39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for MDanz

i already have the id field which is auto increment primary key. I have another field that i want to be auto increment/autonumber but phpadmin/mysql doesn't allow? how else do i have a field with an autonumber?

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for imanpatrick

hi .. i am a newbie in PHP .. i have learned some php script and ready to make something from PHP .. can anybody suggest me, how to test my PHP skill ? i mean, u guys of course ever be a newbie, right ? so, when ur still …

Member Avatar for jayreis
Member Avatar for ugniesdebesys

Steganography- to hide text into text. Very safe to transport information internet. HERE is [URL="http://www.programva.com/en/php-steganography-encryption"]PHP STEGANOGRAPHY example[/URL]. There is a list of phrases , which is mixed with Caesar cypher :). May somebody hnows another sites?

Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]i hav a session variable.but wen i try to access it from the other page it is not showing anything.so i think session value is not working.[/QUOTE] ------User.php------- [CODE]<?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid,$projectname,$filename,$size,$allocatedmemory,$answer,$usedmemory,$Remainingmemory,$result,$data3,$abc); include 'connection.php'; $query= mysql_query("SELECT projectassign FROM projectassign where userid=(select userid from users where username='$username' and role='2')"); …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi, I have never used table locking before. Would something like this be sufficient? Basically I want to only allow exclusive write access to the bid table: [CODE] <?php $query = "LOCK TABLES bid WRITE"; $placebid = mysql_query("INSERT INTO bid (auction_id, seller_id, bidder_id, b_timestamp, b_currentprice) VALUES ('$id', '$uid', '$ruid', NOW(), …

Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i want to store a value in session by using javascript in php.Can any one say me about it, i mean how to store and how to get that in the other php page. Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for bsewell

Hi All, I'm trying to write some code to read a CSV file and produce HTML from it. I'm using MAMP to develop the page, but no code at all will display in the browser. I would like the first line of the file to be the header, and then …

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Member Avatar for jagadeeshbalu

[url]http://www.zazzle.com/cr/design/pt-mug[/url] demo site add text we see the text is in the image when move the position , text is moving how can we done here?

Member Avatar for maunica

Hi all, Can I get a simple snippet to upload an image in php and display it on the webpage which i have developed but not yet published? I have tried 2-3 codes but they dont seem to be working..please help me!!!

Member Avatar for muaazab
Member Avatar for maunica

hi all, I want to know that how can i change the font size of the output in php. suppose this is the snippet echo 'y' echo '$ans' where i want to echo the value stored in variable ans by changing the font size to 12px.so how can i change …

Member Avatar for maunica
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Hi, well what i need to do is, through a certain interface there are assignment upload calls given by the admin, this is that interface [CODE]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function remlink(num){ var rownum=num; var rowid = "subname_"+rownum; var sn=document.getElementById(rowid).innerHTML; var cnfrm = confirm ("Are you sure you want to remove …

Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am really breaking my head due to this problem. Actually i am having a projects table with radio buttons so wen i select one radio button and click submit i can upload files in that project and also can see if there are any uploaded files in …

Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Hello, I need your help DP Friends I need to create a script which can accept the contents post to it via email and able to store that in a DB Permanently and able to display that in a php page The individual email sent to it must display as …

Member Avatar for jhbalaji
Member Avatar for Larry_b

Hi, I have a page that can be called by either post or get. $_request is supposted to handle that. I have never used $_request and am wondering if there are any problems using it instead of checking $_get and $_post separately, which I have done in the past, because …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have one stupid problem with overlapping div and object tag. I have slideshow (.swf) and now I want to add a div tag on the top of the slideshow, but when I try to do this then the div tag is hidden by object tag (slideshow). How …

Member Avatar for Krstevski
Member Avatar for jasonpclaire

I hope you can help. I have a program using 2 pages (main.php and resize_image.php) fragments shown below. Each script works fine independenly of each other. My problem comes when I want to pass a value held on my database held in $story[picture] to resize_image.php..... It simply will not transfer …

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Member Avatar for capoon

Good day everyone,I want to publish a website as regard to testing because this is my first attempt. My database is mysql server located at C:\Program Files\mysql , my php at C:\php and and my apache at C:\Program Files\tomcat. please how do i gather all this into one folder so …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Internet_Sense

Hey all, I figured for my new website that it is easier to have a contact us form, instead of just having my e-mail address. I have searched Google and Hotscripts ([url]http://hotscripts.com[/url]) and I have not found anything that is free and easy. I am looking for a first name …

Member Avatar for naping
Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, How can I preview Word Document (located on FTP) in browser, without downloading the file to computer? I have found this [url]https://docs.google.com/viewer[/url] but it doesnt support doc/docx :(

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for virspy

hi frnds.. Here i m trying to attach the file from my webpage..it is working..but when i checking on the mail, the attachment is corrupted and it is not giving any file format [CODE]<?php $e_mail=$result['EmailAddress']; $fileatt = $path; // Path to the file $fileatt_type = "application/octet-stream"; // File Type $fileatt_name …

Member Avatar for muaazab
Member Avatar for euantor

I'm currently writing a code for a dynami image generating script to return XBox Live gamercards. I've got everything working almost perfectly apart from imagecreatefromjpeg (which I am using to return the thumbnail images of recently played games). My code is below along with a sample image for you to …

Member Avatar for euantor
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I have a script which is meant to use all of my servers cpu but mysql will only use one core. I have 8 cores but only 1 core is being used. Does anybody know how to allow mysql to use multiple cores? -------- Second question How do I …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for gymangel812

I can't figure out what the problem is with my code. What I want it to do is add a new sandwich to the database when all fields are filed out and an image is uploaded. If product name field is not entered, the sandwich selected in the dropdown box …

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have recently being interested in Web security and I have some reading. I then found [URL="http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/php/secure-website-login-060817/page1.html"]this post[/URL], and it is great. I would like to hear what do you think is missing or what isn't necessary a.k.a overkill. It is not criticizing as such but discussing security ;)

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for rogerkore

Hi all, can someone tell me if it's possible do search like this: Mysql database: test Mysql Table: something Mysql rows: id name1 name2 name3 name4 Where [CODE] id name1 name2 name3 name4 1 roger mac phill chill 2 roger chill dubs lee [/CODE] The idea is do a search …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jhbalaji

I was digging through my old codes to get this, still could not find. Hence when I wrote it, just made a note here such that later it wont be difficult to find atleast for me. [B]Format filesize, php filesize human readable[/B]

Member Avatar for jhbalaji

Hello in the below PHP Code Everything seems fine but it did not posts to the site when i use it Can any one spot out what type of error it is Also here the XML RPC is enabled and the when i access it directly it works(i mean the …

Member Avatar for jhbalaji
Member Avatar for crdipu

Hi All, I need to create a new web-service by using php. And I need to use SOAP RPC/encoded for implementing this. I also need to authenticate the soap request using soap header information. Before doing main task that I have created a WSDL file, client and server files using …

Member Avatar for benk1

Hi I'm a bit of a newbie with this stuff, so I'm not 100% sure where to post this. Anyway I have a mini arm based PC for which I am trying to compile a php binary in cgi-mode, which supports sqlite. I am trying to cross compile from a …

Member Avatar for cristina.h

Hi! I am trying to insert the data froma a form into 3 tables. Although I get no errors only the first insert works. Could you please help me and tell me what am I doing wrong? $query_add = "insert into autoturisme values('', '$producator', '$model', '$categorie', '$nume_poza', '$motor', '$consum', '$locuri', …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi

The End.