39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi, I m using first time url rewriting concept.. i m getting some errors when i used different symbols in url.. [B]$title="sachin's best shots KKR : MI ? ";[/B] here when i use normal text (with out any symbols) ..this is working fine..but, when i use (?,",',:)...page can not be …

Member Avatar for sarithak
Member Avatar for niths

hi iam new to php.the query is when i login in a login page. i can see users under me. projects can be created by me. so when ever i create a project i wil get a popup of projectname, allocated memory,created by. The problem is created by should be …

Member Avatar for fatcat2010

Hi experts: I created a departments table and populated value as follows SELECT department_id , name,description FROM[COLOR="Red"] departments[/COLOR] ...the table has Trading department Food department Toy departments However, I don't know how to create a dropdown in the frontend like this format: ( Mouse over or click "Departments" navigation menu …

Member Avatar for josephe

Ok, so I'm learning PHP (and quite enjoying myself so far). I'm making a web page that will have a list of text boxes for the user to type info in. The boxes will be created dynamically via JavaScript (later on in development), and the id/name of the box will …

Member Avatar for josephe
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I need a way to practice using PHP and MySQL. But I have the following limitations: 1. My ISP requires me to change my URLs if I upgrade to its service which provides PHP and MySQL. 2. If I change my URLs, all of the resumes I already sent out …

Member Avatar for nika201
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, I need to send an HTML email with the last 4 digits of the credit card. Everything else sends fine but must be an error in my code, probably didn't do it right can someone correct me please : ) [CODE]XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-".substr{$_REQUEST['cc_number'] , -4, 4}[/CODE] * Yeah I know, …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for faizal4cool
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

hi everyone! i`m trying to display a friend of a friend from a friend table,but i dont know how to do it. i have a table called friends,which has id,friendid and userid fields. Now i want if a member loggin, to be displayed a list of friends of his friends …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for rukshilag

[CODE]//only completed successfully if($cs =='yes') { $sql = "select * from past_participant where completion LIKE '%$cs%'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows= mysql_num_rows($result); } else if($cs =='no') { $sql = "select * from course_participant FULL JOIN past_participant ON completion LIKE '%$cs%'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); //$num_rows= mysql_num_rows($result); }else if($cs =='current') { $sql = …

Member Avatar for kevinwcaulfield

I am new to PHP, and I have this website. I want to know if i can have a page that is password protected (i know how to do that part), where the user can edit a variable from a text area. Example: if i had a $news variable, and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for keithyg

[B]SHA1 my password fields all at once by running a query, I need to know how to write the query[/B] What I want to do is update all password fields in my database to be SHA1 Can anyone help me to run a query to update all fields as I …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk

Hi all, I have a file download counter on my website, [URL="http://www.madtogger.co.uk/page/software"]here[/URL], that I am playing around with. The files are stored in a folder on my server and their filenames are used to populate a mysql database. What I would dearly like is for the filename without it's extension …

Member Avatar for Cap'nKirk
Member Avatar for moobaa

Hi dani-webbers... I am endevouring to build an application that drags in data from multiple sources, and compiles this into a single page in which users can then click through to the item on the desired site. Most of the sites I want to include provide an API, but one …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rukshilag

ok so i have to tables and i want to have a query that selects all from "table a" and "table be" where "a certain variable"="$x".. how do i select all from 2 tables at once?

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for ravi0703

Hi, I have query in image sending in mail. I am trying to send image to mail id and display that image in mail id. below code i tryed to wrote and it is not displaying that image. In LIVE only i have tryed to send that mail it is …

Member Avatar for Arsench
Member Avatar for mundee

New to the Java world. Can .jsp work on Windows based platform also, oppsoe to Linux? ~Mundee

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all i have news publishing script. every script has own id ([url]www.example.com/index.php?id=12[/url] (for ex) who can help me Make comments script i want that let it possible to add comments each news when whatever news selected let it comes with its comments Thanks for attention

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all,,, i am storing word document in mysql db. i have to email those word document form mysql database how to do it?

Member Avatar for sallycheng

I cannot select a row to edit in the repearter. How can i update correctly to the database? Thank you [code] <?php do { ?> <tr> <td height="42" bgcolor="#FFFF99"><div align="center"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['student_e']; ?></div></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFF99"> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="POST" action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>"> &nbsp; Present <label> <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_Recordset1['present_time'],"1"))) …

Member Avatar for sallycheng
Member Avatar for Arun.N

i try to make a crawler that crawls a web page & retrieves the stock information from google,but can't do it . so plz help me 2 make that type of crawler. urgent plz...

Member Avatar for moobaa
Member Avatar for prem2

Hi to all, Did any one know how to identify the uncompressed pdf and compressed pdf. Thank you, Prem

Member Avatar for s_kanika

I've a basic chat script. In that I displayed messages directly from Mysql. When I click on send button then form submits and I get my posted message on screen. But if anyone else post message then it won't displayed in my screen unless I resubmit the form. If I …

Member Avatar for ee96ddo

i have an account with godaddy and they tell me my absolute path is d:\hosting\username\ if i have a file on my computers c: drive how would i upload it to mydata directory on the server using php. straightforward uploading is ok because i just copy and paste into [url]ftp://mysite.co.uk[/url] …

Member Avatar for OS_dev
Member Avatar for san_cash

Hi!, I want a simple code for a login system in php where users should be able to login in between 9.00 Am & 5.00 PM. Otherwise it should not allow users to login. Can anyone please help thank you Santosh

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for fatcat2010

hello expert: got 2 basic questions: 1.don't know how to review php.ini content to check if register_globals is set "on" or "off". i know php.ini is on the server end. how to pull i up? 2. i see a paragraph says..."assuming register_globals is turned off"for this reason, we assume that …

Member Avatar for fatcat2010
Member Avatar for niths

[CODE]<?php session_start(); $_SESSION["username"] = $username; $_SESSION["password"] = $password; session_unset(); session_destroy(); @header("location:login.php"); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for tmaniacco

This is my first website so please be kind. My form in my index.php has method="post" action="mailer.php" in my mailer.php I have the following code which I had hoped would take care of single and double quotes which may be entered into the message textarea $message = $_POST['message']; $message = …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for dirtyhiphophead

Hello, I run a website and just today, it gave me an error: 403 forbidden error and i was told it was the permission of some of the directories at ftp. I used my filezilla to reset the permision to 755 for directories but still i'm getting the errors.Also, I …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for niths

hi, i need to display the users under some admin. so i had written this code but it is not showing the required output. so can anyone... do we need to add any function in this to get the username because by that username only we can know that he …

Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for verbob

What I would like to do is search a MySQL table for anywhere from one to 12 seprate fields, depending on what is submitted from a search form(has 12 different things that a user can search -- its an "AND" search only) What I am unsure of is how to …

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The End.