39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Alejandro_10

For the blade template, I added the following code and skipped this error @if(count($errors)>0) @foreach($errors->all()as $error) {{$error}} @endforeach `@endif` >ErrorException Undefined offset: 1

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm trying to pass a filename to a function but don't know how to call the function from a click on a link. The top of my index.php is: <?php $filename = NULL; session_start(); // start of script every time. // setup a path for all of your canned php …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ramkrishna.dhakad

onkeypress event in javascript not showing the unicode(hindi/remingtongail) character it is only alerting 'r' on pressing a key. i am using hindi indic input 3 toolbar to type in laptop. my javascript code is function validate(){ var string=event.key; c = string.charCodeAt(1); var xyx=String.fromCharCode(c); alert(xyx); } My html text area code …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for brhane163453

i am working on local web based system.now i need to install databse(xampp) at one pc and the application at another pc in the same netwoek(html and php code).but how can i connect or configure in both pcs .specially how to onfigure the database connection using php?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Motifaithed

Hi All, I'm currently working on a church attendance monitoring project, and this community had helped me a lot during my college days in building php base projects, now I'm here again to ask for help. The scenario is I want to track every individual who are present every sunday …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for larry29936

I have Apache2, php 7.2, and mysql installed. At the top of my index.php I have the following script: <?php session_start(); // start of script every time. // setup a path for all of your canned php scripts $php_scripts = '/home/larry/web/test/php/'; // a folder above the web accessible tree // …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I have created a table in a mySQL DB where users are going to a form and entering ratings on 6 Categories (5 Specific and 1 Overall) for a particular item_id. On the item table, I have a column that calculates the total number of ratings this particular item_id has …

Member Avatar for Vishwajeet_2
Member Avatar for markii.borabon

guys! Im new in PHP and im developing a small website wherein there's many images on the page and when i click one of the image it must be shown into another page with full details.. but the problem when i click one of the image it shown's nothing! I …

Member Avatar for Ahmed_152
Member Avatar for JAIYANESH

mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null $idbilik = " ' ". mysqli_real_escape_string($idbilik, $samb) . " ' "; $result = mysqli_query($samb,"SELECT * FROM bilik WHERE idbilik=$idbilik"); while($res = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) i did as u say so madam...add the line u gave before $result..but i am getting the error stated above...

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for larry29936

I have a download section in my index.php that I'd like to add a download counter to but have no idea how to accomplish this. The existing code works perfectly but I'd like to know how many times the file is downloaded. Would prefer not to use a database. <!-- …

Member Avatar for larry29936
Member Avatar for serhii
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rezzo_1

Hello, I want to read the url (m3u) from this link, unfortunately I get the following error message. what's wrong. I'm relatively new to php sorry url = `https://www.hdtvler.tv/show-tv-canli-hd-yayin-izle/` want read this block `https://hdtvler2.etvserver.com/live_sd/showtv/playlist.m3u8?wmsAuthSign=c2VydmVyX3RpbWU9My8zMS8yMDIwIDQ6MTk6MDUgUE0maGFzaF92YWx1ZT1mejM4UjdDNWQxYjlXODhieU5FL2hnPT0mdmFsaWRtaW51dGVzPTU="` my code <?php $homepage = file_get_contents("https://www.hdtvler.tv/show-tv-canli-hd-yayin-izle/"); preg_match('#"contentURL": "(.*?)"#', $homepage ,$m3ual); stripslashes($m3ual[1]); header("Location: ".$m3ual[1] ); ?>

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for AndreRet

My code executes as follow - 1) a Search page is loaded where session was already started, var-dump() shows the correct session info like username etc. 2) User enters a search value in a 3rd party script search box that forms part of my search page, I have no control …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for larry29936

My contact form starts with: <form id="form1" method="POST" action="mail.php"> I'd like to replace the last line in my contact form: <button type="submit" value="Send" style="margin-top:15px; margin-left: 500px; text-align: center;">Send Email</button> with one that contains <img src="images/button_send-email.png" alt="Email"> but have no idea what it should look like. I tried <a href="mail.php"><img src="images/button_read-the-file.png" …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ankushgarg

I am skilled in Core PHP, JavaScript, Mysql, Ajax, HTML, CSS, jQuery and Codeigniter and having 4+ years of experience in Web Development. I have very vast knowledge in dynamic and static website development.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Passy

<?php if(isset($_COOKIE['id'])&&isset($_COOKIE['security'])){ $id = addslashes($_COOKIE['id']); //just in case $sql ="SELECT * FROM `customer_information_table` WHERE `customer_id` = '$id'" ; require_once("./connect.php"); $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql); if($db->error){ exit("SQL ERROR"); } IF(mysqli_num_rows($result) === 0 ){ exit("illegal operation.<a href = './login.php'>login</a>"); } //id is real $array = $result->fetch_array(); $result->free(); $shell = md5($_COOKIE['id'].$array['password']."one_plus_one_is_three"); $db->close(); if($shell === …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for larry29936

The validation section of my contact.php page is sending the user back to my index.php instead of staying on the contacts.php page so the user can correct the reported error. How can I fix this? My contact.php code follows: <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $visitor_email = $_POST['email']; $message = …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Luah

{% for i in coupontesting %} <center> <div class="rectangle"> <span class="right">Store Link</span><span class="left">{{ i.seller_store }}</span> <div class="coupon-frame"> <div class="coupon-left-div coupon-align-center"> <div style="padding: 1.125rem;border-left: 1px solid #d4d4d4;"> <div style="position:relative;"> <div class="coupon-left-img-div text-center coupon-align-center orange pt-32"> <span class="bold-18">{{ i.name }}</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="coupon-ticket-frame"> <div class="coupon-ticket-frame-style"> <div class="oupon-ticket-frame-line"></div> </div> </div> </div> …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Alyana Diao

to make our project finish, i need to get the data from the user who just log in(only his/her data) but i dont have any idea how, can someone help me...thank you very much! well appreaciated :) so this is the part where i need to add something so i …

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Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

Is there any way to backup/dump/export all the databases in one step and vice-versa (import all databases into MySQL) in MySQL ? If yes, then how I can do this..?

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for reidhosatria

Hello everone my name is reidho i have a problem with my code, i want to mirroring a api output from somesite using file_get_contents but the results is not like the original. Original Result : ![original.png](/attachments/large/4/14437b652ccca077d00e29e8793eb1d4.png) My Mirroring Result : ![result.png](/attachments/large/4/c348c82de5722906792fb5ec8f7e1a52.png) The Code : $ping = "https://api.hackertarget.com/nping/?q="; $pingkeluar = file($ping); …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Passy

$sql="SELECT * FROM `customer_information_table` WHERE `email`='{email}'"; $result = $db->query($sql); if($db->error) { exit("SQL error. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } if($result->num_rows!==0) { exit("email address already exists. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); }

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Passy

<?php if(!empty($_POST[`submit`])){ if(empty($_POST[`user_name`])|| empty($_POST[`phone_number`])|| empty($_POST[`email`])|| empty($_POST[`password`])|| empty($_POST[`confirm_password`])) { exit("please fill in all the fields. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>") } if($_POST[`password`]!==$_POST[`confirm_password`]) { exit("passwords must match. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } $pattern = "/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/"; if(!pregmatch($pattern,$POST[`email`])) { exit("please enter a valid email address. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } /* $pwd = $_POST['password ']; …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Muslim_1

Hi all, I am doing web services for an Android application which sends push notification. Below is the scenario: 1. I have 100s of customers registered on the website 2. Each user has his own subscribers list 3. Each user can schedule the push notification to be sent at a …

Member Avatar for hello_5
Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm creating a webpage where the user will be able to download an .iso file. The version of the iso will change. For example: xxxx.1.iso will become xxxx.2.iso when the iso is updated. How do I code the download button so that I don't need to re-code the button when …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ianhaney

I am trying to work out how to get data from two different tables in the same database and retrieve the filenames uploaded into the database for a specific ticket id and username. I have been having a go at the php code myself and have managed to INNER JOIN …

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Member Avatar for s_15

Hello help needed in - Responsive Expanding Column Layout can anyone let me know how can i get this in wordpress - these are the link for script https://www.jqueryscript.net/layout/Responsive-Expanding-Column-Layout-with-jQuery-CSS3.html https://codepen.io/ettrics/pen/ZYqKGb is there any plugin or visual composer addon for this type thing. thanks

Member Avatar for Passy

<?php if(!empty($_POST[`submit`])){ if(empty($_POST[`user_name`])|| if(empty($_POST[`phone_number`])|| if(empty($_POST[`email`])|| if(empty($_POST[`password`])|| if(empty($_POST[`confirm_password`])) { exit("please fill in all the fields. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } if(empty($_POST[`password`]!==$_POST[`confirm_password`]) { exit("passwords must match. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } $pattern="/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/"; if(!pregmatch($pattern,$POST[`email`])) { exit("please enter a valid email address. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } $pwd = $_POST['password ']; if( strlen($password ) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for loopylouis

Hi i own an online game and i wish to know weather there is a way to disable my members from changing the URL in the url bar and only allow them to click links. If they change the URL in the url bar i would like it to header/re-direct …

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The End.