39,387 Topics
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i have: [PHP] function numero() { $R .= rand (1,100000000000000); } $sql = "INSERT INTO boleto (`numero`) VALUES ('".numero()."')"; $comsql = mysql_query($sql) or DIE("ERRO Mysql: ".mysql_error()); [/PHP] and why no insert the rand number? why? | |
Hi everyone, I have a SQL statement that runs just fine: select distinct(b.swName), a.mwBillToCompanyID, a.mwPaymentTerm, c.swCountry, d.mwCommCode, e.mwGRWarehouse, e.mwDongle, case when e.mwExportStatus in ('B','C','EL','EUS') then 'End Use Required' else 'No End Use Required' end as 'EndUse', dbo.mw_Get_Distrib_Countries(a.mwBillToCompanyID) as 'Countries in Territory', mwDiscountName, dbo.mw_Get_Distrib_Discounts(a.mwBillToCompanyID) as 'Discount Amounts' from mw_office_info a join … | |
I know that you might get mad at me for posting this here, but I CAN'T seem to get anyone's help elsewhere. I installed a simple attachment mod for a phpbb forum, and it's done something...I get these three errors: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by … | |
hi, i'm really a newbie and hoping that anyone can help me with this. I have a Window XP installed running IE6. i sometime run registryfix to clean up window. ...recently, when i run registryfix, it stops at HKey_Current_User/software/microsoft/internet explorer/main/showedcheckbrowser. ...It stops and then abort the operation of registryfix. Thus … | |
Hi there, i am looking for a random google search script, which i have seen several month ago on a site, i couldn`t remember. Its very simple just graps some words from a dictonary file and send it to google with a seach reply. Maybe someone knows where i can … | |
hi, I am not able to make out the use of vcalendar.I think it suits my need. I would like to make a small apllication that would be working in a intranet and the issue is I want to get some data of date expiry in the client outlook or … | |
I am really not sure what kind of problem this is but my guss is that it has to do something with php here is the code: [PHP]echo "<tr> <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">"; for ($I=0;$I<$nrow;$I++) { $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result); extract($row1); echo "<a href=\"./result?result_catalog=$TBL\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://www.eezs.com/images/$Picture\" width=\"111\" height=\"90\" /></a>"; if ($I == … | |
I would like to have weather on my website, just current conditions. I have seen some websites that have it on it now. Here is one I like : [url]http://www.accrisoft.com/index.php?submenu=Contact&src=gendocs&link=ContactInformation&category=Contact[/url] Can someone help me out on this? Thanks alot. :) | |
hi .... i want a code in php make me can to send an email from my web site for any one with image and text ... plze help me :-| :-| :rolleyes: :cry: | |
Hi, I bought a turnkey website that is just like the-car-site(.com) For some reason when a user logs in and posts an item for sale, the item does not show up in the search results. Can someone tell me what to do to fix it? | |
Hello everyone. I have a page that echos success on a successful login, and I want it to then sleep(2); and then redirect to another page. Unfortunately and obviously, the headers are already sent if I'm in the body of the page. So, is there a way (with any language, … | |
I have a script on my website that requires an includes.php file to work. I am trying to control the font size of the links that it provides but I do not know how to do that. Can someone help me? Here is the code on my site that gets … | |
Hello there! We're working on development of a site for a person who would like a calendaring function for the site users. Specifically we're looking for a small-sized calendar (approx 2"x2" at the largest) that can show (by hilighting or a small graphic) what the current day of the month … | |
hello all i want to update my online store and i want also to know is it good to do it in PHP or should i use ASP again cuz for my opinion i dont like the design of the website and you can all check it here [url]Http://www.hamilalmusk.com[/url] and … | |
I recently purchased a domain name on a server that came with a website that has been set up like a classifieds site. an example is at [url]www.the-car-site.com[/url]. It uses php to run the whole thing. I don't like the way the site has been set up graphically and so … | |
I have a classified site and when I try to add a listing through the site admin panel I get the following error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/n2ads/public_html/includes.php:292) in /home/n2ads/public_html/siteadmin/AddOffer.php on line 54 Can someone help me fix it? | |
Hi people, once again I need your help. :o I have just installed a toplist {[url=http://www.artanderotica.com/toplist/]Here[/url]} I want to put it centered on the bottom of {[url=http://www.artanderotica.com/links]This Page[/url]} I am mildly familiar with php includes and iframes, but I don't know the best way to go about doing this and … | |
Hi people, I have been trying to develop a database searching PHP script and encountered some problem. The problem is that whatever I type in as the keyword the script would return me all the entries from the database regardless of whether the word is actually there or not. Can … | |
Hi, I installed apache 2.0 But when i look to system tray, PhpGeek Utility is not working. When i click phpgeek in the windows service, i saw path : c:\apache\apache.exe But this not true, because i installed it program files folder. :cry: Before instalition of apache 2, i installed an … | |
I've got AutoRank 2.0 and uploaded all the files to my public_html folder an CHMOD the folders like the directions told me, but when I run the installer, I am propted by a login/password box but it won't take my ftp login. Did I miss something? Please help me out … | |
HI, I need to know how to display a variable from DB that has antoher variable in it: here is what i mean ($Description) is an variable that contain this html code: [HTML]<table height="688" width="500" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="82%" height="20"><strong><font face="Arial">$Name</font></strong></td> <td height="20"><strong><font face="Arial">$Item_num</font></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" height="380"> </td> … | |
What is the best, or where can I find the best link/affiliate scripts? I had no luck as sourceforge and found a few at hostscipts... But I want to know, in your opinion, what are the best affiliate scripts? [B] Now, pertaining to my search, I am looking for 2 … | |
the first echo [PHP]echo $strSQL;[/PHP] gives: SELECT company_name from passwds where user = "jgonzalez" and ID = "0052" wich is allright but the second pair of echos are supposed to return solution if company_name is solutions and selex if company name is selex but i always get for an echo … | |
I have a script that has tables embedded inside php. When I change the td width in a table, it shows up in internet explorer, but it doesnt show up in firefox. I am having to do [CODE]<td width='230' .....[/CODE] because the "" will throw off the PHP. I am … | |
At my firm I developed (haha, more like put together with bubblegum and paperclips) a CGI based upload script and another download script to accompany it. The upload page requires a username and password. You then can browse for a file and upload, and it stores it in a directory … | |
Is it possible to format text with php as in whenever php sees ~ in text it would put <br>. I am not sure if it is possible as i am new to php. ![]() | |
Ok I am making an admin part of the website and what I need to do is to be able to change the item detail while able to see the result on the fly. What I am really trying to do is to store my item detail into one columm … | |
Hi there! I finally managed to do paging BUT it works only when i manually give 'category' a value. If i use $_POST[category] a warning occurs and no result is posted: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:...\a.php on line 71 Here is my code in the a.php file: … | |
In the follow code I am getting a parse error. I have another form that I use this exact same code on to handle the form and it works. Just lost... if ($_POST['ClientLessVPN']) == 'Yes' { <------------- $body2 = "Clint-Less VPN\n"; } The first line of the code is where … | |
Well I tried finding this information all over and all I could find were people trying to edit Word docs with php. I, rather, am trying to just load them into a variable to search through them. The server is Linux and not windows so we will not have the … |
The End.