20,284 Topics
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im junir for vb 2010, im tring to make small program, which when select picture in opendialog,( give path of image into text box(txtGrupAddNewArtWrokUploadImage.Text) ) copy to folder(ArtWork) which in application installed folder. i try to filecopy command using give target path like"c:\temp\image.jpg" command is working but when i chenge … | |
Just wondering here what is a efficent way to communicate between a Windows Form project and a console application. So far im using Visual Studio 2012 and the System.IO.Pipes namespace,to send bytes between the application. In the windows form(as client) Dim pipes As NamedPipeClientStream pipes = New NamedPipeClientStream("A Digital Whirlwind … | |
Hi All I am currently using a Dataset in my program to load data from a SQL database. when i open my form, i am using a Me.Tbl_CustomersTableAdapter.FillBy(Me.MydatabaseDataSet.tbl_Customers, ID) to load the data, which i then bind into the textboxes on the form. I would like to know if there … | |
I want to create antivirus in vb.net can any one tell me how to start creating antivirus as i am new one to .net it's an urjent please help | |
Hi again, I am trying to read an XML file in this format; [ICODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <words> <word id="Apple" def="A fruit" /> <word id="Dinosaurs" def="Now Extinct Animal" /> <word id="Giant Panda" def="An Endangered Animal" /> <word id="Asia" def="The Largest Continent" /> ..... </words> [/ICODE] I have more than 3000 … | |
Hi I have what I think is a simple problem but after much searching cant seem to find a solution. I have an xml file stored on an web server and I need to read the data using vb.net for a smart device application. I also need the ability to … | |
Hi, I have a problem I want to save the values in user controls(textboxes) to an XML file(If not to text file) I want this to be done when client clicks on save data button I want to read the values in XML file(If not to text file) to user … | |
Hello, In the form1 load event I am running this code Dim NewCalendar As New MonthCalendar NewCalendar.Name = "DateSelecter" NewCalendar.Size = New Size(80, 80) NewCalendar.Location = New Point(100, 100) NewCalendar.Visible = True AddHandler NewCalendar.DateSelected, AddressOf DateSelecter_DateSelected Me.Controls.Add(NewCalendar) However I can not work out how to get the value from the … | |
| Hello guys, Here is an interesting problem to tackle with. Most of us are familier with SQL Injection. For those who are not Familier here is Short intro to it. When you enter your data into a Login Form, suppose ID and Password, Following code comes into action. "SELECT * … |
After seeing quite a few posts today asking about event handlers for dynamicly created controls, I have decided to give a little example for reference. **Note that you should check [Microsoft's Documentation](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.control.aspx#inheritanceContinued) ( or research from web ) of any control if you are struggling** | |
Hi I need a code block to accomplish the following task : There is a flolayoutpanel in my form with 3 panels in it. I want my submit button to count the panels and create a stopwatch control named after each panel. Here is what I have so far : … | |
How do i stop a running function using a button or menu. Do I use a try catch? for some reason its boggling me. | |
Private Sub Refresh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Refresh.Click If (AddressBar.Text.Contains("")) Then WebBrowser.Refresh() ElseIf (AddressBar.Text.Contains(".com") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".info") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".asia") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".aero") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".biz") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".cat") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".coop") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".int") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".jobs") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".mobi") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".museum") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".name") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".net") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".org") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".post") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".pro") Or AddressBar.Text.Contains(".tel") … | |
I'm having this kind of error: *Could not find a part of the path.* For Each subfolder As String In Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir) Dim destDir As String = Path.Combine(destinationDir, Path.GetFileName(subfolder)) If destDir = destinationDir & "\peanutButter" Then 'do nothing Else Directory.Move(subfolder, destDir) End If Next I suppose i get this error because … | |
Hello guys, im a newbie in vb programming. I just want to know how to compute total working hours. for EXAMPLE, i started 8:00 AM And goes out 13:00, the total time would be 4 hrs. because 12:00-1:30 is lunch break. | |
Hi, I just need some help on how will I retrieve the last row ID(auto-increment) value of my database(ms acccess) and display into a textbox? thanx in advance | |
I created a table, created a dataview, and sorted the dataview. I then populated the table with three rows of data and all was good. I then changed one of the fields (Hours) in one of the rows which SHOULD HAVE caused it to re-sort, but it did not re-sort. … | |
| Hie people, How can I save the items Entered in Combo Box at runtime ? So that next time i use Drop Down the entered Item is Present in it. Thanks |
i making a list of names to be entered in 10 boxes. no i need to save this as document or text file. how do i use savefiledialog() in vb . | |
Hello programmers! I have another easy problem. I want to write code that can find a word in the string, that contains another substring. Code needs to get or just copy specific word in string. To get that word, this word need to contain some specific string (ex: "Platypus"). If … | |
say im performing addition of two numbers. there are three textboxes . 2 for entering the numbers and 1 for displaying the result. im giving one value in first text box and no value in second textbox it says "conversion not possible". now wat shuld i do to make the … | |
Is it possible to have string in a richtextbox checked for pronouns and then make them all upper case? I'm a little familiar with the class method 'ToUpper' but don't know how to go from there. I have a richtextbox on my form and I want to check for any … | |
hi Im using chart to display data in VS 2010, its working properly with this code... Chart1.Series(0).Name = "Days Used" Chart1.Series(0).Color =Color.Red Chart1.Series(0).XValueMember ="Account Name" Chart1.Series(0).YValueMembers ="Days Used" Chart1.Series(0).IsValueShownAsLabel =True my x&yvaluemembers value came from sql server database. The "Account Name" And "Days Used" are alias of my database column … | |
hi all. I want to fill the Listview from a mssql database in vb.net but it not show all the data in Listview. I have the followning code. Dim sSQL As String Dim lvwItem As New ListViewItem() sSQL = "SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablenam e " sSQL = sSQL … | |
I need a solution for a small problem in my project and I'll make it as simple as possible: At one of the forms in my project, user should be able to add a panel to the form and that form should contain 2 controls ... a label and a … | |
Hello Community, I was wondering if it is possible to access and use an api from my website? | |
How can the following code be change so the children form move event is smoother? Dim isMouseDown As Integer Dim MyX, MyY As Integer Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown isMouseDown = 1 MyX = e.X : MyY = e.Y 'Me.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll End … | |
Hi, I'm currently studying this language how do i connect VB.NET with a Database (MS Access) and let me input informations in it as well as retrieve informations from it? I'm not familiar with MS Access but i know how to enter the name and it's type so that i … | |
Okay I am wondering what is a syntax to create a new property with read-write proprties, I read the book but it is not clear. Your help is appreciated | |
Hello, I ajust need a help here. I have 2 tables in my database (ms access) table1 = employees table2 = eID In employees table I have a column name "myimage" in "OLE Object" data type I just want to copy the cell value in table "employees" at column "myimage" … |
The End.