39,388 Topics
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Hello. I've been trying to learn PHP for the past few days so I hope this isn't a silly question. [code=php]<?php $var1 = 'lol'; $var2 = '$var1'; $var3 = eval("\$var2;"); print $var3; ?>[/code] Basically I'm trying to eval the variable name from a string and then return the value of … ![]() | |
I am using FPDF utility to generate report using Mysql DB i hv to select the entry in DB and print in to columns I am generating PDF files as output. There are two column's in Report and many rows of data which is queried from the DB i.e Title … | |
I post this solution to a form validation and redirect as an addition to a comment page written with dreamweaver. Unfortunately Dreamweaver does not provide server-side validation for php. You're expected to purchase an extension. [B]My problem[/B] I have a comments page with a comment form. I wanted the comment … | |
Hello there, I've been having problems creating a part of my mail system that makes messages look red when they haven't been read, and white when they have been read. This is what I'm using right now [code=php]mysql_query("UPDATE Mail SET Read=1 WHERE ID={$messageID}");[/code] The SQL ID Field is a smallint … | |
HI. Can someone please tell me why this simple operation doesnt work? [CODE]$time1_offset * -1;[/CODE] | |
My PHP account is hosted by the university. I want to send email to my gmail account and not the account tied to my PHP account. Is this possible? | |
hi there, I have one question here is my code taken from the internet which is about the static function but i dont exactly understand for what reason we use here static function and what does mean self and code which is below can anyone explain it to me [CODE]<?php … | |
Can anyone share a resource (download or a how-to) for parsing a CSV to an associative array based on the first row of the CSV acting as the column names? I found this resource [URL="http://blog.joshuamcginnis.com/2008/12/csv-to-associate-array/"]http://blog.joshuamcginnis.com/2008/12/csv-to-associate-array/[/URL] but can't make heads or tales about the second parameter sent to the function. In … ![]() | |
I have a site that is a single base page that loads content based on get variables. The problem is, is that whenever a form is submitted, the url is cleared of all variables and the form data is never handled. How do you keep the url from reverting back … | |
Hi, I am saving data to text filed i want to display first 50 characters from that text field. I tried it with left() function with my sql query and also tried it with substr() function in php code also.but i am getting a problem it shows first 50 characters … | |
One might have titled this story "Beware of government bearing gifts." We should be exceedingly wary whenever law makers begin dabbling with something that's been working exceedingly well for decades. Today that thing is the Internet, perhaps the least-regulated industry in the U.S. today. This week the U.S. Federal Communications … | |
Hi Guys I wrote a little web app to integrate with an SQLite database. When the database is on a local PC, there is no problem connecting to it as in: [CODE]$connect = new PDO("sqlite:\path\to\database.db");[/CODE] Now I've been asked if I can adapt it to connect to a linux device … | |
Can someone tell me how to concatonate 2 files together in PHP> The UNIX equivalent is: cat file1.txt >> file2.txt | |
Hi.. I'm really new in php.. and cant understand a part from this code below and hope somebody could explain to me : [CODE] while ($subject = mysql_fetch_array($subject_set)) { echo "<li>{$subject["menu_name"]}</li>"; $page_set = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE subject_id = {$subject["id"]}", $connection); if (!$page_set) { die("Database query failed: " . … | |
hi all, i am having a page. so wen i select some file and click submit then a message occurs in the next page that the file uploaded and wen i press the back button then only the page should get refresh.because i am displaying the uploaded files in a … | |
sorry to tell U that I'm very new to this PHP. i'm usng mySQL database. I want to made input using hiragana/katakana/kanji, and an output is from the database. in database, japanese words are using CHAR with collation= utf8_unicode_ci how do I make it ?? <?php input type="text" name="word"?> but … | |
![]() | Hi all, I've hit a brick wall trying to validate some array data. I'll dive right in with the code... [code] <form action="process.php" method="post"> <ul> <li><label>Order: <?php echo $form->error("order"); ?></label><input class="order" type="text" name="task[1][order]" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo $form->value("order"); ?>" /></li> <li><label>Task: <?php echo $form->error("task"); ?></label><input type="text" name="task[1][task]" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $form->value("task"); … |
Hi Friends, Kindly help i am using list menu i.e day month year i can get the data using the echo, and how do i insert the data into MySQL in DAY-MONTH-YEAR for example: i want to insert 10-MAY-2010 Regards Sachin | |
hey all. I am trying to do validation via PHP for submitted forms. Below is my own code, please comment if its the correct method or not. However, I tried so many ways to have the /n or /r added, but I cant get to it. Its just to make … | |
Hai., I'm developing drupal 6.15 version. and I'm new for PHP and now i need to develop my web applications with usual databases commands like insert,delete, update,save functions. after at all creted documents make into details invoice report. like PDF format. Is there any possibility to create the above requirements … ![]() | |
I'm working on a small social script.. The content will be in Urdu language for which I encoded the files with UTF-8. I'm having problems with the login page. The problem is that I'm unable to execute setcookie() function. I'm getting the following error; Warning: Cannot modify header information - … | |
If I have a table sales: sales {sellerid, buyerid} I'm trying to determine the buyers favourite seller... So I need to return the most frequent sellerid. I've used this query to find out the total number of times the buyer has bought something from any seller: [CODE]$countseller = mysql_query("SELECT count(sellerid) … | |
I am looking for a php code to add a url to a text file like this 1- user adds url to a text box 2- user adds site name 3- user hits submit button The url that was entered in to the text box is then added to a … | |
Hi, I would like for images to change automatically on my home page. I have been directed on the internet to the programmes rotate.php. but I cannot get it to work. So I have come here to seek help and guidance for me to get this to work. It would … | |
I am building a website that needs to have a facebook connect, login page, blog page, and a photo page that allows the user to upload photos. This is not my site but I am desinging it and need help with the above. I am using DreamWeaver CS3 as the … | |
Hi there, I've been trying to figure out why my update script wont commit changes to the database. I'm building a simple call tracking web app for our technicians. Currently the view, add, and delete functions of the app work fine. The trouble I'm running into is when I want … | |
Hi I am trying to create a log system were users can log activities, once they are logged in their username is held in a session. My problem is I want them to be able to create a new log by filling out a form but I don't want them … | |
Hello! For about two or three weeks now, I've had a cron job that runs every 5 minutes as part of an email subscription system I set up for my church. Yesterday something changed with our hosting server (it's shared hosting with Hostmonster) and now I'm getting an email every … | |
hello... i am using '-'separater in htaccess. here is my code [CODE] htaccess url:http://rahul/cellbatts/featured products-<?=$fetchhotproducts[itemno]?> RewriteRule ^([^-]*)-([a-zA-Z0-9/_-]+[^.]+)$ product_info.php?catname=$1&itemno=$2 [NC] above is working for this example http://rahul/cellbatts/product_info.php?catname=featured products&&itemno=HA-MO-V9 but my item number is some types like this http://rahul/cellbatts/product_info.php?catname=featured products&&itemno=HA-MO-VK-KL/1 for this the above htaccess url is not working? redirecting to correct … | |
Basically i want to make an online shop, only with like 5/6 products in it. but i dont want a checkout, i basically want it were the buyer can add something to a cart, enter their name, and 2 other information fields (ie phone number and collection date) and then … |
The End.