39,388 Topics
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Hello i've used the cascade drop down menu from post: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread132703.html[/url] its work for English value only, but for Arabic it didn't work ? note :am using WAMP server+php+MySQL+html any idea | |
How can I do in such a way that when someone enters on Web,automatically from the database is shown his name taking information from IP desc if he is register [CODE] <?php $ip_demo = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); include"sec/db.php"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blog_name"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name_demo = $row["name_demo"]; $ip … | |
I have a site am working on and I really want to put comment script on it. But I don't want a database. | |
Hi, This is a real simple answer but for the life of me i cant seem to work out. I am trying to display my notes on one side of the page however the notes are long and are running right across the page instead of automatically going into a … | |
Hi All, My question is, I have a page (index.php) that creates an instance of a class (customers). In that page it opens a new page (edit.php or add.php, or del.php or search.php). I need to know when that new page opens is the class "dead", and how can I … | |
I am developing a website related to network marketing which has a binary incentive scheme. i want a code which shows the downline of a member. a member can have 2 downlines and those downlines can have downlines as well. so i want a code which shows all the downlines. … | |
Hi! My page does not redirect to "userReport_Asset.php" when i click the submit button. what happens is that when i choose an item, it is not shown yet in the drop down menu. when i click submit, it prints the item selected (i print the values to see if it … | |
I have page1.php that has the a link to a popup. I need to send a variable to the popup window. I'm currently using this in the body: [code=php]<a href="#" onclick="actpopup(<?echo($act_id);?>)"><?echo($date);?></a>[/code] This is the function actpopup [code=php] url = "serv_act.php?act_id=act_id"; options = "height=175, width=300, location=no, scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,left=50"; window.open(url,name,options); [/code] But for … | |
Hi all, i had a page with a dropdown option.so wen i select an item from dropdown my page is getting refresh and in the dropdown it is cuming to default value.I need that selected value in dropdown even after the page refreshed.so can any one please... [CODE]<?php include 'connection.php'; … | |
pls i need the different betwwen Vb.net and PHP looking in the are i listed Area Visual Basic .Net PHP (1)Variable definitions (2)Loops (3)Conditions (4)File handling | |
i want to generate A0001 as user id in php. i tried a lot for this but i can't did that so anybody here to help me......... | |
hiiii friends, i have a table messages whose columns are id(primary key,auto increment) from to sub body now when i am trying to insert in the table with the following syntax insert into messages values(2,'$from','$to','$sub','$body') it is working fine. but since the id is in auto increment mode i am … | |
hi all, i had a page with a dropdown of projects and a table of users with check boxes each. so wen i select a project from dropdown the users who are assigned to that project will be checked and the rest as unchecked. so here is my problem wen … | |
hello, i want to do small mail concept. what it zzzzz means admin sends registration form to user mails. in that mail user can register their account . my doubt is is there any chance to apply validations in mail. below is my script.[CODE]<? ob_start(); extract($_REQUEST); include("includes/class.phpmailer.php"); if($_POST) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// … | |
I have an array that was an 'explode' from an sql query, and i want in another query, search for an field called "id" by each value of the exploded array(it can be 1 value or 17) and get the field "name" associated to the id, and so create another … ![]() | |
I have page1.php that has the a link to a popup. I need to send a variable to the popup window. I'm currently using this in the body: [code=php]<a href="#" onclick="actpopup(<?echo($act_id);?>)"><?echo($date);?></a>[/code] This is the function actpopup [code=php] url = "serv_act.php?act_id=act_id"; options = "height=175, width=300, location=no, scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,left=50"; window.open(url,name,options); [/code] But for … | |
anyone can help me to figure out how to view your result (after searching) in the result page ? i created 2 page [COLOR="Red"]search.php viewdata.php[/COLOR] ocay, after i insert an input to the text field for search item, the result (a list) will display at the bottom of the search … | |
Hi, I have a Edit Button(which is a Image Button) and when I click that ImageButton a new browser window should open and it should load the values previously entered by the user. The new window should contain the old values and now should be able to edit them. For … ![]() | |
Hi, I am somewhat new to PHP and having a bit of trouble figuring out how to grab the value from a drop down menu from a form. Also I want to assign a number to the selected option. For Example, the person will select computer memory from the drop … | |
Hi all, I am looking for an example/code to get MAC Address with JavaScript or any other technology for a php based web application. The collected MAC Address will be stored in a MySQL table, 'login' to generate reports. I have found some php scripts helping me do this but … | |
I am working on an page that will print scheduled classes and appointments after querying a databse for them. Right now I'm trying to store the names of people with appointments in an array so I can print it after adding the classes as well. I've gotten stuck on this … | |
I am having trouble operating this code.[CODE]<?php ob_end_flush(); ob_implicit_flush(true); set_time_limit(0); function consoleEcho($msg, $DontShowDate = 0) { if(!$DontShowDate) $date = "[". date('m/d H:i:s'). "] "; $msg = $date . $msg; print($msg ."\n"); } class client { public $sock; public $ipaddr; public $chatServer; public $uid; function sendMessage($msg) { socket_write($client[$i]->sock, $msg . chr(0)); … | |
I have to make a folder listing, which I've created:[code=php]$dirPath = '.'; if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir("$dirPath/$file")) { echo "<div style='background-color:#0ccccc;'><a href='$file'>$file(directory)</a></div>"; } else { echo "<div style='background-color:#0ccccc;'><a href='$file'>$file</a></div>" . filesize($file); echo … ![]() | |
Hello, I am having a problem getting variables in my function. Below is my code and an explanation of how it is being called. 1. I set the vars: [code=php] error_reporting(2047); require_once('XML\RPC.php'); define("SITECODE", 000000); define("REQUEST_URL", "/external/request.php"); define("REQUEST_SERVER", "domain.com"); define("REQUEST_PORT", 443); define("XML_DEBUG", 0); $software_name = "domain.com"; $messages = array(); $errors = … | |
I am new to PHP and I discovered a new trick, I want to create a script and if $pagea=1 then it will display the contents of page [B]a[/B] and so on but I want to know how to make a button or anything that is kinda like link and … | |
hii i want to write dates in drop down menu/list and that dates i have to pick from calender. i need to have a calender in such a way that when i click drop down list calender appears and i select a date that goes in that drop down list. … | |
Hi. For some reason the real_escape_string is not working. Here is a function that doesnt seem to work. function add_mail(){ $host = ""; $user = ""; $pass = ""; $database = ""; //this function assigns correct values to the variables to access the database. get_variables_db2($host, $user, $pass, $database); $db = … | |
i have a php code in a div. I'd like to cancel clicking on that div, until the page loads. i'm having the problem if i click on the div too fast which calls a popup div... it doesn't get the content from the php.. so it is a blank … | |
I have a form on page1.php. The form action is "page1.php". After some sanitation and validation takes place and there are no errors, when a user clicks the submit button, I need the page be redirected and a variable passed to the destination page. The redirection is done with this … | |
Hi everyone, I am new to php and currently i am trying to modify a word / text in a PDF file. For example, i would like to replace a specific word / text [knowledge] in a PDF file with friends. e.g. I have a wide range of [Knowlege]. I … |
The End.