822 Topics

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Member Avatar for merly

Hello, I would be grateful for information regarding RAID and Ubuntu about hardware. I want to build a computer that will be a Ubuntu computer with hot swap RAID 1 using SATA 2 (3Gb/s) hard disk drives. 1. Can I just get two SATA hard disk drives, install them in …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for JayT

The original problem was after restart. When I restarted my laptop, the computer brought up a PXE boot screen. It prompty failed to load and then displayed "No Operating System Detected". Since the hard drive was old, I figured I would upgrade the drive and backup data since I could …

Member Avatar for darrglud

I am currently running Ubuntu 6.10 (I hope that's the right number for Edgy Eft), and I had installed a Radeon x1650xt lately, and I am wondering if they're any drivers written for this operating system, and this video card. If so, how would I go about installing them, seeing …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Evenbit

This exercise gets you familiar with Ubuntu command-line tools for creating, navigating, and removing directories. [B]Follow these steps[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Type "cd ~" and press Enter. This makes sure you are working in your "home" directory. [*]Create a new directory by typing "mkdir mystuff" and press Enter. [*]Type "cd mystuff" and …

Member Avatar for linux

As said above, I am running Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS. My problem is that I cannot find a sound driver for my card. I have posted about this before. Is there a way that I can watch a video without the sound? For example, when my video player opens, it …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok here is my new desktop setup for Ubuntu 6.06. Ive got Linista 3 as the GTK/Metacity theme, Some Mac OS X icons, XGL/Compiz installed and running, CGWD vista aero theme, A application panel up top that is hidden unless rollover, some terminal changes (transparency, text, text color), and I …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for w1r3sp33d

Hello everyone, I have a fresh install of dapper drake and I would like to change two things from the default behavior: 1) How do you change to a "single click" desktop? 2) Can this system "remember" the last logged in username and go straight to the password prompt? Any …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for extofer

I've been in and out of Linux for a while know, that last installation I used was SuSe, not happy.... the bast I've used was Red Hat 9. I need something to work with Apache and MySQL AND Oracle... of course, it has to be free. I tried this choose …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for Braga_ESI

Ht everyone, I recently decided to leave my older version of mandrake distribusion of linux and try something that at the house were I live is totally new (Ubunto). So I got the cd and started to install the Ubunto... funny thing is that the process goes well untill I …

Member Avatar for dabu1dabu2pedis
Member Avatar for Braga_ESI

Ht everyone, I recently decided to leave my older version of mandrake distribusion of linux and try something that at the house were I live is totally new (Ubunto). So I got the cd and started to install the Ubunto... funny thing is that the process goes well untill I …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for MahdiM

i am trying to install linux on my Imac 400 MHz and alla i am getting is something about bootstrap error 1.... it is at the install of the base system, when a failure comes upp.... it is Ubuntu 5.10 any ideas?

Member Avatar for Dortz

I'm running kubuntu 5.04, and I am having lots of trouble setting my scroll wheel to work. specifically, in Konqueror or other web browsers. The mouse is a standard, two button and scroll wheel mouse. the applicable portion of my xorg.conf file follows: [CODE]Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse1" Driver "mouse" Option …

Member Avatar for Dortz

The End.