39,388 Topics

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I receive an error on system startup like the one in the attachment. But php_mysql.dll file actually is in C:\Prog\SERVER\PHP\ext folder in my computer. How can I change this incorrect setting?

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for marufsiddiqui

I need to develop a wap site (namely a mobie content site), i want to do it with php & Wml, but the prob is i dont know anything how can i merege these 2 thing at a time can any1 gimme some help on this also plz gimme some …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for dumisibanda

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): 3 is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BMF\Web\news.php on line 63 Records 1 to 2 of 2 [code=PHP]<table width="355" height="50" border="0" align="left"> <tr> <td><strong>Date</strong></td> <td><strong>Subject</strong></td> </tr> <?php do { ?> <tr> <td> <a href="details.php?recordID=<?php echo $row_news['id']; ?>"> <?php echo $row_news['date']; ?>&nbsp; </a> </td> <td> <?php echo …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Dsiembab

Good morning, Is there a php function that will take the text out of a tag in a variable that has HTML in it? What I want to do is get the text from in-between the <h1> tags and use it as a title in my meta tags. Let's say …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for elderp

Here is my code: [code] if ($num = $i) { echo ("<p align='left'>It's everyone's unbirthday today!</p><br>") } else { while ($i < $num) { [B]$name=[/B]mysql_result[B]($result,$i,[/B][COLOR=green]"[/COLOR]username[COLOR=green]"[/COLOR][B]);[/B] [B]$day=[/B]mysql_result[B]($result,$i,[/B][COLOR=green]"[/COLOR]bday[COLOR=green]"[/COLOR][B]);[/B] [B]$city=[/B]mysql_result[B]($result,$i,[/B][COLOR=green]"[/COLOR]lpcity[COLOR=green]"[/COLOR][B]);[/B] [B]$email=[/B]mysql_result[B]($result,$i,[/B][COLOR=green]"[/COLOR]emailques[COLOR=green]"[/COLOR][B]);[/B] echo [COLOR=green]"[/COLOR]<br>[COLOR=green]Username: $name[/COLOR]<br>[COLOR=green]Birthday: $day[/COLOR]<br>[COLOR=green]City From: $city[/COLOR]<br>[COLOR=green]On Emailing?: $email[/COLOR]<br><br><hr><br>"; $i++; } echo("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='[COLOR=green]3[/COLOR]' color='#FF0000'>If your information is wrong please email lpbirthdays@johnpedroza.com …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Slavis81

Hello, I am a newbie coder and I am trying to find a way to create a php mailing list. Ive tried looking around but have only succeeded in becoming more lost and confused. I would like the users to enter their email address into the text box and click …

Member Avatar for elderp
Member Avatar for cancer10

How do I restrict all php sites (which are located on my server) not to consume more than a specified amount of CPU? FYI, I run Linux CentOS 4.4 with Apache Thanx

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Sam152

Hi guys, I have a little code below that seems to keep returning the errors: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/site.com/pics.php on line 70 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/site.com/pics.php on line 84. When I remove …

Member Avatar for einfoway
Member Avatar for Ciscoguy

I am getting the following error coming up and cant figeur it out Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /mnt/w0505/d37/s36/b0252bde/www/HorizonMarketing/nfoscomm/catalog/admin/orders.php on line 99 here is my code hope someone can help me [code] <?php /* $Id: orders.php,v 1.112 2003/06/29 22:50:52 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com …

Member Avatar for einfoway
Member Avatar for smac

Hi, I'm writing a program that parses a *lot* of log files into a database. It's completely O-O, and each object opens a database connection to mysql using [B]mysqli->connect()[/B]. Here's my problem - the program works great for a limited number of log files, but if I run it over …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for hi-hacker

hi :icon_eek: Parents, youth and daughters This file config and r3aea directory sites I want to help break encryption zend :icon_sad: Please If disengagement encryption Please help my site config Encrypted zend ? Help me to lift the encryption zend config and r3aea ? Please :) If disengagement encryption zend …

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Member Avatar for mithesh

hi i have inserted the date value into the database but its showing as 0000-00-00 why like this can anybody help me whats the correct format to insert date from a drop down list to the database ; heres my code to handle this : <?php include("dmy.php"); echo "<Html><Head></Head>"; $setdate …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Dsiembab

Good Morning, I finally made a php calculator program which combines compound interest and added fees, The only problem is when I use the the round() function if the fee ends in a zero it does not show the zero. example </php echo round($var,2);?> if $var equals let's say 3.001 …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for bharat_bhusanam

I want to send a html mail with multi-language in php. Some part of mail content is from database. And some part user have to enter. My database is ok. And Unicode utf-8 is used. When I am retrieving data from database to my web page is ok. And coming …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for gallopers

hi there im very new at web site building and have built a few basic sites over the last year with the help of a couple of online html tutorials and dreamweaver. im at a stage where i feel i can build a site that seems to look and run …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for php_coder

Hey all I am kind of stuck with this WP issue...... The issue is this , client wants different layouts in the same theme. for eg: the home page will be 1 layout and other pages(posts) will be having different layouts.(having different CSS). How can i do this with a …

Member Avatar for zingomams
Member Avatar for netlatch

I am new to AJAX but I have managed to get most of what I need done with AJAX on my site; except one thing that is still eluding me. I am using ajax to post any new entries to the sites DB to the web page in random places …

Member Avatar for mithesh

hi i just have a drop down menu which consists of date i need to submit the values and parse those values into date is it possible to do that my code is as <html> <head> <title>TESTING THE DATE</title> </head> <body> <form action="insert10.php" method="post"> <select name="day"> //<option value="null" selected="selected"> </option> …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello guys! I am editing a program regarding billing system done in Php and MySQL and generated using the Code Charge Studio. I have problem in validating a newly entered data. What i want is to check if the billing statement number is existing or not and will not saved …

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Member Avatar for rinko

I am using Apache 2 with windows web server 2003 on the windows XP. I have problem using exec() command. My safe_mode is off. Does anyone know what can be the reason why exec() does not function? It is interesting that immediately when I restart the Apache server exec() command …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for icreate

Please help. I don’t consider myself technically savvy, though I am doing my own web site and have managed it for several years. My husband helps with a lot of the questions that I have and can often figure things out when I cannot. With that said, this is what …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for alex905

well here is the part of my script that is malfuctioning. [CODE]require "config2.php"; require "config.php"; $result = mysql_query( "SELECT `sum` FROM `subs`" ); $sq = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $value = $sq['sum']; $val = preg_replace('/$/', '', $value); ?> <br> <?php echo $val; $query = mysql_query( "SELECT title, threadid FROM `thread` WHERE forumid = …

Member Avatar for coolkartik
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

I need to return some HTML code stored as a text data type in my database. Is there a way to return this HTML effiencly through PHP that will execute this code when HTML parses the page? Currently I have this: [CODE]$result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sponsors"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for pbrookee

Hello again... I've connected to th edb but i need to insert into the db in phpmyadmin.... I dont get any errors it says that it has inserted the data, but it hasn't...please help... my code... $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ""); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); …

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Member Avatar for leopardsag

We all know [URL="http://www.wordpress.com"]http://www.wordpress.com[/URL] We create account there and it comes like: [URL="http://www.javedkhalil.wordpress.com"]http://www.javedkhalil.wordpress.com[/URL] or [URL="http://www.leopardsag.wordpress.com"]http://www.leopardsag.wordpress.com[/URL] Ok now is it possible in php that we give user permission to create a website or a single page on our domain and its url will be like that. User name is added before …

Member Avatar for 123cc

Hi, I am using a PHP form and I would like to have the ability to convert any emails and URLs that are in the post to automatically have a hyperlink. I don't want to enable any other html tag other than the hyperlink in my posts and I am …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for pbrookee

Hello all...I am having a little trouble with using an ifelse statement to print information from one page to another. I have a form that has several questions and the user has to select one out of the few radio buttons...etc...when done they hit submit which is 'confirmed' on the …

Member Avatar for pbrookee
Member Avatar for vssp

hi friends How to display the google map using php? and how to calculate the latitude and longitude using php .Please send me any sample code . Please advise Thanks

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Member Avatar for invisal

It is my first time in here and also my first question. I hate to admit it that I got stuck now. I got the Apache set up on my new computer and also the PHP5. After that, I modified the Apache2 httpd.conf file. [i]I added this into my configure …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for dmcutaia

Hi - I am just learning PHP. I installed Apache, PHP and MySql on my computer (XP pro) and it is working. I use dreamweaver and when I preview it - my php code works. However, when my code does not work, instead of getting a syntax error, I just …

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The End.