39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for hassan7

I have to make a website in my Php course..I want to gather some ideas what website i should make..any ideas Please

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for fantasma

Hi there! I have this function in jQuery that is suposed to toggle a div, according to each different record I click, in order to toggle an upload form. However I can't seem to get it to work properly. Anyone could help? I really need this working today :( jQuery …

Member Avatar for fantasma
Member Avatar for Sahilsahni

Hi am kinda stuck here, so please if anyone could help me,i have 2 domains working on same hosting, one is Main Domain and other Addon, am using mail() function in Addon Dowmain website. everything is working fine, problem is script is running on addon domain but when people get …

Member Avatar for d3rck
Member Avatar for six_sic6

I have an html div [CODE] <div id="myDiv"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="600"> <tr style="text-align:center"> <td>Subject Code</td> <td>Subject Title</td> <td>Credit Hour</td> </tr> </div> [/CODE] Now, I want to have a button by which i can convert this <div id="myDiv"> to image or .doc.... can any one help me

Member Avatar for six_sic6
Member Avatar for featherwebdiva

Hi I've been all over these discussions and still cannot find the syntax that works! When I echo $co and $bus, they both print on screen as they should. But when I try to update the mysql records using the following php, the business_name field data gets erased instead of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for accra

Hi, am currently using this script to protect/encrpty info in the address bar,but i thnk its not very strong. cn any one help me make/find a more secure one, thanks. [CODE]<a href='articlesdetails.php?pif=ixhsuwu9xyysysjj300&yisu=uuwuwuwzuab&jsn=733888559jdjdjdeyey&tsyi=378hyxbh738hssh272sh&zy9stxyw=w&shy272bs2637shuw727hhshs377ywwwyw&id=$id'>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for axicraw

i have used redirect------header("Location example.php"); but getting an error the error is----cannot modify headers. headers already used there is no html in the page... but the current page("example.php") is a redirected one it worked fine for me in my local wamp server... but when hosted it says this error... help …

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for nyler01

Hi.. Please help me in creating a script that will show the hidden textbox if a checkbox is checked.. I don't have any idea on how to do this. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for arthurav

I am trying to implement a bruteforce check on a loginpage. It logs the logins from a certain ip. If there are more than 10 it will stop saving the logins in the database and will set the $nopage variable to 1. [CODE]$ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $res_check_bruteforce=$teste->query("select count(id),max(time) from bruteforce where ip='$ip'"); echo …

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for snowweb

I am trying to implement a CSS hierarchical unfolding menu on a site. The thing is, it needs to be dynamically populated from the results of a database query. I previously had the menu working but then it was ‘hard coded’ and not built on the fly. Menu description: 2 …

Member Avatar for janajay
Member Avatar for nurmd

i want search ,whene i want search this time show all same information from sql server using by php code case "search": $ID=$_POST['ID']; $bodyInfoText="$ID"; include("db_connect.inc.php"); $SQL="select * from tbl_person where kamal='%$ID%'"; $result=mysql_query($SQL,$con); if($result): if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1): $bodyInfoText="show_user_info.inc.tpl.php"; else: $bodyInfoText="$ID $Pass inValid user"; endif; else: $bodyInfoText="Fail to select :".mysql_error($con); endif; break; but …

Member Avatar for AMADH
Member Avatar for puvi

hi frens.. i have this piece of code, which is not working the way i thot it would. i want to check if the $key exists in array $rowid, where $key also comes from database. lets say, key exists for the 1st iteration (it prints exist), but if key exists …

Member Avatar for puvi
Member Avatar for benivolentsoft
Member Avatar for kadriirdak

Hi There, I create an SQL statement to retrieve some data from DB. However I can not do the third if statement! my code; [CODE] $search = care_query(" SELECT contact_number, role, is_active FROM contact_roles WHERE contact_number='$mn' AND is_active='Y' AND role like 'S%'; "); while($row = care_fetch_array($search)) { $role= $row['role'];echo "<pre>"; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have an image on top of my logo image, used for login purposes in my index.html page. The logo code works perfect in loading my index.html page when clicked on. The code - [ICODE]<div id="Logo"> <div id="lmenu5"> <a href="Login.php"><img src="Images/Top Menu/Login.png" alt="Login or register." name="Login" width="130" height="43" id="Login" title="Login …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for legends

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pearll

What is wrong here ... as verb_id and item_code is being entered into the database as "0" ... even the date is like 0000/00/00 ... Thanx in advance !! [CODE]<?php $verb_description=$_REQUEST['verb']; $item_description=$_REQUEST['item']; $post_description=$_REQUEST['post_description']; //to fetch verb_id $verb_sql="SELECT verb_id FROM tbl_verbs_master WHERE verb_description='$verb_description'"; $verb_id=mysql_query($verb_sql) or die(mysql_error()); //to fetch item_code $item_sql="SELECT item_code …

Member Avatar for pearll
Member Avatar for pearll

I have a combo box "verb" that displays a field of database .. when the user selects "other" from the drop down ...a div named "choicetext" appears and user enters his choice of verb .... The below code is of the action page ..in which i want to insert the …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

Hi Friends.......... I want to upload images from my mobile via gprs into server in php( just like facebook). I don't have any idea how to do that...... Plz help ................ Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for ak2011

I am developing a website in php mysql. In the home page i am showing only one link for demo purpose and the other links are blocked. There is a login link on top. Only after successful login the home page is reloaded showing all the blocked links. So what …

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for devinodaniel

I'm trying to get my page to redirect back to another page after the form has been submitted to its self via $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] . I've tried using the header(Location) script but to no avail. Anyone know of an easy way to do this? Right now.. when my page is submitted …

Member Avatar for devinodaniel
Member Avatar for nats01282

i need a piece of code to break down the data brought in from the MYSQL database im creating a small forum type on my website but with my layout if the user writes 5 lines it shows it all on 1 line and shows the bottom scroll bar, i …

Member Avatar for nats01282
Member Avatar for shawtyred74

I am not quite understanding how this how ereg and Preg_match thing works. I am trying to prevent users from creating a username that is less than 3 characters, with no capital letters, and no special characters and cannot be a reserved user id such as root, admin, and operator …

Member Avatar for shawtyred74
Member Avatar for zerey02

.Is there any way that i can get texts from a php form to supply it on another php form. and place it on the title attribute of my <a> tag. for example: <a href="" title=" //this is where i want to place the retrieved texts from my other php …

Member Avatar for zerey02
Member Avatar for vssp

Hai Friends While running my application i got this error. How to solve thsi error. Plesae send me any idea. PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mixpublic_html/includes/common.php:244) in /home/mix/public_html/MiX/program/include/main.inc on line 673 Thanks Vssp

Member Avatar for pangeli
Member Avatar for FBG

Hi, On my website I have a lot of folders with lists of article links. I want to display the number of links in these lists on the folders people select, so they know how much articles are inside a folder and where to search. I've looked for help creating …

Member Avatar for FBG
Member Avatar for kardklub

I have an online orders database which prints fpdfs for delivery notes and off hire notes. I have looked into digital signitures on fpdf but have not found anything useful. Would it be possible to use a very simple paint program on the web inserted in your orders page where …

Member Avatar for kardklub
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

Alright, so I am working on this new site and for the registration, I am using a template I have used plenty of times in the past. Now, this one snippet I am showing you will check if the username is either too short or too long, or if the …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for dyla123

Hi i am wondering could anyone help me understand a file upload code. I am currently working on a website like mediafire, raipidshare and the rest of them. I have taken down codes of all sorts and some i got to work but had errors. I don't understand as i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for joshyxux

<?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>age.php</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once( 'output_functions.php' ); function connect_to_database( $host, $user, $password, $dbname ) { // Try to connect to database $dbconnection = mysql_connect('......', '...', '.....'); if ( ! $dbconnection ) …

Member Avatar for Agarsia

The End.