822 Topics

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Member Avatar for kushyer

I've found that althought my fonts are fine everywhere else, they're blocky when I Tkinter. I have an LCD screen, and I'm using Xubuntu with Gnome. They work fine in WxPython. It seems like Tkinter doesn't allow for sub-pixel rendering or such (at least automatically). Is there some way to …

Member Avatar for kushyer
Member Avatar for kushyer

I'm using Xubuntu, and I've found that I can't change text control foreground colors in WxPython, on this Linux. They change fine in Windows. They won't change in Xubuntu—it doesn't matter if I use Xfce, Gnome, or KDE; it's the same. It's always black (very problematic when you have a …

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

As i said on my other post, i recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 in my desktop computer... i have two HDD's, a master and a slave... before formatting my pc to install ubuntu, i moved some information from my master to my slave. But, when i tried to access my second …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for drshahab

Hi! I recently installed Linux Ubuntu, Its great but I am unable to use my winmodem & my WiFi USB adapter. Can any one help me 1. Find a free driver for my modem with full 56 Kbps function ( My modem is Zoltrix Cobra, Connexant HSF chipset, Vendor ID: …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for tesuji

Hi there everyone, I've just started with Ubuntu 7.10 and KDevelop 3.5.8 (just installed, true greenhorn to Ubuntu) . First, I created this hello-world program: #include <cstdio> int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0;} with gedit, compiling and linking it with g++ -o hello hello.cpp. Running it with ./hello worked …

Member Avatar for steven woodman

Its mr. question/linux noob, I am now wondering about windows managers: were to find them and how to install. Since every question ive asked in these forums have been answered quickly there no reason to stop. Thanks in advance. SW

Member Avatar for steven woodman
Member Avatar for rutlandn

Hi all I have an aging Vaio laptop running Windows ME which has a Wifi card. This links to the ADSL modem OK and I can access the internet fine. I also have a dual boot XP/Ubuntu tower which the printer is connected to. This also has a wifi link. …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, Before I switched to Ubuntu, I used to have some cool boot screens for windows and now I want to create some for Ubuntu, but I have no clue where to begin. What I do know: - text input and output in C - animation in Java - using …

Member Avatar for Crushyerbones
Member Avatar for Stuart86uk

hello all, fairly simple request, i need the rpm's (components, add ons, w/e) for a dhcp server, a tftp server, and something called syslinux. obviously for use with ubuntu 7.10 past that i should be ok, or if not ill be sure to come back. but as it stands every …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for linux

Hmm. I attached a screenshot, and this is a little glitch that I can't seem to fix. I fixed a small squares issue (where the font was all squares, check my blog in my signature). Yet I still have this issue where the menu and time/date applet is black on …

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Can I add an "Open Terminal Here" or even just an option to open gnome-terminal from the right click menu on the desktop?

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Member Avatar for sasdap

hi friends, I am using ubuntu linux distribution. I want to incorporate text to speech to any application. Is it possible to do it using java in linux?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for PcPro12

ok, i have installed linux, ubuntu, everything works fine, but a few problems...my DSL wont work, i cant install any programs and it wont find my ethernet or even open up my external hard drive... is there an extention program that i can use to run .exe installations? cause i …

Member Avatar for PcPro12
Member Avatar for hollystyles

I installed Ubuntu Efty Edge this weekend on an older box I had lying around. It has a nic based on the National Semiconductor Corporation (McPhyter II) chipset. But the network card is not working. dmesg | grep eth Reveals nothing ?? lsmod Shows that module natsemi is loaded as …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for linux

Is there any way to add an item to the GNOME menu? I installed LMMS from sources, and it doesn't appear in Applications -> Sound & Video I hate running it from a terminal (or making a launcher even). Also, how could I rename the menu options? Like, from Sound …

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Member Avatar for hughv

I hardly ever post problems nowadays becasue I'm stubborn enough to figure things out, and because there are so many places to get info, like this site. I usually burn CDs with Nero, but lately they won't play in my truck. I tested the discs in my computer and DVD …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for raghuramos

hi everybody...can anyone please help me on this...i have a gui in wxpython. it works perfectly on windows (i've a dual boot comp). but when i run the same code on ubuntu-gutsy it crashes with the followin msg... /gui$ python App2.py python: /build/buildd/libcairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-surface.c:990: _cairo_surface_release_dest_image: Assertion `!surface->finished' failed. Aborted (core dumped) …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Duoas

Hi all. I know this is an odd question, but I'm hoping someone else out there knows how to do this. I've just installed Kubuntu 7.10 (which I like), but Debian seems to have messed around with the startup a bit... I've replaced my /etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.gz file with one that changes …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Nefrit

[B][I][COLOR="Red"]When installing ubuntu from the cd I downloaded, I got ubuntu to begin to load, and when I click the first option of install/ run cd or something i get the following error "Cant access tty;job control turned off." I have read everywhere about this error, but I have no …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Zyan17

i have windows xp pro on my pc and recently installed ubuntu 7.10 but when i try to boot up the xp partition the screen just goes to starting up... and never boots into windows. i can still use ubuntu and view all my files on the windows partition but …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for tdm850rider

First, Hello everybody. I have an old laptop that I can not 'restore' with the WinXP cd. Seems the loaded XP is newer than the cd that came with it. Since it was almost toast I tried anyway and the product code is invalid. I want to load ubuntu (cd …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for linux

Alright, I followed a community document trying to mount my iPod, which I can do if I install sshfs and fuse, which I'll do when I get home, as I am at school right now and do not have my notebook, which has: Ubuntu Linux 7.10, 1.6GHz CPU, 1.49 (1.5)GB …

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Member Avatar for mjdodd

Updating to Kubuntu 7.1 disables cd and dvd systems! Solve this by leaving 24 hours updating again and then it works!! I have followed many forums to get a windows printer (actually two of them) on a xp system as a network printer using KDE. Every time it fails some …

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Member Avatar for bnrup

Whenever I run the Ubuntu automated update program and it installs a new kernel version, It screws up my GRUB menu.lst. Not only does it create multiple entries for Ubuntu, it deletes the entries for the other Windows OSes (XP and Dell Utility Partition). Is there a way to set …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for olddocks

[B]Build Your Own Web Server ~ Quick & Easy Do it Yourself Installation ~ All within 24 hours !!!![/B] After long hardwork and desperation searching web to prepare for a linux server on my VPS plan, i wrote my tutorial for somebody like me who is new to vps and …

Member Avatar for maddog39
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I was long looking for some help with my wireless on the laptop and finaly I found good tutorial at this place [URL="http://untitledfinale.wordpress.com/2007/10/22/update-ieee-80211-and-ipw2200-on-ubuntu-gutsy/"]http://untitledfinale.wordpress.com/[/URL]. Now after long I have briliant working wireless, better quality then ever. Hope this help somebody

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for >shadow<

I have hundreds of Linux 6.06 disks with box. I have 64 bit versions, standard pc versions and mac versions desperate to get rid of!! - all unopened with ubuntu stickers Any interested?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for vietnam67lj

My system is a Dell Latitude D810 that has a 1370 WLan-PCI Card. I can connect to the internet via hardwire to my Linksys WRT54 GS, but not via WIFI. The firmware bcm43xx-fwcuter is on the system and I am not able to activate it. Is there anyone out there …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for Ashish Barot

Hello all, i am currently using Ubuntu-7.10. i have Amd Athlon 2800 + process with 512 MB ram and LG's 15" monitor. Now after installing a os when i had rebooted m/c it was giving me one error. it just get stuck at after grub menu, for 20sec. and giving …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yeah I just noticed this release. So is anyone using it. Do you think it is worth the upgrade. Is it any better from the previous version?

Member Avatar for Ashish Barot

The End.