2,568 Topics

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Member Avatar for TheHau

I want to start a website like hippofile, cnet download, filehorse or freewarefiles in Wordpress Anyone who knows a Wordpress theme with which that I can build a website like hippofile, cnet download, filehorse or freewarefiles in Wordpress Many thanks

Member Avatar for Damhart
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I have a table with nutrient data(in Dutch) it looks like this ![Nutrient_table.png](/attachments/small/1/ea03b9085fe045894414a3101f2d6b4b.png "align-left") My DB design skills are very low, I only know Mr. Codd is lurking 'round the corner somwhere. Could anyone give me some hints on how to set up my tables or should I just usr …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mr_4

I have been butting my head against this problem for the past 4 hours, and I have to tap out. I know I can't be too far from correct I am just not sure what the missing ingredients are. Here is the problem question: Student status: List of all students …

Member Avatar for mr_4
Member Avatar for berserk

I haver an IIS server with an mvc 5 app im developing and i have had no luck so far getting the windows authentication working with my app, i have it set to windows authenication but the app will only auto login users when accessed from the server. Then once …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tarun_6

If a table contains field's like name,age tuition fee,bus fee,year, 1,2 When I tried to update 1 year details it is updating but when I try to update the entire fields it's not updating in form of jsp page

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

SELECT CASE WHEN (Employees.End_Date is null) THEN select EmpId, Emp_Name, Salary , Start_date , End_date ,DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(Start_Date, INTERVAL 30 DAY), Start_Date) * Salary/30 as 'Total_Salary' from Employees ELSE Select EmpId, Emp_Name, Salary , Start_date , End_date ,DATEDIFF(End_Date, Start_Date) * Salary/30 as 'Total_Salary' from Employees END From Employees; Please help me to …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for Xin_1

I am a beginner practicing how to create tables on SQL Here is what I've done: Create Table PO (Order_id int primary key, order_date date, customer varchar(1000)); Create table PO_Line_Item (Order_id int not null, Line_number int not null, Product varchar (30), Unit_Price decimal (10,2), Qty decimal (10,2), Tax decimal(10,2)); When …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for zebnoon1

Hello Dear Friends, I need some help to check avilidity of the username on Leave event of a textbox in Database SQL Server, but i cann't get. it code is bellow private void textBox6_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM usertab WHERE username='"+textBox6.text+"'",con); SqlDataAdapter da = …

Member Avatar for Andy_12
Member Avatar for Seef_1

I am trying to create a mysql query that groups people and the ranks them. I use the following to rank them without the grouping and get that result: SELECT rank, performance, wind,athlete,dob,prov,pos,place,date FROM (SELECT performance, wind,name,surname,dob,prov,pos,place,date, @curRank := IF(@prevRank = performance, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank, @incRank := @incRank + …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for _1_14

**problem** How to get cost per hotel and flight then add it in duration cost table based on flight date automatically . **Details** suppose i write flight date 26/07/2017 alexia 8days 04/08/2017 it must automatically get cost from hotel price table and price from flight then add it in duration …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for destiny_3

Hello pls i am making a comment feature for my log. I want the comments to be submited from a form in the "READ_MORE.PHP" , and i want the form to be processed in a "COMMENT.PHP" page were the form values are insertrd in the Comment table... (which has 5 …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to rename database MySQL: RENAME DATABASE old_db_name TO new_db_name; 1 kesalahan ditemukan dalam analisis. A rename operation was expected. (near "" at position 0) Query SQL: RENAME DATABASE wwwsoulf_revsoul TO wwwsoulf_revsoul2 MySQL menyatakan: Dokumentasi #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Peter_56

Hi I have the following form at [http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php](http://test.genealogyresearchassistance.co.uk/newLinks.php) The code is <form id="add" action="add.php" method="get"> <label for="name" id="name">Name of site</label> <input type="text" name="name" required="yes"><br/> <label for="link" id="link">Link of site</label> <input type="url" name="link" required="yes"><br/> <label for="desc" id="desc">A bit about the site</label> <textarea name="desc" required="yes"></textarea><br/> <label for="location"> Location:</label> <?php include 'database_conn.php'; $sql …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for arctushar

I want to get sum of estimate quantity from estimates table gropBy material_id. Also want get sum of mprs quantity related to previous query table. My estimates table is as below | id | project_id | material_id | estimatequantity | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 500 | | …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for xuexue

i want to combine multiple rows into a single row using **DB2**. I have found this code, but I do not know how can i edit it>? CREATE FUNCTION MySchema/MyUDF ( PARCol2 CHAR(5) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(1024) LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA CALLED ON NULL INPUT DISALLOW PARALLEL BEGIN …

Member Avatar for Nate_3
Member Avatar for facarroll

I have the following script which successfully finds the values for $payer_email, reminder_date and sub_expire_date, however where I am having trouble is when I apply a WHERE condition to the SELECT. The condition I am trying to apply is the commented out line at the end of the SELECT. The …

Member Avatar for facarroll
Member Avatar for ppohlmann

Hello SQL Gurus, This Query below is doing the job but it is horrible slow. Is there any way to make the query faster ? Perhaps a join .. inner outer, left ? I am looooost. Thanks for any help. SQLQuery1.SQL.Clear; SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:= 'SELECT * FROM orders_batch WHERE invoice_no=:elorder_no'; SQLQuery1.params.parambyname('elorder_no').Asstring := …

Member Avatar for ppohlmann
Member Avatar for Alv45525

Hello experts, I have to write a sql joining 6 tables. to retrieve classid, planname, workoutname,date,timeslot,status,staffemail and display them to a gridview. the tables are as below **tblclass** having columns *classid(PK)*, planallocationid*(FK to tblallocation)*, date, timeslotid*(FK to tbltimeslot),*status, staffid*(FK to tblstaff)* **tblallocation** having columns *planallocation(PK)*, planid*(FK to tblplan)*, workoutid*(FK to …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Alv45525

Hi guys, i have a login page where i created a session trainer after login. the session is the mail address of the trainer. now from another apsx page, i would like to retrieve the staffid of the user logged in using the session as criteria. I tried to write …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Muqeet_1

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems ???? how to fix anyone help me ??

Member Avatar for mahe_1
Member Avatar for patk570

I am using OS Ticket and I have another site for Members Area,I am trying to join the 3 tables that have the information that corresponds to the customer by EMAIL. the first table is:qbcd_ticket: ticket_id | number | user_id | user_email_id | status_id | dept_id | and more... 5 …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Somali_1

I want to make a member login system which every member has its own database, when a user is registered successfully i want to create his special database. please help me the database creation code if you can Thank you Ali-Yare Mohamed

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for aplee

To all database genius out there, I hope you can help me with this error I encountered when importing excel file to SQL Server 2005. This is the error: [CODE]Executing (Error) Messages Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task 1: There was an error with output column "Description" (21) on output "Excel …

Member Avatar for Sai_421
Member Avatar for Joe_10

I am trying to cast/ convert varchar to a numeric value. I have done this succesfuly when I eval the lower range, however I get an error when I do the upper range. this is my evaluation section that works. isnull(cast(measurmentdata.measvalue as numeric),0) < productinfo.lowerrange however when I try to …

Member Avatar for Sai_421
Member Avatar for _1_14

I work in MVC 5 c# in visual studio 2015 web applications I have table pictures in SQL server 2012 have two fields ID Image ID have number of image inserted like 1,2,3,4,5 Image field store picture added what i need actually browsing images found in table pictures in database …

Member Avatar for _1_14
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am trying to upload mysql file into my xampp. (Max: 2,048KiB) I wonder why it cannot exceed that limit? I have tried to update my php.ini file : upload_max_filesize=10M and save it but it does not change the fact. I have to upload like 2.6 M file but …

Member Avatar for jwshare
Member Avatar for Daron_1

Hello Everyone, I am working in MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE and trying to use a trigger inside of a stored procedure to see if it will detect if my email format is not in the right format I specified in the message text error, but I am having trouble because …

Member Avatar for Daron_1
Member Avatar for Lord_2

Actually the form below is a registration form, and i only have ' username, email, password and confirm password field' so i want to add another field name job, but keeps getting error. see the code below; if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/",$name)) { $error = true; $name_error = "Name must contain only …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SARDEN

Hi i am trying to insert pdo multiple checkbox value in one column into database and display it to the user, but i am getting this error Error: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined.I cant see the error and dont know how to fix it. :( That is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Venus_3

i have this code..,. i dont see what's wrong why its only working on the first record of LOOP of X set serveroutput on size 30000; DECLARE VTEMP NUMBER; VPARENT NUMBER; BEGIN FOR X IN ( SELECT TEMPLATE_ID, TYPE_ID, TYPE_KIND, RECORD_ID FROM RT_RECORDS WHERE TEMPLATE_ID = 106 )LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('TYPE_ID X …

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The End.