39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Saif_5

We have built a software web-portal (POS system) in PHP language. Which is working fine when online. But when the internet goes down in the stores, the software stops completely and the managers are not able to make bills till the time internet is live again! Hence we want to …

Member Avatar for Ashraful_2
Member Avatar for rjusman90

> this is php code for get value while ($row = $activeRiders->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $rider_name = $row['RiderName']; $longitude = $row['CurrentLongitude']; $latitude = $row['CurrentLatitude']; $locations[]=array( $rider_name, $latitude, $longitude ); } $markers = json_encode( $locations ); > Jquery function $(document).ready(function() { $('#map').height($('.page-container').height()); $( window ).resize(function() { $('#map').height($('.page-container').height()); }); <?php echo "var markers=$markers;\n"; ?> > …

Member Avatar for _1_6

Hi, I would like to use Google JavaScript code prettifier: https://github.com/google/code-prettify for code syntax highlighting on a forum that is built using PHP, is there anyone who knows how to do it? _1_6

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for rkskeka

I'm developing a video download website. We strore videos in FLV format. We convert them to 3GP,MP4 or AVI on user request. But the problem is people re-distribute those videos without our copyright. So we thought to add a watermark to videos. We want to add a our banner image …

Member Avatar for vishwas_2
Member Avatar for Makii_1

Hi, I'm trying to create and save breadcrumbs from recursive function. I manage to display hierarchical tree using recursive function. but I'm I am having hard time creating breadcrumb and save them one by one to my database. here is my table cat_id parent_id title 10 0 shoes 11 0 …

Member Avatar for Sammy_1

I am literary about to bleed...I have a single controller that will accept POST request from an external domain. Once the post data arrives (usually a number or a date), it returns json data. The problem is CORS error in firefoz and chrome. Only that controller is going to be …

Member Avatar for Rupsena
Member Avatar for wikit

So I have website listing characters from a multi person RP I take part in the site uses bootstrap as well as a mysql database. I have a working search script to search teh database for a query and echo the results. I'm trying to figure out how to make …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Call to undefined function routes() (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Julmarice\framework\resources\views\soulfy\apages.blade.php) Why this is undefine? apages.blade.php <form action="{{ routes('navcolor') }}" method="post"> <div style="color: white;">Select Pages Navigation Color :</div> {{ csrf_field() }} <select name="NavColor"> <option value="black">Black</option> <option value="blue">Blue</option> <option value="gray">Gray</option> <option value="brown">Brown</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit"><br><br> </form> routes.php Route::post('/home/navcolor', 'SettingController@postNavColor')->name('navcolor'); SettingController.php public function postNavColor(Request $request) …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for kozkay

I'm new to the forum and new to web development, I have an ecommerce store on prostores and I recently purchased a PHP based 5 star review script for my website. I then gave it to my web developer to implement it and he came back to me saying that …

Member Avatar for Arthur_4
Member Avatar for Ayaka

i need someone who can give me his email so i can send my timetable generator software that is given me errors. please anyone who can be of assistance, i will be grateful.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for andreiviziru

this is the code that works if (isset($_POST['add_to_cart'])) { if (isset($_POST['select_size']) && isset($_POST['select_color']) && isset($_POST['select_quantity'])) { $size = $_POST['select_size']; $color = $_POST['select_color']; $quantity = $_POST['select_quantity']; if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { $the_lang = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_GET['lang']); if ($the_lang == 'ro') { $product_name = $product_name_ro; } else if ($the_lang == 'en') { $product_name = $product_name_en; …

Member Avatar for navjot_2

hi, i m working on quiz portal in which different set of question were ask there are 4 mutiple choice question in which one of the right answer. i successfuly display the question by selecting using perticular** test id**(topic) here is the query:**$rs=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM mst_question WHERE test_id ='$tid' …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for nicholas1981

Hi All - I have a form and I want the two places in which the enquirer types their email adress in (Field emailAddress and email2) to check that the email address values are the same and send the form - if not the same just say some kind of …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for Charles_25

**The Problem:** I have a long string of serial numbers, that looks like this: "1_2_3_4_5 0_100_1_0_4 1_2_3_4_5 0_100_1_0_4 0_100_1_0_4 3_1_34_5_6"; I want to remove all serial numbers that do not occur EXACTLY 3 or 1 times in the string. **The Result:** In this case the return string should be: 0_100_1_0_4 …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for game4tress

I'm searching for a forum for my website http://www.game4tress.com The only free forum I know is https://www.phpbb.com/ The problem is that I've used this forum in the past and I used to receive false posts (like spam). One other situation is that I also want to integrate the forum with …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Charles_25

My script merges 18 files and returns all numbers that occur >=13 times within the merger. I timed my script and array_count_values is so slow it accounts for 80% of the 2.35 sec time. The files are large, 200,000 numbers per file, so the merged array is well over 2 …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for masimies

Hello, I have a problem to get unique values from dateperiod-loop. There is a tons of examples how to do it, but after hours of searching, i couldn't find suitable solution for me. The code starts like this. To put it into array_unigue is hard to accomplish for me. Have …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for random_1

I have a list.php which displays all the records that is in the database with 2 options Edit or Delete. When clicked its suppose to delete by id but instead it deleted everything. I'm not sure where i went wrong, please help. list.php <?php include "db.php"; try { $conn = …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for David_116

This problem's driving me crazy since yesterday. I have a table consist of 5 columns: kode_barang (item ID), nama_barang (name of item), qty (quantity), harga_beli (price), jumlah (total). User can input 2 items. This is the code of the form: <HTML> <?php include "koneksi.php"; ?> <form action="insert3.php" method="POST"> <table id="theTable" …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for mattyd

Before I get into the specific issues, I want to provide some other details: - Normally, I work on a live, paid server (even in dev); I realize that is not advised, but it is a bad habit I developed over the years. I've tried using Xammp, but do not …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for FOYSAL_1
Member Avatar for Magic8Computing

How do i formatt the dates do the come out as DD/MM/YYYY please <?php $convar = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","ffp_calendar"); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Error occured while connecting with the database ".mysqli_connect_errno(); } $sqlvar = "SELECT * FROM `calendar` WHERE `CurrentDate` = curdate()"; $resultvar = mysqli_query($convar, $sqlvar) or die("Bad Query: $sql"); while($rowvar = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultvar)) …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for abubaker_2
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Zxander

Hello ! I have a task from my university that bothers me and I definately need some help. I have to create a web app in which i can add locations from the world map by taking the coordinates and make route between two selected locations from the added. Also …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for random_1

Hi. Im new to codeigniter, so im not sure if its something wrong with the codeigniter or my php. what im trying to do is if the records from a database table is empty echo a message. The message which ,"No records exist!", does display but then underneath is is …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for John_116

Dear All, I Made a facebook quize website, i wrote code but i have a problem, I want get my name and one of my friend name. but it didn't work. <?php session_start(); // added in v4.0.0 require_once 'autoload.php'; use Facebook\FacebookSession; use Facebook\FacebookRedirectLoginHelper; use Facebook\FacebookRequest; use Facebook\FacebookResponse; use Facebook\FacebookSDKException; use …

Member Avatar for NOVICE3

When a user enters the page in question, a textarea is populated from data from a text file stored on the server. The user can then edit that text (add, erase all or part, and modifiy). When the submit button is clicked, the edited text is written back into the …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for bharathi_2

I created quiz application using PHP..in that Application i display one question per page when user click on next button it display next question from database randomly..so for that i want to display time...but my problem is.. i want to display timer from starting only seconds..and user click on next …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Mohammed_44

//The php section of the code <?php function getJSONFromDB($sql){ $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "","rent"); //echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)or die(mysqli_error()); $arr=array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $arr[]=$row; } return json_encode($arr); } $jsonData= getJSONFromDB("select Pic from Display"); $jsn=json_decode($jsonData); //for loop to retrieve rows from database for($i=0;$i<sizeof($jsn);$i++){ $a=$jsn[$i]->Pic; //here is the main …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for sheik_2

Hi, Below is my code can you please help me to fix it. function gw_bbcode_html($t) { $regexfind[] = '/\&lt;(.+)\&gt;/esiU'; $t = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $t); $t = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $t); $t = str_replace('&039;', ''', $t); $regexreplace[] = "gw_bbcode_html_tag(gw_bbcode_htmlspecialchars('\\1'))"; $t = preg_replace_callback($regexfind, $regexreplace, $t); # $t = str_replace('&#', '&amp;#', $t); $t = …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.