39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for raghujosh

I have a simple login module wherein I enter login info to a database. After that, I use another file, loginauth.php which validates the login info. However, I am getting the else statement executed. Can somebody point out what's wrong. [CODE]<?php session_start(); if (isset($_POST['userid']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $userid = trim($_POST['userid']); …

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Member Avatar for ale89

Hi everyone! I am doing in php that among users can be added as friends. When I save the data I keep this name user1 logged and username2 of who wants to be friends. User1 keep the session and when I click on follow me this appears Unknown column 'UserSession …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

I hope this is the right place to post this, since it's more of a wordpress question than anything else. I was wondering if anyone can give me an opinion on the best way to redirect a site to another url when a mobile phone opens the page. Since I'm …

Member Avatar for chrishea

I recently came across [URL="http://www.twilio.com/"]Twilio.com[/URL] that provides API facilities to implement voice or text capabilities through the internet. They aren't the first to provide this kind of service but the capability of the API and their pricing seem to make them worth looking at for anyone who has a need …

Member Avatar for kardklub

The code below displays a signature on the screen previously signed on the form before. It has now displayed the image as a png. How do i go about saving the image into a mysql database field so i can recover the picture as and when i need to / …

Member Avatar for kardklub
Member Avatar for MagicMedia

I'm having a bit of trouble replacing parts of a string. I'm using preg_replace and it works but it replaces everything in between. I need it to search for every match between the string. What I have so far: $message = 'I have a [color]red[/color] apple and a [color]blue[/color] car.'; …

Member Avatar for MagicMedia
Member Avatar for MDanz

the function keeps returning 1. if i echo $i within the function then it counts up to six. the function should return 6, because there are 6 results from the mysql_query, so $i iterates upto 6. please any help solving this? [CODE] $i=0; $thewidth = $database->width($theid, $i); echo $thewidth; [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for kekkaishi
Member Avatar for luisthedude

Hello I am currently working on a project but I am currently stuck, what I'm trying to do is add a simple PHP site hit counter to an ajax site which counts the # of visits to an specific page, now I gotten the pages to show up and they …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pearll

Can smbdy tell me that what is wrong in the [COLOR="red"]second part[/COLOR] of the form here in syntax.... ?? here i am providing the first part 2 as sm variables are from that part...however just tell me what is syntactically wrong in second part ...plz .. thanx in advance !! …

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for cliffcc

I don't how to confirm multliple records at once by checkbox? [CODE] <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="test_mysql1"; // Table name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT …

Member Avatar for cliffcc
Member Avatar for lttleastig

hey guys i get this error when trying to execute a stored procedure in my SQl DB [CODE] Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, ANSI_WARNINGS, ANSI_PADDING'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed …

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Member Avatar for wfray

This is confusing. I'm creating an index for a MySql table of structure "yyyymm", where "yyyy" is year (e.g. 2011) and "mm" is month (e.g. 02). I acquire them with: [CODE]$yyyy = date('Y', time()); $mm = date('m', time());[/CODE] I subsequently convert them to strings with strval and concatenate them (I've …

Member Avatar for wfray
Member Avatar for theweirdone

Hi, I'm pretty new to CakePHP, and have been managing so far. I've created a scraper that scrapes TV.com for episode information (episode number, airdate, title, description). The scraper works fine, and returns an array such as: [CODE]Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Stowaway [number] => 17 [description] …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for ethio

Hello, Im trying to store 4 rows of delimited text from a text file( abc, abc, abc, abc abc, abc... ... ...) into an array and loop each line of the array and print it, but its not going well. [code] <? $file1 = "properties.txt"; $filedata = fopen($file1,"r"); $array1 = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Good day all: I need to search my db table for all services called "oil change" which where inserted 85 days ago (based on an inserted date column in the table) and display those results. Here's what I have: Mysql Table id (auto) servicearea carid customerid dateofservice An example of …

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Member Avatar for dyla123

I have been wanting an upload tool that you could upload the video and then once its uploaded it directs you to a webpage where the video is displayed in a media player...Like TinyPic and those sort of websites. I have searched google some and have not found anything yet... …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I'm having a hard time getting my website to email the contents of form. It will send an email with the field labels but no values.. ie name: phone number: email: from: () the only thing I can get it to return is the ip Here is the relevant html …

Member Avatar for MDanz

i have two functions. In function two it has $id=9. how do i get function one to echo $id? how do i adjust the below example to accomplish this? [code] $newdb = new Database(); class Database { function one() { $newdb->two(); echo $id; } function two() { $id = 9 …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for nats01282

Hello i am trying to create a script that will allow for the user to click a link and pop up page opens up with the content from the same page e.g [CODE] <?php $option = $_GET['option']; ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function topWindow(){ popup = window.open("page1.php?option=<?php echo $option; ?>","scrollbars=no"); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bartjuh10

Hello, I'm new to Daniweb. I have a question. I tried too google it, without result, so I hope you guys are able to help me ;) Anyway, I created hiscores for my RuneScape Private Server. Everything works well, except the part to load a rank. [url]http://epicscape562.no-ip.org/highscore/attack.php?page=0[/url] That is the …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for doomfrawen

Hello friends, hope this is the right site to post this, anyway let me tell you what's my problem. I'm building a site that uses php, javascript where necessary and AJAX, my problem is that i need to set a cookie (the cookie works perfectly), but i need it to …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for dyla123

Hi i am looking for a chat for my webpage, doesnt have to be anything special just a basic chat where members can talk. I need it to be secure too so only members can chat on it and not random guests. Even if you don't have a code, a …

Member Avatar for anilashanbhag
Member Avatar for bangla

Hi, i have the below code for form. At one time, when i went to my page i saw some data/link in my site. i guess a hacker entered some script in data field. someone pls help me how i can protect my page. ------------------- <form name="myForm" action="gdform.php" method="post"> <input …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Acute

Following code: [CODE=php] <?php $test_array = array(); $test_array['string_index'] = "data in string index"; $test_array[] = "data in index 0"; $test_array[] = "data in index 1"; $test_array[] = "data in index 2"; foreach($test_array as $key => $val) { if($key != 'string_index') { echo $val."<br>"; } } ?> [/CODE] gives result: data …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for samsambm

Hello , I'm trying to set 3 different tables using url variable from a differnt page. When a certain var is selected , the page should display a certain table. each table is differed by name and im using an IF statement. My issue is that only the first echo'd …

Member Avatar for samsambm
Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian

This code is for a stand-alone file, named "thumbnail.php" or something similar. Once uploaded to your server, it can be called from inside an IMG tag. There are four options for this script without modifying anything. [LIST=1] [*]First, you can resize the image to a percentage of the original, as …

Member Avatar for Web Dev Rob
Member Avatar for FBG

Hi, On my website I have a group of tables (about 40). I want visitors to be able to search all these (identical) tables at the same time. Right now I'm using MATCH and UNION to do a FULL INDEX search on all tables. The problem is that this method …

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Member Avatar for Quintia

Hello there im new to php and for some reason im having trouble with the String variables, every time i change the $light variable it doesn't = the supposed String and just always echo's "stop". [CODE]<html> <head> <title> Conditional Statement Practice </title> </head> <body> <?php extract($_GET); /* Put your PHP …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for netclick

Wondering if anyone is able to help me locate a specific set of templates. I saw them on the net and I lost the link. Now I want to buy them. They are great designs and are about 5 of them in the following categories (from memory): Web Design Web …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for LWS

Here is sample tables [B]Case[/B] Case_ID AC_ID ASSET_ID [B]Action[/B] Action_ID Case_ID Step_No Date_Started Date_Completed Status [B]Procedure[/B] P_ID Step_No Name AU_ID AC_ID 1 1 Step1a 1 1 2 2 Step2b 1 1 3 3 Step3c 1 1 4 1 Step1a 2 1 5 2 Step2b 2 1 6 3 Step1c 2 …

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The End.