39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for nyler01

I'm new to php and i need some help. I wrote a script that supposed to count the number of records with the same value and show them in webpage, yes it is grouping the records with the same value but it is not able to show how many records …

Member Avatar for nyler01
Member Avatar for lightningrod66

I have an html form with multiple text fields that when submit is pressed, a php file processes the form, storing submitted info into mysql database, then sending email with same data. I would like to know how to: 1) make some fields required, check the form to make sure …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, I am having an issue with my custom field for my download button within post loop. It is supposed go to an external link, but when I enter the "[B]download_url[/B]" value it ends up linking to "[B][I][url]www.mysite.com/blog/http://www.downloadurl.com[/url][/I][/B]" instead of "[B][I][url]http://www.downloadurl.com[/url][/I][/B]". So basically it is adding my blog url …

Member Avatar for wpmonster
Member Avatar for robiorobio

This might be able to be done in just simple HTML - I need to assemble a drop down menu or searchbar script which consists of two fields (e.g. yellowpages.ca - what? where?). The query options will be presented as they type (just like yellowpages or google) which will be …

Member Avatar for nertos

Hi, how can I click the button on some website using cURL or in other method how can I do this? :)

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for mathewmoozh

Can anyone tell me the advantage of the PHP language over .net and java? why most of the developers uses it for the development? why it is considered as the first prioritized lang for web development? answer me plz.Thanks in advance. answerers are great appreciated thanks again

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for Shaswat

i know mail function in php mail(to,message,from,etc) but when i run that i get an error? regarding smtp or something someone told me that u need mailserver. where to get that from.also how to configure it. can u suggest a site with demo. i saw hmailsever but dont know how …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, I accidently inserted " " into one column in mysql database. Column has one char length space as it is expected after insertion. However, in php code, I can not do this: None of these returns Yes. [code] if(substr($data, 0, 1) == " "){ echo "Yes"; } if(substr($data, 0, 1) …

Member Avatar for thebreadguru
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

<b>Suppose I have a customer details form, after fillup that form when I'll press <submit> it will redirect me to an another form where those details will be shown in a .doc format. I want to print this page...can any one plz HELP ME how can I do this job....plz …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi.. I got a problem with the date and time in php.. This is the story. [B]1)[/B]I want to get the date and time automatically whenever a person write onto the field that i have made(eg. the blogpost field). [B]2)[/B]Then,after i stored it into the database, i want to output …

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Member Avatar for sjeggels

I need help with a dynamic link on my web page. This is a site where accommodation establishments register their details and upload a photo. Here is the problem I have: I have a page listing all users (user_list.php) where I retrieve details (acc_name, address, photo) of registered users from …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Do you use them and which one? How it affect your productivity, and how it affects your applications' performance? Is it worth it? Me personally, I'm all for standardization, but have we gone too far? Note: subjective rant below - can be skipped:) I find all this stuff extremely limiting, …

Member Avatar for aizel

i am wondering on how to make a combo box that query without button [CODE]<select name="item"> <option value"item1">item1</option> <option value"item2">item2</option> </select>[/CODE] for example they choose item1, the system should select item1 from table mysql_query("select * from table WHERE item='$_POST[item]'"); so the result will be: [U]ID | item[/U] 1 | item1

Member Avatar for chintan@dani
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i looking for a free software or php script that can compare a database from server 1 and beetween server 2 and creat the tables and fields that are missing. any one have know a solution? thanks for your help :)

Member Avatar for taosh
Member Avatar for sritina

Hi ... I want to send a mail using php code, and i used sendto() function..But there is a problem occur.. that is... I using a one free webhosting for this service.. but it didnt support the smtp server.. Please tell me what are all the steps of doing this.. …

Member Avatar for chintan@dani
Member Avatar for .Mido
Member Avatar for delle

Creating a multi-column list from WordPress' default function (wp_post_page()) is a pain. I was tasked to create a multi-column list and realized there wasn’t a simple argument to do so. With that said, I have to create a code which should do the job…and it does the job so well… …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

I am trying to insert multiple rows using foreach, with no luck. I am able to insert the rows i want, however all the rows have the same value (that of the last row). This is the script i'm using: [CODE]foreach($_POST as $key=>$val) { $contaminant = $_POST['contaminant']; //$gac_value = $_POST['gac_value']; …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey guys, I am new to Wordpress and am having a slight issue. I have a "featured" posts section at the top of my index page that shows 3 recent posts from the featured category. Everything shows up fine except the post image. So I see the "post_summary" and the …

Member Avatar for wpmonster
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a small problem with getting the content from the pages in WordPress. In my admin panel I have created some pages, also I have created a custom template and now when I want to open any of the pages then the content is not displayed (the …

Member Avatar for wpmonster
Member Avatar for mikecronauer

I am using a web page to input data into mysql using php. I am using ajax to pull back the same data from a php file on the same web page. I click my "get data" button (it runs my ajax/php function) right after I make an update to …

Member Avatar for mikecronauer
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I have a form that is a calculates an estimate for the user. [icode] <form method="post" action="php/pricing.php"> <table id="pasa"><tr> <td>Number of Pages?</td><td><textarea name="pages" value="" rows="1" cols="5"/> </textarea></td></tr></table> Can You Provide the following content?<br> <table id="pasa"><tr><td></td><td>Yes</td><td>Some</td><td> No</td></tr> <tr><td>Pictures</td><td><input type="radio" name="pictures" value="0"></td> <td><input type="radio" name="pictures" value="25" checked></td> <td><input type="radio" name="pictures" value="50"></td></tr> <tr><td>Literature</td><td><input …

Member Avatar for RazorRamon
Member Avatar for Dante2

Ok, I have to do an assignment for cass. The teacher wants us to use a FOR loop to print out only first three variables stored in an array called $birds. How do I use a FOR loop to print out only those first three? And furthermore, how would I …

Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for jamesbarnhill

How can I create a function similar to Google Buzz or Facebook, where the user types an '@' symbol followed by a username which is then turned into a link? Example: Input is: "Hello, @example_user!" And the output is: "Hello, [URL="http://example.site/profile.php?u=example_user"]Example User[/URL]!" ([url]http://example.site/profile.php?u=example_user[/url]) This, I'm sure, would be simple to …

Member Avatar for jamesbarnhill
Member Avatar for jarmerson

I am new to PHP and really just troubleshooting a migration issue (moving from live working server to new server with this error). I'm not well versed in coding so I apologize in advance if I'm overlooking something stupid simple. Here's the error: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a …

Member Avatar for jarmerson
Member Avatar for Pado

Hi all, I've finally gotten a handle on object-oriented programming (it took ages), and I really like it. But I'm still struggling with conceptualizing some things. For example, if I want to make a form using objects, do I make a Form class with a method like startFORM($name_of_action_page, $method), then …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for dev.vini
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for aycmike

Hi everyone, I am new to PHP and seeking some advice on any decent online courses, tutorial sites and books to help get the ball rolling. I am proficent in xhtml, css and have experience with coldfusion if this helps? Any help would be much appreciated!

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for RyanDev

Hi everyone, please I want to know if I can add a stylesheet link in my php mail : [CODE] $subject="Subject"; $header="From: \"$email\" <contact@sssss.com>\r\n"; $header.= "Reply-To: contact@sssss.com \r\n"; $header.= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $message= "<html> <link href='style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> <body> <p>lorem lipsum ...</p> </body> </html>"; mail($mail,$subject,$message,$header);[/CODE] Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

This is form that i want to submit and send a mail to my email i have used some codes for that and it doesn't work [CODE] <form id="F2" name="F2" method="post" action="contact/send_contact.php" onsubmit="return validateForm(this)"> <div id="hedding"> <h2>Contact Details</h2> </div> <P><center><?php error_reporting(0); include("init/db.php"); $table=$_GET['hotel']; $id=$_GET['id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table …

Member Avatar for hielo

The End.