39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello All, I am new to PHP and the requirement is, i need to design a form with multiple checkboxes with same name. I tried using arrays and the code is [code] <td> <input type="checkbox" name="eroom_status[]" value="empty" <?php if(isset($_POST['eroom_status'])) { if (in_array('empty',$POST['eroom_status']) { $check = 'checked';} } echo $check;?> > …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for chupinette

hello all! :) Well this is my code: [CODE] for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { $random= array_rand($ids); echo "<br> $random generated"; if ($check[$random]<>0) { $i--; echo " number generated again"; } else { $check[$random]=1; // set check to 1 to know the array number has been used } } $rnd_num[]= $ids[$random]; …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for Kparas

Hi, I am working in php a mail function in this function in message part i want to use one print button which should be mailed to and if who is getting mail want to print this page that should be print. But which code i am using for print …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for web3

when i use <?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> in my forms the get values disappears. How to fix that? Is there some function?

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for G00SE9

I'm looking for some type of online training that will prepare me to work with Vbulletin & other forum software, and websites in general. I have a CS degree, [although that was back in '84], worked as a "network technician & admin" for several years on a very large Novell …

Member Avatar for OlyComputers
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hey guys im hoping someone can please help me. I'm trying to get my website to have a simple feed back from and it just won't work for me. This is the script i'm using [CODE]<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email'] ; $subject = $_POST['subject'] ; $message = $_POST['comment'] …

Member Avatar for gvwiberg
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I've been trying to create a database-driven site, am new to this, have looked it up on Google and tried for myself, but need a bit of help. [CODE] <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "PASSWORDREMOVED") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("epguides") or die(mysql_error()); $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM epguides) or …

Member Avatar for Arianna
Member Avatar for haiconsoba

[CODE=php] //xulydangky.php <?php session_start(); $TDangNhap=$_POST["txtDangNhap"]; $Ten=$_POST["txtTen"]; $HoLot=$_POST["txtHoLot"]; $MatKhau=$_POST["txtMatKhau"]; $MatKhauReSet=$_POST["txtMatKhauReSet"]; $TLoi=$_POST["txtTraLoi"]; $Email=$_POST["txtEmail"]; $HK=$_POST["txtHKTT"]; $NOHN=$_POST["txtNOHN"]; $Phai=$_POST["RadioGroup1"]; $Hk=$_POST["txtHKTT"]; $NOHN=$_POST["txtNOHN"]; $DT=$_POST["txtDTLL"]; $TL=$_POST["txtTraLoi"]; $Em=$_POST["txtEmail"]; $Cauhoi=$_POST["cauhoibaomat"]; if(empty($TDangNhap)) { $_SESSION["sMess"][3]="Tên đăng nhập không được bỏ trống"; $_SESSION["DangKy"]=false; } if(empty($Ten)) { $_SESSION["sMess"][4]="Tên không được bỏ trống"; $_SESSION["DangKy"]=false; } if(empty($HoLot)) { $_SESSION["sMess"][5]="Họ lót không được bỏ trống"; $_SESSION["DangKy"]=false; } …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I just want to find out which is better? Thanks [code] ...... echo "Database connection error"; exit; [/code] OR [code] ...... die ("Database connection error"); [/code]

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for prabhakar13

I am working on happinessworks website. In that we can create a some question to calculate the happiness of every user or visitor. He or she can fill up the survey report and then we can send the survey report on his/her account by using the infusion soft for that …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for prabhakar13

I am working on happinessworks website. In that we can create a some question to calculate the happiness of every user or visitor. He or she can fill up the survey report and then we can send the survey report on his/her account by using the infusion soft for that …

Member Avatar for niro_fernando

i m new to php , i want to know how get data from multiple textboxes ,can i name text boxes as like a array, is it correct ,and how to display them i return them like this echo $_POST[txtName[0]] but it is not working , plz help me this …

Member Avatar for niro_fernando
Member Avatar for CFROG

Can anyone tell me how this works? I deleted this file (sidebar.php) from the server and it still gives this error: [code]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER in /.../.../.../.../sidebar.php on line 5[/code]

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hello All, I am new to PHP and the web interface that i am developing is not so attractive. It has many tables to display while reporting..I want to add some images to it. Like 'right click' , 'check boxes' and some image 'radio buttons'. As far as i know …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for NoID

Hello Guys, Is this possible, if so what do i need to type into Google for further information or if someone can show me please. I insert into the database under table Product1, Product2 Product1 -> Make -> Nokia | Model -> N95 Product2 -> Make -> SamSung | Model …

Member Avatar for NoID
Member Avatar for edwingudfriend

I have worked with code but I found this error Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\ACM1\search.php on line 50 <form name="form" action="search.php" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search" /> </form> <?php // Get the search variable from URL $var = …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for wonderland

Hi, I recently discovered .htaccess, and it works great for me :) Only problem I came across was utf-8 support. I'm using .ht for password protection. And my pages is using utf-8 (I'm using letters like: ā, č, ē , etc). In "AuthName" I wrote a sentence in which uses …

Member Avatar for wonderland
Member Avatar for hery

this is my code: [code] $user = "sa"; $pass = ""; $host = ""; $db ="payroll_hti"; $dbhandle = mssql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); [/code] i access from my computer with ip this is my error report: Unable to connect to your database server …

Member Avatar for bodiandras
Member Avatar for Facte

Hi there guys, I am trying to create an RSS feed and for the life of me I can't get it to create working hyperlinks. Any help would be so massively appreciated. [CODE]<?php session_start(); $connection = mysql_connect("******", "******", "*****") or die (mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db("****", $connection) or die (mysql_error()); $q18 …

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for yolandae.k

I am new to this not just ths group bt joining online forums coding related..... so hey!

Member Avatar for chupinette

Hello all! :) I dont know if this is the right forum..Here's part of my code: im using php to generate a wml page. It works fine. I want to populate a checkbox using data from mysql db. rand_keys() : store the ids in random order $row(): stores the ids …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for lifeworks

hi Ive realised that I have some way to go before I can call myself an accomplished php developer. I want to transfer my skill set into legit object orientated design, and also to learn best practice for designing php apps for the web... to the extent that I need …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for nccsbim071

How do i start mysqlserver with option of --log-bin using phpmyadmin. Where do i set mysql server startup options in phpmyadmin.

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for chupinette

Hello all! :) I dont know if this is the right forum..Here's part of my code: im using php to generate a wml page. It works fine. I want to populate a checkbox using data from mysql db. rand_keys() : store the ids in random order $row(): stores the ids …

Member Avatar for sarithak

hi i need to create .xml file by using php dynamically... i want the below formate...here [B].mp3[/B] files from url(get parameter)..... [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns = "http://xspf.org/ns/0/"> <trackList> <track> <location>mp3/07 - Evvariki.mp3</location> <title>MP3 Player!</title> </track> </trackList> </playlist>[/CODE] anybody help plz..

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for OmniX

Hi People I have done captcha a year or two ago, just wondering if there are any new techniques, ideas, tutorials, etc? And yes I would like to implement an Audio Captcha also. Regards, Matthew

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990
Member Avatar for Henzard

I have a php user front-end and would like to validate a some fields to stop duplicates the database is oracle and the form is quite large i was wondering if it is possible with Javascript or ajax to run a select statement using php code check the values and …

Member Avatar for phpbeginners
Member Avatar for ap3x

Hey DaniWeb! You've proved to be a reliable resource before so let's see if you can come through again. I have a script which creates a dynamic image and posts values to the image that are pulled from an SQL database. For various reasons, I have to create a folder …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for wowaha

Hi, everyone! I'm new to DaniWeb and also to PHP and MySQL. I have a script, previewfile.php, that extracts files of various file types (currently .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, and .pdf) from a MySQL database and is supposed to display them to the user. I'm encountering difficulties in displaying the …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for Ryyback

Hey all, I am just learning PHP and have pieced this code together, but I cannot get it to work. Anyone have an idea on why? First file is the file contact page. <html> <head> <title>RT Photography-Contact Page)</title> <style> BODY{font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana } .button {background-color: rgb(128,128,128); color:#ffffff; font-size: 8pt;} …

Member Avatar for kireol

The End.