15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for JLYK

So I created this nice PushButton that has a popmenu. Unlike QToolButton, it does not allow me to hide()/show() the button which I find frustrating. I want to be able to hide/destroy this button while the application is in a certain mode and then show/create it in another. How do …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for s0ur

HI All, My name is s0ur and I am not a programmer. Isn't that the first step to recovery? I am hoping that the experts can help a noob. I am trying to write a python script that will run on windows login. it should do the following: 1) ping …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for Deeplop

Hi all.... How can I create .exe format in python??????? I mean how to change .py to .exe ???? please reply as fast as possible

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for kuchi

Hi, I can log all information from the application but how can I log client information? i.e. server is running in my machine and if any one in my network using my application, I want to get that information in my logs, please your advice is important to me.

Member Avatar for brown23

Hey Guys! I'm really wanting to start learning a beneficial, but fairly easy-to-use programming language. I've tried to discuss this at other online communities and have also asked this question at a few seminar's I've been to recently. My objective is to create more advanced software that interacts with the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for shadwickman

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I've noticed a large request for pyHook for Python 2.6. I had a solution to this in a recent thread [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread203368.html"]here[/URL], but people are most likely going to miss that. I built pyHook's source for use with …

Member Avatar for bujisky
Member Avatar for thinkwell

Hi everyone! My first post on daniweb, although I've often been helped by reading. :) I have a CGI script that is driving me batty. CGI is in python. If I put any python code ABOVE the HTML printout of the script except for import statements & varable assignments, Firefox …

Member Avatar for kuchi

we got a requirement, im new to Python and recently I did python core code and now got to work on HTTPServer. Is this something like web server? Please check for the following req and give me an idea for each * respond to GET requests by serving pages from …

Member Avatar for NewbieXcellence

Hello... I've been working on a simple server using the sockets module and threads (just for fun btw ;p). I want to be able to connect to it by specifying a "channel" and then anything the client sends is recieved by all clients connected to the same "channel". Now I'm …

Member Avatar for NewbieXcellence
Member Avatar for James0l9l

Could someone help me write code for the game of life in python 2.6. I am a beginner to programming, and I know how to use lists and have functions from a function library that include: setupgame()- which creates a grid,state=isAlive(cell), num=countNeighboursAlive(cell)in the neighbourhood, newState=decideState(state,num) stating whether the cell should …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pythonbegin

Dear all, I have two columns in a tab-delimited text file. I want to randomly generate a pair of entries from column1 and column2. Example - Want to randomise following pairs so that each value will have different partner after randomisation. Actually I have a very big file with 5000 …

Member Avatar for pythonbegin
Member Avatar for pleasecompile

Hello, can someone please assist with my application... An automation system collects 512 measurement points per sensor. Each measurement point has dedicated OPC tag which I can read using OpenOPC for Python. However, with multiple sensors, the OPC server can lag. So, the automation system programmer created an "array of …

Member Avatar for pleasecompile
Member Avatar for slingblade

I'm trying to mod a python script that reads the OS X Dock plist. I've never seen python code before this and I can't seem to figure out if I'm encountering a formatting error or a syntax error or both... Here is the original code snippet, which returns a formatted …

Member Avatar for slingblade
Member Avatar for D33wakar

I used py2exe to make an executable,works fine.But even for a simple app I've got 18 other files(.pyd and dlls includinf pythonxy.dll) in the dist folder. I've heard that these files can be compressed into the executable using Gui2exe. I have Gui2exe installed already but haven't quite used it due …

Member Avatar for acrocephalus

Hello! I am using the wx.DatePickerCtrl to ask for the date using this code [CODE]wx.DatePickerCtrl(panel, -1, size=(110, -1), style=wx.DP_DROPDOWN | wx.DP_SHOWCENTURY) [/CODE] However, it returns the result as [CODE]Mon 30 Aug 2010 12:00:00 AM CEST[/CODE] but I meet them to be as YYYY/MM/DD. Is there any way to do it? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for D33wakar

I was using winsound module for the first time to use it on one of my small app,and it didn't even gave me a BEEP!. I imported winsound module first. [CODE] >>> import winsound >>> [/CODE] then [CODE]winsound.Beep(37,10)[/CODE]leads to nothing! Any kinda help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for redyugi

I have recently redid an earlier version of my version of Pong. However, I am having a slight issue with it. Whenever the ball hits the opposing paddle and then hits the bottom, the ball travels along the bottom until the player paddle hits it. I have tried for days …

Member Avatar for erogol

I am searching about programming languages to choose for improving myself in one of them in the way of my aims. Thus, I want to learn what is special for python and what is the general purpose of using this language, it is suitable for what kind of programs. Please …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for patton228

I have to add inputs just in case i have up to nine lines that i need to add feet values too. but im curious if i only have 5 lines to input is there a way to bypass the other inputs cause if i in put zero it has …

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Member Avatar for smohrchi

New to python and I'm trying to save and import my first modules. When I go to import my first module which I've named convert.py I receive the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> import convert File "C:\Python27\convert.py", line 1 Python 2.7 (r27:82525, …

Member Avatar for smohrchi
Member Avatar for dankiller94

[CODE]board = [['.', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.']] pieces = ['X', 'O'] movetype = [0, 1, 2] turn = 0 breakgame = 0 def movecheck(): if x in movetype: if y in movetype: if board[x][y] in pieces: print 'Invalid move!' else: board[x][y] = pieces[turn] turncheck() else: print …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hello everyone, I have created a text generator that acts on certain factors. I want to send every generated sentence via e-mail to a user but I noticed that everytime I send it, I encounter some problems. Below I show my code and under my code, I will describe the …

Member Avatar for koveras vehcna
Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer

Two litle functions to help on text slice and spliting. The code comments say it all. [CODE]# Slicer takes as arguments a tuple containing the string before, # the string after and the string to truncate. It returns the string # between the two given strings Slicer = lambda((b, a, …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for abhi_cvx

Hi All, I am really new to the programming world and I am trying to solve a simple problem for my python course- I have to write a script that retrieves Columbia University's webpage and prints only the titles of the news stories on the main page. I have to …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for pyaru

hi, Plz can u help me find a appropriate python code for identifying various musical instruments from a given sound file

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for rexona

hi, i'm having trouble taking say the input of the user and converting it to the right type of format i need in order to compare them. An example is say I have the number 1234 and that is assigned to the variable x and the string value of that …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for debuitls

Hey guys, Trying to learn python. Anyone have any idea why this prints score_value first? ie this is the output {'score_value': 3.0, 'score_type': 1}{'score_value': 3.0, 'score_type': 4}{'score_value': 3.0, 'score_type': 5} [CODE] scores_for_bulk = [] for i in range(4): if not score[i] == 0: self.response.out.write({"score_type":SCORE_TYPES[types[i]], "score_value": score[i]}) [/CODE] Any help would …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for aidin_36

Dear All! I want to introduce a useful tool for ORMs, called Entity Extractor. It was originally wrote to use with Storm, but then it extended in a way that can be use for any kind of code generation from any kind of data-source. The main idea behind this tool …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Compress and decompress files using the popular pkzip format and the Python module 'zipfile'. [B][COLOR="Red"]Concept Error! This code just does archiving into a zip file, no compression![/COLOR][/B] To compress and archive files it is best to use module tarfile, see the snippet at: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet216860.html[/url]

Member Avatar for tudza
Member Avatar for bomko

[CODE]from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from random import randint picture = Image.new("RGB", (600, 600)) artist = ImageDraw.Draw(picture) for i in range(100): x1, y1 = randint(0, 600), randint(0, 600) x2, y2 = randint(0,600), randint(0,600) color = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) width = randint(2, 20) artist.line([x1, y1, x2, y2], color, …

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The End.