39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for fuggles

[code=php] <?php session_start(); $password = "password"; if($_POST['password']==$password) { $_SESSION['loggedin']=1; header("location:index.php"); } else { header("location:index.php"); } ?> [/code] That works fine in other browsers. But in IE, when you click the submit button the previous page it redirects you back, and not logged in. Internet explorer says something about security. Does …

Member Avatar for fuggles
Member Avatar for BlueCharge

Hi Everyone, Basically i have a reward system on my website as Achievements. On the acievements page i want to display the achievment images that are unlocked and the locked image if the user has not unlocked them. The following code works but still brings back the following error: [QUOTE] …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gumby64

First let me start off with saying I am just learning PHP with smarty and am not doing this for any school/class assignment. I am trying to create an email form that allows a user to subscribe/unsubscribe from a mailing list. I can not figure out how to write the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Marty6

Hi, I'm a relative newb with wamp server and web development. I've been asked to take over the development of a website. when I'm accessing the site locally everything works fine. But when I upload the site to our online server and I try to access it remotely from another …

Member Avatar for etftw
Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th

i have tried shell_exec system exec i want to run a command like maybe im missed something if you want my code ill post it but the other command i run to ocr the item works fine im banging my head and its probly something simple mv -f .*tif /somewhere/

Member Avatar for etftw
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, I am trying to run a stored procedure from PHP file,i am getting following error : CALL fetch_gist() execute command denied to user 'user_name'@'localhost' for routine 'dbname.fetch_gist' on 1370 When i directly call stored procedure from phpmyadmin it works fine , [COLOR="Red"]but when i call the same from php …

Member Avatar for etftw
Member Avatar for umandajayo

Hi Flocks.... I am developing a web site by using Joomla And I need to get a data from data base under the following criteria 1. item should be a published (in my module published is 1 and unpublished is 0) 2. and selected data should be a shorting under …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for sajed

hi how i can let echo like in image [URL="http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/5373/gggpr.jpg"]http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/5373/gggpr.jpg[/URL] first article with image and title after come title only for other articles this is my code [ICODE]$querypub = "SELECT * FROM art_publish where category='$bnrow[1]' ORDER BY id DESC limit 3"; $qrypub = @mysql_query($querypub,$connect) or die ("Wrong Query"); while ($pub …

Member Avatar for sajed
Member Avatar for rutaba

i want to add an advertisment in my site. is there any control for that as in asp.net or some other way? i wnat adds to be changed after few seconds.. kindly help me and give ur precious suggestions. Thanx

Member Avatar for rutaba
Member Avatar for godfather21

hello guys,i am having a problem when i want to post some variables using multiple forms.please i need some help. the first file contains the following: <?php if(isset($_GET["submit"]) && $_GET["submit"]) { $qty1=$_POST["qty1"]; $qty2=$_POST["qty2"]; $qty3=$_POST["qty3"]; $qty4=$_POST["qty4"]; $qty5=$_POST["qty5"]; } else { ?> <table border="3" align="center" width="90%" > <tr><BR><BR> <th bgcolor="#ECD672" align="center">¸éäïò Êáõóßìïõ</th> …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a login page.so that if role==0 it moves to one page and if role==1 moves to another page,if role==2 it moves to some other page. In this i need to add another condition if status is active(1) so i had done that but i am …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for sugikrish

hi friends, i cant able do perfect design in php using html. if any spaces allocate means i use only "&nbsp;". if you know any other way for successfully doing this pls send to me.

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hai all, i am working on a project, my project have 3(bronze, silver, gold) types of payments, payments are done through the paypal the expiry date is one month. if user reach the expirydate we must send email to him, after expirydate is passed his payment type change to bronze(it …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I would like to set up a html email that gets sent to a mailing list for a client. However I have never done this and am really unsure about where to start. The way i am intending it to work, is for the client to just click a …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for RisTar

Hi Guys, I just installed PDFLib, Im trying to create automatic invoice system for one of my clients. Im testing using MAMP on mac OSX10.5. I used the PDFLib manual and installed the extension. Im pretty sure that everything is working because i can see the extension information in my …

Member Avatar for Usernamex235
Member Avatar for jtapp

I've been messing around with this for three days now.. can you look at my code? I'm not getting any error messages, but I'm not getting any data either. I currently have a working form that successfully returns the results I want from one table in my DB. However, I …

Member Avatar for frazehmad
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, i had a problem with logout.Even after clicking on logout,if we press back button i am able to see the details. i am destroing the sessions also. so can any one help me.... Thank u.[/QUOTE] [CODE]<?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); session_destroy(); echo "<strong style='color:#FF3333'>"."<left><h1>Successfully logged out.</h1></left>"."</strong>"; ?> <html> …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for DoctorTom

Hi, I am bulding my own website and I would like to have a drop down selected menu on there. I would like to do it, creating a database on mySQL connected to a php file to show the results. However, I am not sure if what I wrote above …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, i hav a problem so in order to solve that i need to keep the radio button value in a session.but i am not getting it how to keep. so any can can say me.. Thank u.[/QUOTE] [CODE] <?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); include 'connection.php'; $query= mysql_query("SELECT projectassign …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for furqan219

Hi to all Result of my SQL Query is attached My Query is [CODE=mysql]SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE TO_DAYS( NOW( ) ) - TO_DAYS( `pDate` ) >20 AND mid(`SiteID`,1,1) ='C' AND `cDate` LIKE '0000-00-00' AND `crDate` LIKE '0000-00-00' [/CODE] For Showing I use this Code [CODE=php]echo "<table cellpadding=2 align=center cellspacing=2 …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for javan96

hi everyone im new to programing im trying to send a html email using my forum mass email option, but every time i send it nothing shows up in the email but a bunch of source code. CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE. THIS IS MY SOURCE CODE. <html> <style type="text/css"> …

Member Avatar for Prithwirajsaha8
Member Avatar for rabzzz

hi im using combobox and retriving values in it from database , now what i wan is to get the selected value of combobox and send it in my php function....im unable to do this need your help thanx

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, I have used Dreamweaver to create my php/mysql data driven site. I have managed to secure the site with it and generate my pages. problem is users should only see their own clients which works on the results page, however if say UserID 1 had a client registered to …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for redgie44

Ok I am currently learning php through wordpress and I have a small project to create a running website which displays the results. CUrrently I can display the results for a certain race that I hard code: [code] <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("XX.XX.XX.XX", "admin", "pwd") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db") …

Member Avatar for redgie44
Member Avatar for pepon

Hi all I have developed a newsletter for my client created dynamicly with PHP and MySQL. Everything was ok since I need to send the newssletter to the unclosed recipients. The problem is that I need elaborate the message with the newsletter inside (CSS,photos,etc) because the archive that contains the …

Member Avatar for Prithwirajsaha8
Member Avatar for aarya

i want to send the newsletter to all those who subscribe to my website. i ahve a templetae with table navigation ,site logo,some images. i wnat to send news letter with all this . i create the html file . can i do thsi code to send [QUOTE]<?INCLUDE 'd.php'; $title=$_GET['title']; …

Member Avatar for Prithwirajsaha8
Member Avatar for cosminx2003

Hello, I'm trying to simulate some sort of multi-threading processes (if it can be called like that) for a PHP application. The approach would be to run a main php file, in which are made some verifications (in the DB) and set a $_SESSION variable. Now other actions should be …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

how can i echo this code. when i echo it it prints out the html tags and <? php code ?> i want to echo the html code and interpret the php as php. [code] echo "<h2>Add Contact</h2> <form name=\"form1\" action=\"<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?mode=added\" method=\"post\"> <table class=\"tableStyleClassTwo\"> <tr><td>Name:</td><td><div align=\"left\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" /> …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for andydeans

Hi, I am trying to insert into 2 tables at once. The first table i have a hidden field InsuranceID and that gets an auto increment from mysql database. In my other hidden fields i am inserting into table 2 which has a hidden value of ProductID This is set …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hey everyone. I'm having some trouble returning the correct number of matched results after a search query is issued to my site's search bar. I was using this, but it returns the wrong number of matches (only for certain queries): [CODE] $countofrecs = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) from tablename WHERE title OR …

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The End.