822 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam9030

i am not sure if this can be done. I would like to take a ubuntu (linix) workststion and have installed Apache server, PHP, perl, GD, and MySql and Firefox....FTP I want a single computer workstation to act as a web server to run a web application. I know how …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for hunkychop

this is fixing to drive me off a cliff!!! i got a static ip asigned to my modem. i have a linksys router hooked directly to my modem. I have a linux server hooked directly to my linksys router. How do i get the static ip to go to my …

Member Avatar for hunkychop
Member Avatar for Hawk

Hey All, Joined the site here and have been a lurker for a while now. I've learned quite a bit reading here on many subjects. Just thought this new Wubi installer was a great thing for those of you that are new to Linux as I am. I found it …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for bondi007

Hello I have Kubuntu 7.04 and when i try and use the internet connection manager i know what its called it stays stook on 28% then stops connecting Is this just my pc or is it a bug that i can get round please help P.S: Here is the output …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi everyone I want to try out linux on my laptop but still keep windows Me ( I know its old but i like it). I would like to create what I think is called a live cd. Where i power up my laptop and the bios looks in the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Just finished installing this linux-like os and had to post a message. Its kind of nice os, open source and free of course. It all fits on one CD and has several packages that can be added after installation. Its truly an os-for-dummies, It was even easier to install then …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for afrb

I downloaded Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, and installed it on my laptop, above Windows XP. Everything works just fine. My question is whether I can get some kind of "grub" to rebuild the boot stuff quickly, if I need to. I believe that the last act of the installation process was …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for joshSCH

Since I have updated to feisty, I have had problems with suspend and hibernation. (Actually, I think I have successfully used suspend and hibernation in feisty, it may have been a while). Whenever I select to hibernate or suspend, my screensaver comes on for an instant and then it goes …

Member Avatar for joshSCH
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi everyone I am looking for a wireless usb pen to work with ubuntu 7.04 and I found a site where there was a perfect looking pen that worked with most versions of linux especially ubuntu 7.04 but I was in an internet cafe and my credit ran out and …

Member Avatar for JoetjeF
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi everyone After a while I have managed to get my laptop to boot from cd but now i don't know whether to put Ubuntu on it or suse. Its an old laptop with 256 ram hope fully i will upgrade it to 256 within a few months but I …

Member Avatar for HLA91
Member Avatar for someb0dy

Hello guys ! I've just started to learn Assembler and I needed an assembler. My choice was nasm, because of the same syntax as masm and tasm (at least that's what i heard ^^) I used apt-get to install nasm, everything ok until here. I wrote my first script (copied …

Member Avatar for someb0dy
Member Avatar for Don Gino

Hey I was wondering if there was anyway, when installing software from the packet manager, how can I choose the installation path directory? Thanks

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I was looking for some solution to get my Logitech MX510 mouse side buttons work under Ubuntu. While searching I come accross this guide [url]http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty[/url] Plus there are also guides for Fedora, Fedora Frog, Mandriva and Alternatives [url]http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Main_Page[/url] Hope this will be help others...

Member Avatar for linux

I have a VM of Ubuntu running on VMWare. Everything works, wireless, and all, except for the sound. I have a Realtek High Definition Audio card, which came onboard this laptop. Any ideas for drivers or solutions?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for linux

It won't UNCRASH or SHUT OFF! It's like... stuck on the desktop, I can enter the machine, but not control it. Ideas? AHAHAH I forgot the Ctrl+Alt+Bksp thingy. I did it and it shut off. Finally after like an hour... Jeez. Let's see how it likes the crash... Okay, works …

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Member Avatar for DrTsus

I installed Ubuntu, and there was a cursor. Then I went and changed my resolution in the terminal to 1440x900 and now it doesn't show up. My mouse still works, but there is no cursor. It did the same thing for my USB mouse and my traditional mouse. Please help.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for DrTsus
Member Avatar for Leon24

Hi, I'm a recent convert to linux after years of using Windows. If anyone can advise re connecting to the internet using ubuntu then I would be very grateful. Ubuntu doesn't find the modem at all but I've been browsing the help files and forums and thanks to a helpful …

Member Avatar for Stuki

I've recently installed Ubuntu on a old computer. It has one 20g hdd that is split in 2 partitions. One partition has Windows 2000 on it and on the other has Ubuntu (7.04) on it. When I start the computer it says that it can't find the OS and that …

Member Avatar for alienlinux
Member Avatar for extofer

I was really recommended Gentoo, but I couldn't get it to install. Is there an easier way to install Gentoo?? What about Ubuntu, can it do as much as Gentoo, or at least Apache and MySQL

Member Avatar for planetxmail
Member Avatar for peter_budo

I recently installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my system and for last few days been learning ways around this system and get familiar with it. I have to say I'm glad that my university has 25% machines running unix systems for Computer Science students or I would be lost. Today I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for ft3ssgeek

Hi all, I am going to be installing ubuntu on the second of two drives in my hp pavilion dv8040 (the first drive is xp pro)...I've used linux a bit, but only actually installed it once before (And that was 7 years ago - and it wasn't a dual boot …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for J_A

hi guys I did try to run a search of the forum but it spat out nothing useful. forgive me if this has already been addressed. but I do need some help here. I'm a total newbie to linux and was trying to install ubuntu 6.1. I burned an ISO …

Member Avatar for alienlinux
Member Avatar for bondi007

i have a copy of ubuntu 6.10 dappa drake or i think edgy eft is there a way to install beryl on it so i can use the cool features if theres anybody who knows please may you let us know and tell me how to install it or how …

Member Avatar for mattb0611
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Ok I'm getting there. I have managed to get my printer to work, and I have got g++ and gcc working! Yay. Before I try and get my graphics card working,how do I burn cds?:'( Thanx

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Don Gino

Hi I am new to linux and ubuntu and have installed ubuntu on a machine so I can muck around with it. I have been trying to install wine as well. On the wine website it says to: "First, open a terminal window. Then add the repository's key to your …

Member Avatar for Don Gino
Member Avatar for mattb0611

So I'd really like to write an article about the inclusion of Sun's Java in the latest Ubuntu release, but I'm not exactly sure what that means for Java in Linux as a whole. Java has always been available as a package and is easy to install, but I think …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Don Gino

Hey Im new with linux and all, I recently installed Ubuntu 6.10. The thing I wana know is, how do I load up the GUI for Unbuntu? It always boots in text based. I dont know any commands yet for Linux, I will be learnin them next yr in my …

Member Avatar for Don Gino
Member Avatar for Dave77

I have a PC I'd like to install Ubuntu on. I burned an iso onto a CD but I dont know how to install it on my second PC. I'm trying to figure it out. When I start the computer it reads "missing operating system". The hard drive was erased …

Member Avatar for mepnoob2005
Member Avatar for jamshid

I have a problem ; that i can't compile and Run my C files in Ubuntu , so how can i do this??

Member Avatar for jamshid

The End.