39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for festprabu

<?php $allsql="SELECT SUM(Salesprofit)+SUM(Serviceprofit)+SUM(softwareprofit)+SUM(Airtelprofit) FROM billing,service,software,airtel"; $profitall=mysql_query($allsql) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=@mysql_fetch_array($profitall)) { echo $row['SUM(Salesprofit)+SUM(Serviceprofit)+SUM(softwareprofit)+SUM(Airtelprofit)']; } mysql_close($con); ?> Hi everybody.... i have problem in mysql query.. i got the sum for the field called profit from each table... i am getting the TOTAL value as wrong calculation value... how do i get the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for 5416339

Hello Everyone, I made a GET form recently.But the problem is that it is highly vulnerable.You can inject your an script as below. http://mysite.com/processget.phtml?search=<a href="http://google.com">Hacked</a> I'm able to inject any kind of script into my above URL.I'm actually echoing my GET data using an echo in my BODY,so whenever i …

Member Avatar for baltazar
Member Avatar for jrock2004

Ok so I am writing a PHP script that will gather some information into a file and the push it up via SVN. I am running into a problem with pushing it up via SVN. [CODE=php] shell_exec("svn commit -m $message store-webapp-test-selenium-$storeCode --password $svnPassword"); [/CODE] I have even tried it like …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for segiboy

[B]Hello, I want to search data through multiple drop down, using different tables in database just like if user want to search "data" field recode then he select Normal Resumes (radio button) and select drop down for search and same thing i want in "special" table in database.. i have …

Member Avatar for segiboy
Member Avatar for iammirko

Hi, I am trying to execute the following script, but each time it is failing and returning "Unable". Note: "Unable" is the response returned when isset($_POST) is not working, refer the code for more details. [COLOR="red"][B]PHP CODE[/B][/COLOR] [CODE]<?php $test = "Hi!"; if ((isset($_POST['usrName'])) && (isset($_POST['pWord']))) { $user = $_POST["usrName"]; $pass …

Member Avatar for iammirko
Member Avatar for raul8

The only difference is that the 2nd is written within a function and returns instead of echo. What is the problem? [code=php] <?php jcarousel_add('tango'); drupal_add_js ( '$(document).ready(function(){ $("#carousel-cars").jcarousel(); } ); ', 'inline' ); echo getcwd(); echo "<div id=\"carousel-cars-horiz\">"; echo "<ul id=\"carousel-cars\" class=\"jcarousel-skin-tango\">"; $pic = NULL; $url = "./sites/all/modules/img/Images/"; $handle = …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ekSquall

Hi, I have populated a dropdown menu using php pdo from sqlite database. How would i go about reading what the user has selected in the dropdown menu. so i can do something like: $userSelected = [whatever user selected in the dropdown menu]; my code is as follows (part of …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for dannynez

i get this Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\appserv\www\conectarse.php:2) in c:\appserv\www\conectarse.php on line 61 and this warning happen in line 58 - header("Location: ".$MM_redirectLoginSuccess); and in line 61 - header("Location: ".$MM_redirectLoginFailed); pls i need somebody help me to resolve this this is …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for maxelcat

I have a client that wants a site for people who are potentailly being abused, often by partners they live with. He is under the impression that it is possible for there to be a "Button" that deletes the cache when the user presses it rather than going through the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tonvlad

i'm trying to explode my variable but it has a single quote which is invalid in my mysql syntax. can u help me how to explode a single quote?? list($a, $b) = explode("'", $des);

Member Avatar for dddougal
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, Currently I am working on a site that lets users upload photos for their personal page. This page is just a prototype so some of the code is very sloppy so I really should not post all of it. Anyway, here is some: [CODE]$id =$_GET['id']; if(!isset($id) || empty($id)){ die("Please …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for sakush100

Hello everyone. This is a small php code to change password. [CODE]<?php session_start(); $oldpwd=$_POST['oldpwd']; $newpwd=$_POST['newpwd']; $conf=$_POST['conf']; $currentid=$_SESSION['email']; if($newpwd!=$conf) { echo"Passwords Do Not Match"; } else { if($oldpwd==NULL || $newpwd==NULL ||$conf==NULL) { echo"Any fields cannot be left Blank"; } else { require('../connect.php'); mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $qry="SELECT …

Member Avatar for jj.amonit

Using the above technologies, I want to create a PDF, store it in my db, and email it. All with the click of one button. I also want to call it up and have it be able to display with a hyperlink. I am very new to FPDF. Therefore, I …

Member Avatar for red_ruewei
Member Avatar for Mahaa

Hi, I am pretty new to this scripting language. I have just installed the following s/w packages in my system via XAMPP. >php >MySQL >Apache Next,I started writing a basic script in notepad and saved it as "hello.php" My question is where to run this script, either in the Command …

Member Avatar for Mahaa
Member Avatar for leopardsag

I want to create pdf from sql result and then also mail it or save it. Kindly advise. I want any link to working example and code or simple code. Thanks. :)

Member Avatar for red_ruewei
Member Avatar for HedoBum

This is stumping me...it's probably pretty obvious, but I'm working under medication for the flu... I finally got my form submitting to my database and to separate tables from the update.php script. Problem is, (I know this sounds trivial and I shake my head as I query) I can't get …

Member Avatar for HedoBum
Member Avatar for sajohnson05

Below you will find my code for a form. I am trying to do Regular expression. I have the expression but when i enter something that is not right it will still post. I believe the reason is that i am still calling the $_POST of original not taking into …

Member Avatar for timhysniu
Member Avatar for ziaul1234

Hi I am just stucked. Would be great if someone can help me. I have created form in page1.html. User fill the form and can view it in page2.php where there is also an edit button. If they need to edit any details, page3.php comes and they they can edit …

Member Avatar for timhysniu
Member Avatar for nyler01

i need help. i am developing a webpage which is the user is able to log in,log out, register, and change password but my problem is the tutorial that i've seen so far is about mysql. i am using ms access database and i want to do this stuff using …

Member Avatar for nyler01
Member Avatar for teedoff

Hi I am very new to PHP and was working through a tutorial to learn a little about PHP. I created a simple form that passes form variables to another page to be displayed. It's a coin counter that when the user enters certain amounts of different denominations of coins, …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for KriBez

Hello! Finally I joined daniweb. Great stuff in here guys. Anyways lets get to the problem: I have a page where a number of topics are displayed ( they are added by admin). And to get this list I`m using this script [CODE=php] // Query the database $gettopic = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for KriBez
Member Avatar for CasTex

Hello, When I try to mysql insert values with same names, it encourages this error. When I looked at the table column, I see that the row id is always "1" and it doesnt let to add same entry. [URL="http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/4123/sfff.jpg"]http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/4123/sfff.jpg[/URL] My question is, how can I add an auto increment …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for ujjval dave

hi every one, i need your help in php code. my error is for profile page. after implementing lots of php code in this page,my page became auto refresh in every 2secound. i don't know what happend to it. i m attaching my code pls elp me. [CODE] <?php //get …

Member Avatar for ujjval dave
Member Avatar for BzzBee

I am member of daniweb since last 2 and half years. That was very good when i joined this. But now its just rubbish here. No one try to help others. I had post 5 different threads but i didnt find any solid suggesstion, any sound solution. In my following …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for benhowdle89

I'm sure this has been answered many times but its something i've struggled with doing, if i wanted a user login on one page, when, for example "John" logs in he goes to an area that only "John" can see, "Jill" cannot see this area and cant access it by …

Member Avatar for benhowdle89
Member Avatar for kracko

hey ppl. I have many submit buttons in a form. Each of them does its thing in different php pages. But when, for example, 'add' button goes to 'add.php' it does its work but stays there) how to redirect page back? thanks

Member Avatar for kracko
Member Avatar for pieterv

Could someone please explain why the following code works: [code=php] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function test(){ phpTest = "<?php echo 'hello'; ?>"; document.getElementById("php_code").innerHTML = phpTest; } </script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onclick="test(); return false;"> test </a> <span id="php_code"> </span> </body> <html> [/code] while this code doesn't: [code=php] <html> <head> <script …

Member Avatar for pieterv
Member Avatar for becraig

I need to assign a variable based on its value. ie: $variable = 'value' (if value != "Session['value']" My brain is not really working atm I know there has to be a simple way to do this. I am selecting a random file from a directory and do not want …

Member Avatar for becraig
Member Avatar for curious_me

Does anybody know anything about click functions? I need ur help guys. what I wanted is that there will be 3 choices and once I clicked one of those choices it will be automatically displayed to a table in html. please help me cause google can't help me or i …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I am implementing a dropdown list that finds people from a "State" and "City". The states and cities are stored in the DB when a user registers. Since there are several times "California" exists in the DB, how can I display "California" in my dropdown list once and …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n

The End.