1,247 Topics

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Member Avatar for littlemt

Hi, I have a web page created in Dreamweaver CS4. I have an image header that I have made work through CSS. The header looks great in the browser and in live view. Can't see it at all in Dreamweaver design view. I want to make a hot spot, but …

Member Avatar for smrprojects
Member Avatar for edith135

Hi, So I am having a Windows Hosting account that supports ASP.NET and DotNetNuke. As i am with the DotNetNuke, and this service is with me around from a while now and as we can see which is an increase in use and need for DNN hosting providers. If anyone …

Member Avatar for dornaled
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi everyone, I have a pagination script that is working great - What I am trying to is use a variable from the url and insert that into my pagination Here is the working pagination - [code] <?php /* Now we apply our rules and draw the pagination object. We're …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for marwan4

I have problemes editing vbulletin from my cp , in the template interface , and i tried to edit the froum interface from dreamweaver 8 but i couldn't. i opened the index.php file of the vbulletin directory with dreamweaver and all i get is the php code and i couldn't …

Member Avatar for pathtoolong
Member Avatar for ppetree

I'm getting constant 404's on my mod-rewrites... this was working and I have no clue where to start looking to debug this so I would appreciate some help... ANY help!!! :) [B]This is the error from the error log:[/B] [Sat Mar 26 17:40:36 2011] [error] [client] File does not …

Member Avatar for massy

i'm not sure what its called but basically my web site looks and runs fine until the window is NOT full screen. the items are replaced and reorganized. how do i make it so the web page is fixed and if the browser window is not maximized it just shows …

Member Avatar for thebigbroski

I'm working in Dreamweaver, and every time I try to put text into my editable region from a template it does the following: [url]http://img228.imageshack.us/i/resulto.png/[/url] That's the odd indentation. I tried allign the text to the left, and it does, but as soon as I try to test it out in …

Member Avatar for scottloway
Member Avatar for Richajr0

Hi I want to create a 'select all' checkbox or button associated with a checkbox group. This is so that the user can automatically select all checkboxes in the group as there is a long list on the form. Im sure there is a simple way to do this but …

Member Avatar for janks
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hey Everyone, I am hopign someone can help me out. I'm trying to learn how to use Fireworks to slice and export my website layouts since it has been given the CSS functionality. Problem the examples I have seen on ly show simple layouts wehre there are clear boundaries between …

Member Avatar for 0ldfart

Im writing an article on web-based sales methods. For research I want to locate some hard data on consumer behaviour when using google to shop for services (not products, necessarily). The sort of thing I need to find out is; what % of users click in the top results, how …

Member Avatar for Mark11

Hey guyz, I wanted to get your opinion on social media integration for websites, I've been doing some web development for a welfare project and thought it would be a good idea to make it more accessible through social portals. I haven't had much experience with this kind of stuff …

Member Avatar for Dannyj28
Member Avatar for epicrevolt

So I am making a Drupal website and was wondering what would be the best way of auto-adding images in front of certain phrases. like if someone types "press start" it will automatically add an image in front, like the Microsoft tutorials. No, I am not making a site for …

Member Avatar for epicrevolt
Member Avatar for Seshakumar

Hi guys! am new to this forum and this is my first thread :) am not sure if am posting at the correct forum, but its regarding servlets am doing a web application for 'online exam' using jsp, servlets and java bean. i've three serialized files holding my questions(questions.ser), options(options.ser) …

Member Avatar for kathymac

I have a website where on one page I used nested tables to position elements and on another page I used <div> tags to position elements. I did this for testing purposes. On all webpages, there is a background image 900x600 set in the css file. On the far left …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for agarg12

What's wrong with this code.... //templates #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class t> t max (t w,t x) [B][COLOR="Red"]--->here i get no error if I use &w and &x in place of w and x...[/COLOR][/B]{ if(w>x) return w; else if(w!=x) return x; } int main() { int a=10,b=343,c; c=max(a,b); cout<<"Max="<<c; …

Member Avatar for agarg12
Member Avatar for mah300274

I would like to know how to build the code or if there is script I can use to be able to credit peoples accounts with credits if they purchase the credits. Like if you pay $1, then you get one credit that can be used to buy things. If …

Member Avatar for mah300274
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have a client who wants to provide me with Microsoft Publisher documents to add to his website. The material will be added via a content management system. I can't just select all and paste into the CMS so I have saved a copy of the Publisher document as …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have some customers saying certain pages never load for them and actually freeze their computer or make their internet connection drop. I asked one if they knew if they were using Internet Explorer as their internet browser and she said: "no, google". I was surprised and said: "oh, you …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for khunshan88

Can we change the look of a web page for personal learning. Like if i am visiting a website and the background is light pink. Can i save this page on my hard disk and change its background color to white to see how it looks in browser and check …

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO

Making a layout in photoshop, splicing image... How can you use a photoshop layout to benefit you in terms of SEO? Other than image alt tags and url's of course. Is this ALWAYS a bad idea?

Member Avatar for anderson1234
Member Avatar for Arsenic Oz

Hi there guys, I'm currently trying ti build a site and I cant seem to get the positioning of my page as I want it. Simply pu I want all the items centered instead of as they are (justified left). Here is the sauce: [CODE]<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %> …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for nikita.chandra

Hi! I want to know which one is the best provider for web hosting. My requirements are: Support for servlet, jsp, html, jdbc, javascript, mysql database. thanks

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for csbsu_it

Hi guys! Over the last few months I've been trying to learn web design over youtube (yes, I know). Recently I've added a spry menu bar that works fine in firefox, but the submenu OVERLAPS ON TOP of the main menu on IE7. Can anyone offer up a fix? Note: …

Member Avatar for scottloway
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello guys, i need a text box editor for users to post their own article, the article is stored to a database. I've been searching and i have not found what i need. I dont require a mega-advanced one, just so people can write an article. I hope someone can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for diafol

Hi all. Not sure if this is the right forum, but it seemed the most appropriate from the list. I'm helping to develop a ghost-themed site. As it deals with an urban legend, we're pretty sure that kids will come across it, but don't want them to visit. There's really …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for slfisher

Google said on Wednesday that it was killing its Wave collaborative development environment, citing lack of interest, according to published reports such as [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704017904575409873762885194.html?mod=googlenews_wsj"]in [/URL]the [I]Wall Street Journal.[/I] Blog entries from Google appeared as recently as July 27; in fact, the Google Wave [URL="http://googlewave.blogspot.com/"]blog [/URL]does not yet have any information …

Member Avatar for SSLMatrix
Member Avatar for Daniel Liwonde

May anyone help me with the code on how I can indicate the number of visits on my site.any help is appreciated

Member Avatar for afam4eva
Member Avatar for HELL DRAGON

Dear Dani-web members , My management asked me to benchmark those two CMS softwares because they want to buy one of them i did so and managed to know almost all the details but i believe that dani-web's community has more experience in .Net based CMS therefore i want to …

Member Avatar for kentico1
Member Avatar for cozimJaek

Hey there, I am currently developing a website for Photography enthusiasts. I plan for this site to have a Forum & Photo/Tutorial Submission System. I have the forums currently running, but the problem is I don't know where to start for the Photo/Tutorial Submission System; and was wondering if anyone …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for MDGM

After hours of looking on the internet and posting in forums and trying 10 different codes for php script, i start looking in my website providers' help database, and in there (and only in there) do they say that they do not support php form action scripts!?!?! Grr! Can sombody …

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The End.