice? Thanks

Member Avatar for shovels
Member Avatar for danarashad

Please help I have been trying to insert a timestamp field into a DB. But to no avail. Here's my code. I am using a hidden field. <input type="hidden" value="<? echo date("m-j-y g:i:s A"); ?>" name="time" /> Then on my action page, I do the following. $stime=$_POST['time']; then my insert …

Member Avatar for shovels
Member Avatar for kyandebishop

I have writen a script to display a daily devotion every day and stored the message in the Mysql database. i am in the Central time zone but our server seems to be in Pacific time zone. I hosted the site with some guys godaddy.cm. The problem is the message …

Member Avatar for MitkOK
Member Avatar for bdude

I'm used to pythons [inlinecode]'string' in var[/inlinecode] to determine whether a string is found in another string, how can I replicate this in PHP?

Member Avatar for bdude
Member Avatar for jonathan.jbkt

I have a php email form that is giving me greif. It is sending blank messages. Could anyone take a look at the code and help. It would be greatly appreciated. contact.php [code] <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function Validate(form) { if (form.name.value == "") { alert("Please insert your name"); form.name.focus(); return; } …

Member Avatar for jonathan.jbkt
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Peace, I made a mail form and I want to enable The HTML in the Mail Message, How can I do it?... I wrote in the headers: $headers='From:Management<[EMAIL="info@3malas.com>'"]info@3malas.com>'[/EMAIL];

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for Rika

hello all, Im trying to dynamically insert text onto a page by inserting a value from a query string using php. This was simple enough when i wanted to insert the entire value, but im having trouble finding information on how to search the value for a word (from a …

Member Avatar for Eko
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Peace, I saw a chat Program on the Net... The Messages In it automatically shows itselves without reloading the web-page.. I saw that and I wondered.... Does Any one know how to do that?

Member Avatar for hacker9801
Member Avatar for tirivamwe

i have this code: include('DB_connection.php'); $result = mysql_query('select * from login'); $count = mysql_num_fields($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){ $header .= mysql_field_name($result, $i)."\t"; } while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $line = ''; foreach($row as $value){ if(!isset($value) || $value == ""){ $value = "\t"; }else{ # important to escape any …

Member Avatar for JeniF
Member Avatar for phobia1

Hi Guys What I am trying to do is allow a 3 x 3 grid of images and then have bottom navigation. You can see the existing layout at http://areabulgaria.net/properties.php Here is the code to where I am so far, since I'm no real programmer, its giving me a headache. …

Member Avatar for phobia1
Member Avatar for rime

How can I disable the submit button with JAVA Script untill all the mandatory fieleds are filled? if any body can help.. its urgent please

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi every1. im wrtting a chat system!,the problem i dont no how to insert the value of a variable into the db(mysql) i no connection and insertion, but only data, nat variable, plz help

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi im creating a chat project in php! ive created a database that is used to authorize loggin! im having problem with the chat page itself. on the page therz a textarea and a form and submit button! im confused! i dont know whether to use a txt file to …

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for vickymesh

I am making a forum using phpbb3! But there are more that 1000 files to upload, and I am too lazy to do that! How can I upload more files (I am using free 50 webs accounts for web design company which allows only one upload at a time!) Tell …

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The End.