39,388 Topics
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I a table that I have added the function to be able to sort, it works, but it is coming up with an errors: Notice: Undefined index: sort in C:\wamp\www\test stuff\test.php on line 25 Notice: Undefined index: sort in C:\wamp\www\test stuff\test.php on line 28 Notice: Undefined index: sort in C:\wamp\www\test … | |
![]() | Hello, I am worcking on a script that do that i can upload files to my site and set size,filename, etc into my database but this isnt worcking, can someone help me?:) [CODE]<?php include "connect_profile.php"; $obj = new physic_profile(); // Setup our connection vars $obj->host = '*********'; $obj->username = 'sjo*******'; … ![]() |
Hi everyone! How is everybody? Help me modify this code to show a user profile. I need to show all the data but do not know how to put in the code to display data and other insurance I have to change the sql query. If the logged sample data … ![]() | |
I have downloaded and implemented Uploadify because users were tired of having to browse to each and every file they needed to upload(since this is used for uploading multiple pictures) allows a user to select multiple pictures at once without having to click a "BROWSE" button to go fetch each … ![]() | |
Hi i would like to know if there is a way i can make PHP can open a page and just sit on that page till i decide to stop it. This might sound a bit weird but i need it for a site tool I'm making. If PHP can't … ![]() | |
Hi, I work on PHP code with NetBeans and Xdebug. I use Xdebug for step-by-step debugging and the like. I'm able to debug the flow of the default request, but not the flows generated by specific _get/_post or Ajax requests. Anybody has an idea how can this be done? When … | |
Hello all, I am currently getting this error message: Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality … | |
Hello all, Anyone knows how to create apriori algorithm using PHP? I would be apreciated if you give me a code. Thanks. | |
Hello everyone, I have a little bit problem here.I have installed PHP version 4.4.1 and it's working well. I want to connect PHP with MySQl . I have also installed MySQL and it installed successfully. Inorder to configure PHP to work with Mysql, I did the following changes in the … | |
![]() | Hello! I am working on a website, and this is a gaming clan webiste, and I want to have userprofile. Taht means that the admin can add players to the database, and set them on a team etc. But how can i do this? I will alsow have the ability … ![]() |
Duke SNIPPED Nukem will only allow 18 and above on his site. It seems like my html page is correct and my php is the problem. Anyone have any answers they would like to share with me? MAY JUSTICE REIGN SUPREME!!!!! [code] <?php $month = $_REQUEST['bmonth']; $day = $_REQUEST['day']; $year … | |
Hello. I have a linux VPS which is running ubuntu 8.04 I want to execute some command to the terminal, for doing that i use system() or exec() function. The functions are working properly at localhost, but aren't working properly on the VPS. Let's say, i have a command :- … | |
Hello all, hope you can help me understand, here's the general description: I have a form, 'frmData' that has a hidden field, that when submitted it sends the info to process.php, which checks if the hidden field has been submitted, if so it redirects the user to a page "energy.php" … | |
I want to view the contents of a table in my database using while loop i.e. whenever i add database into the database and open view.php i want to see all the data of the database...so i want to use while loop so that whenever i add new data into … | |
OK, im trying to develope an event calendar. So, far i have used only php. I am new to programming and thats the only language i have learned atm. anyway, when i click the next or prev month buttons it sets cookies for new months etc.. to a cookie.php from … | |
I cannot figure out what I'm missing in order to stop these errors from showing. [quote]PHP Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/public_html/includes/classes/shipping.php on line 26[/quote] Line 26: [code]if ( (tep_not_null($module)) && (in_array(substr($module['id'], 0, strpos($module['id'], '_')) . '.' . substr($phpself, (strrpos($phpself, '.')+1)), $this->modules)) ) {[/code] … | |
I have tried and tried and looked and looked, but I still can'y get this to work.... I am trying to (a)check form data on-the-fly, (b)once all required data is entered, then CLEAN the data and insert into MySQL database, and ONLY IF (a) and (b) have completed, then (c)send … | |
I have created a script that lets you upload multiple pictures, but the down side is that I have to browse to each and every picture to select it. - Which is very inefficient, especially because I am putting this all together for a photographer to allow her to upload … | |
I know most undefined index notices are the result of not initializing variables. However, what causes them in arrays and such? I have a few that I cannot wrap my head around: [quote][E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: 1 On line 27[/quote] Line 27: [code]list($file,$extension) = explode('.', basename($path));[/code] [quote][E_NOTICE] Undefined offset: 1 On … | |
Hi I am doing a simple php file upload script. Works fine but I cant upload more than 3MB files using this script... Please help me. This is my code [CODE]$target_path = "../items/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['file1']['name']); $name=$_FILES['file1']['name']; $ext=end(explode('.',$name)); if ($ext=="flv"){ move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'], $target_path); $new_name=$itemId.".".$ext; rename ("../items/".$name, "../items/".$new_name); mysql_query("UPDATE … | |
Hi, could some help me . as i want to know how to delete last record. currenlty the code im using its based on two different pages, one for update/display record and second for deleting record. but sum reason this code not working for me . add.php <?php include("connect2.php"); $authorname … | |
Hello Friends, I need your help...! i want to create one function...! if string has total Character's [B]'160'[/B] or 'Less' then 160 ? I'll get just '[B]1[/B]' in result...! if string Character limit [B]'double'[/B] (160+160) = [B]320[/B]? But not [B]Less[/B] then 160? I'll get [B]'2'[/B] in result...! same triple limit … | |
Hello Friends, i want to allow '<br>' tags in my string not '<br />'...! i want to also disallow '<br />'. when i use strip_tags($string, '<br>'). in this case strip_tags also allow '<br />' tags. Please, help me...! | |
How can I call a PHP Function inside a Javascript Function? This is what I have so far, but I don't think I'm doing it the right way. Any suggestions? [code=php]<?php function phpQuery(){ $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES('','name','email')"); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function delayQueries() { timeoutID = window.setTimeout(doQueries, 2000); … | |
I would like to query a set of values from a db....say GP1011_wk1 and this would yield 11 results. I then sum them together and get a value that i can echo. No problem so far. My question is, can i now take this calculated value from the query and … | |
so, im working on an online shopping site. the problem is , i have already made an html site, but i have to run it on xampp localhost, what i do is, since i already made an html file, i just copy it to new php file and save it, … | |
Hi, I am going to implement the Oops conecpt in php .So i written the below program it did not printing the values.Can any one say why this value is not printing . [code] class simpleclass{ echo "Hai how are you i am fine"; } [/code] Thank you, With Regards, … ![]() | |
This is some PHP search code with some mistake. $run gives nothing where $run = mysql_query($construct); It gives: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\search\search2.php on line 39 No results found. [CODE]<?php //get data $button = $_GET['submit']; $search = $_GET['search']; if(!$button) echo "You didn't submit … | |
I am working on a login page and its process and started having problem where the browser cannot detect the new changes I made to my PHP file. Here's the HTML code for the login page (ptLogin.php): [CODE] <form name="ptlogin" method="post" action="ptLogin0.php"> <div align="center" class="style2"><br> <table width="330" border="0"> <tr> <td … |
The End.