39,388 Topics
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i dont know what is the issue and it is not giving me a error in the error_log. i have a variable that collects from the url to be put into the query were the DB field would go. i know that is is the part that is not working … | |
Hi all, Newbie question;.... I have a database and a table within called 'data'.. I also have a login script that allows users to access it. My question is..how do I make only the user's record viewable/accessible after login. Specifically, how do I access, the a specific record in the … | |
Hi all, I am having an issue with a php script that has worked fine in php 5.2.0 but with an upgrade to php 5.3 it is only prtly working. From what I understand ereg has been depreciated so I have tried many variations of trim() and preg_match() to remove … | |
I have an IIS7.5 server installed on my laptop. I'm learning C#, XML, XSLT, .NET, Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and Microsoft Expression Web. I am the webmaster on a simple PHP website that I inherited. I figure I ought to learn PHP, but figure I also need to install … | |
Is there a particular reason as to why some people use .inc and some just use plain .php for include files? Does actually do anything performance wise or does it just make it easier to distinguish between files? | |
Hi All Im not sure if this is possible but here is the thing I have thankyou.html page that should be opened in the lightbox when a submit button is clicked and the email is sent, I have a contact.php that send an email to the person with the details … ![]() | |
hello, I had a fckeditor at my php page, i want to put some data in fck editor when user click a button. How can i do that using javascript. Please help | |
Hey guys, I was making a form that is um... quite large and all inputs consist of the form looking like [CODE]<input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" />[/CODE] so instead of having to do [CODE]$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];[/CODE] and so on for every input, is there a way to grab every 'name' or … | |
Hi All: I have been working very hard and long at understanding this situation. I have tried many different sample scripts, to check my work and find find my solution. I have created a job board for a client, the user applies for a job in application form.php which then … | |
I have a news feature on a website and have a page that shows all of the news and a link to the actual page of each individual news. On first page that lists all the news i would like to limit the amount of Characters that is echoed from … ![]() | |
how can load the xml tag(parent) one by one(when click next button) ![]() | |
Hello, I am building a search filter, but I don't have much experience using AJAX. What I want to do is select a subject from an initial list then return a list of tutors which I have already done. Then I would like to return a list of centres, year, … ![]() | |
I have written some code to fetch details from database according to the given id. I am using ajax to help the ui. I can see the responseText in alert box but when i use it as reponseXML than it doesnt give me any child node my server side and … | |
Yesterday, I had started a thread with a problem, am trying to execute the script below, but each time it is failing and returning "Unable to record form details". Note: "Unable to record form details" is the response returned when isset($_POST) is not working, refer the code for more details. … | |
Why dose this not work? When I submit a emty form [CODE] if((!isset($uname)) || (!isset($passw))) { header("Location: ../pub-login.php"); $_SESSION[validate] = "Entry not recognized"; exit(); } [/CODE] | |
Hi, I have some problem posting data to other page. Now i am explain. One page (called A.php) is refershing and checking database whether status 1 or 0. If sataus finds 1, A.php page posting values to B.php automatically. Then i need to confim whether B.php page getting values or … | |
[CODE]<?php class Application_Model_YearBook_Mapper { protected $appId = "assOvWMver34QkcaaNYdUc"; protected $collectionId = "chDkpaVkWr36J-caaNYdUc"; public function add($course, $year, $userId) { $body = "$course#$year#$userId"; $entryMapper = new Application_Model_Appdata_Collection_Entry($data); $data = array("content_type" => "text/plain", "body" => $body); $entry = $entryMapper->create($this->appId, $this->collectionId, $data); } public function fetchAll() { $collectionMapper = new Application_Model_Appdata_Collection_Mapper(); $collection = $collectionMapper->fetch($this->appId, … | |
Hi, I am trying to design a dynamic website with a content management system and i was wondering what would be the best way to add content such as a photo gallery etc to the dynamic pages. This is a general question but i will explain the problem i am … | |
i have the student record .excel file. how can i display the student detial one by one(when next buuton is pressed) | |
hi guys,,, deep trouble,,,, i don't know where to put this question ... when i am seeing my webpages onevery page this script comming .. i have no idea how to deal with this thing.. i search google did some thing for related to cpanel. changning all my account password,,,, … | |
I was just wondering if there was a more optimal way to add dates to mysql if I had a drop down for each field. This is the code I use to format the dates [CODE]$date_hired = format_date($_POST['month_datehired'], trim($_POST['date_datehired']), $_POST['year_datehired']); //I have 3 dropdowns in my form, 1 for months, … | |
Hi, I'm newbie in IIS and MSSQL using php. I got problem connecting to my host and selecting database. Could you please help me how to connect using php. Mar, | |
hello i am working on google map,streetview. i am using below code.[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Google Map and Street View</title> <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=INSERT_API_KEY_HERE" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function load() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var lat = -33.867141; var lng … | |
hello... i am getting problem with this regex....what is the exact format of this pattern only 000-000-0000. exact this pattern only not other U.S phone number format. why because i am using below javascript for this validation. [CODE]if(window.document.UserDetails.phone.value=="") { alert("Please Enter The Phone Number") window.document.UserDetails.phone.focus(); return false; } var pattern … | |
Hi, I'm trying to type in a name of a song into an input field, for example: I'll Be Missing you This field is captured through $_POST and set to a variable $title I then update the table with this new title. Once it is updated, all that is shown … | |
OK, this is as basic a question as any of you will get on this site. Here's the deal. I have a very basic PHP file saved, of course, as php. I have an HTML page built in Dreamweaver. So, how do I include that file in the HTML so … | |
Im noob in php and i have a website which allow users to search for a keyword and give them a result as a link which able to redirect them based on their search.. and i need a script to track how many times a search result's link is clicked. … | |
I am calling a function in PHP that should return values from a database that I have set up. However, I'm getting a blank screen instead of what I'm asking for. If I comment the correct lines out and process it without the function, everything works perfectly. I've posted both … | |
Hi, I am also having an ONLINE ENROLLMENT SYSTEM and having a problem with coding.. I am a returnee student and more programming languages has been adapt... Using php, apache, mysql, html, javascript, css etc... I am confused especially in php query.. can anyone help me here, i don't have … | |
Hi Friends! Can you people help me out about this I have Two Array's 1: a[] =>1 =>3 =>4 2: b[] =>5 =>6 =>8 and I want to combine both array like this c[1]=5 c[3]=6 c[4]=8 Means the value of first array will be the Index of Third array and … |
The End.