7,168 Topics
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As of the last crawl of your website, you appear to be running vBulletin 3. One or more of the URLs found were: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/c/threads/242548/1063562 http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/326935/1395062 http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/26614/134458 Google recommends that you update to the latest release. Older or unpatched software may be vulnerable to hacking or malware that can hurt your … | |
I waste too much time when jumping over different pages to edit content, modules, menus. I need a product which can help me to do it easily and quickly and save a lot of time for me. Moreover, I would like to implement more functions for [SEO Joomla content](http://joomavatar.com/avatar/joomla/extensions/item/15-seo-compression-search-ajax-drag-drop-joomla.html). So … | |
hi frnd if you know how to recover your site.if you dont know now we can discuss about it.lets say how to solve it.becouse when i want to seo for my [site](http://technologyblogsite.com/) but its a new site technolysite.forthis i always fear with it.so plz discuss about* google panda*.and know avoid … | |
I have a table that has information of fire departments around the state. I am trying to set up the gridview so that the address is a hyperlink with google maps. For example, In my address column, I have an address such as 745 W Colfax Ave Denver CO 80204, … | |
We have the valid URLs: www.daniweb.com/foo www.daniweb.com/foo/ www.daniweb.com/foo/1 www.daniweb.com/foo/2 www.daniweb.com/foo/3 If I want to disallow them all in robots.txt, are *both* of these valid and will they do the same thing? Disallow: /foo Disallow: /foo/ Will the latter also block the URL www.daniweb.com/foo or will that be interpreted as a … | |
I'd like to create something like this: http://www.million-monkeys.com/tvcyo/ I'd love to use Google docs, but I wouldn't mind plugging it all in by hand. I've done so before when I used this site: http://jquery-datatables-column-filter.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/index.html to create a searchable database. I'm just wondering, however, how would I go about doing that … | |
I want to show google map of selected theatre. first user have to select city then they have to choose theatre as per selected city. i have used drop down box for both. then, after selecting theatre, when he clicks on show button i want to show google map of … | |
Wow! What a year it’s been in SEO 2012, we’ve had the crackdown on link networks, EMD’s, Panda, Penguin, and Piranha. Ok, I made the last one up, but there should have been Piranha update right? It got me thinking, what on earth is Google going to throw at us … | |
Hi, I have an online shopping cart website, which has been indexed by Google - but not all pages. Though the submitted sitemap has more pages, Google has not indexed all the pages. It has indexed around 200 pages. How to identify the indexed and non-indexed pages by Google. Thanks … | |
Hi , I have a form having some text fileds and submit button. One more input box and submit button . If a value is entered in input box and button pressed then that will search data from database and displayed in text boxes ,is done . Now I want … | |
I am using Visual studio 2005(.NET framework 2.0) .My project is window application and using c# language. We are having word templates created in office 2003, 2007 and 2010. I want to search text (string) in word template (.dot/.doc/.docx).This text is exist in two places in word doc : 1) … | |
How can I find out how much traffic my competitor's site receives? Explain it. | |
My URL is: http://www.mildaspergers.com/sitemap.txt and for robots: http://www.mildaspergers.com/robots.txt Hello, When I started, I only submitted one site to Google (which went fine). Then I tried adding more pages, and it would not go through. I have added a phpbb script, tried editing it, to no avail. I tired messing around … | |
I do not know my SEO bad, or annihilated my station because of the Google Panda algorithm And I? | |
Google has confirmed that they ran a refresh to the Google Panda algorithm on Wednesday, November 21st. Panda Update 22, Nov. 21, 2012 (0.8% of English queries were affected; 0.4% worldwide; confirmed, not announced) | |
Hello Friends, I had a knowledge on SEO, So now I wanna to learn "Digital Marketing" can you suggest me where i should get the best information on Digital Marketing..???? | |
Hi, I own a website <EVERYTHING ELSE WAS SELF PROMOTION AND HAS THEREFORE BEEN DELETED> We do a tremendous amount of work 'above the line' but our SEO has not been as prominent as I think it should have been. I guess my question is when it comes to marketing … | |
Guys, I really need your help. I have a Project about any systems activities related to java Program and I choose Mini Search Engine. Can you please Help me of how to use Class and Objects cause I'm about to use them in my source code. thanks. | |
The keywords you should be targeting depend on what theme your blog or website has. | |
Is there a way to list the backlinks I have on Yahoo! ??? I tried the link:url format but it does not work... Is there a way to do this? | |
I’m Getting Tired of Hearing about the Penguin.how can i understand the google algorithms... | |
hi link building is important in seo can i use a single Ip for link building for differen Domians? | |
Basically I want to develop a Address lookup(part of my project) using C# (and I can use SQL if necessary). I have a very large text file which have all the UK address and postcodes. Addresses needs to be looked up from this text file. For example, as soon as … | |
On page SEO is all about keyword selection and about optimizing the code inside your site, Its includes content, anchor text, pages, navigation and everything else. Off-page on the other hand is about build the popularity of your website while out side your website. Off page activities includes : Link … | |
I have a problem with my slide show have 6 images, and you can flick throw the images, there's three images that shows up in that slide show, if you click the middle one you go to a link if you click on the sides it should slide to the … | |
Hello everyone. I have a problem trying to develop a windows phone app as a university project. Part of it is to use google APIs. So I'm trying to make a test web request.My code is as follows: string api_request = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/xml?query=restaurants+in+Sydney&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyDpXZSLtOeGLJcYwKKJs2yAAEdfLST0ZXs"; HttpWebRequest google_request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(api_request); HttpWebResponse google_response_file = (HttpWebResponse)google_response.GetResponse(); … | |
Hi Friends, I have one doubt...please suggest me "Google will agree the Grey Hat SEO technique".. | |
Hello, Can anyone know about "Hidden Text" of seo...which is useful to seo or not..? |
The End.