20,284 Topics
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What i'm using; VB2008 express, Access 2003 DB, Objective to clear the datagrid view after updating. This should happen when the user clicks the OK button "which confirms the update". Below is what I have. I see in some forums they use the .Clear and some other options so what … | |
i have a private sub that reads 4 lines of data from a text file, and then uses whats read and stores them in varibles. see below [CODE] Dim FileName As String = configfileV Dim TextFromTheFile As String ' Whole text Dim Lines() As String ' File splitted to lines … | |
I am trying to write a code which will combine these values and format it in the following format to be used as control/validation ID. I have written a line of code that will merge these values together into a long string but I can't get the zeros to fill … | |
I'm looking for any thoughts on how I am currently doing error handling in my VB.NET programs. Basically I put code in a try/catch, then call an error handling sub passing the exception and a string. The error handling sub gives an error message and writes to a text file: … | |
I don’t know if this is really possible, the program can not use a mouse or anything that requires the use of the tab key (this would be considered a use of the mouse), is there a way to still add input into textboxes and hit buttons, kinda like the … | |
I am trying to connect to SQL SERVER 2008 from vb.net but failed with Error 40. If I try to connecton to server\sqlexpress, error 26 is raised. step by step guide or tip would be helpful. | |
How could you, update the fields on database if its data type is Y/N, and the method of updating is a checkbox?? | |
I feel guilty about posting again but I need help again and I have tried other sources of help e.g google and asking someone who is familiar with vb.net but still can't find the solution to it. It must be another simple fix but I cant find any reference to … | |
[CODE] Private Sub AddIngoing_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load loadprodin() End Sub Private Sub loadprodin() Dim i As Integer objCon = New SqlConnection(conStr) Try objCon.Open() obj = objCon.CreateCommand() str = "Select * from product ORDER BY p_code" obj.CommandText = str sda.SelectCommand = obj sda.Fill(ds, "product") dt … | |
I am quite sure I am gonna feel real dumb when I found where I am screwing up but I am ALMOST done with a fraction calculator (part of a complete algebraic calculator I am making) and am stuck when trying to reduce my fraction because when I hit the … | |
I have a fun family app dealing with the odds of winning the lottery. Seems simple, right? I'm having a problem with the following (I'm sure a simple solution is evident but all help appreciated): 12 variables, 6 user chosen and 6 random generated, all integers. Want to perform comparisons … | |
the code is below. the system said me that the insert into sql syntax error any solutions? [CODE] Dim dbProvider As String Dim dbSource As String Dim constr As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim sql As String Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter form load code: dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" … | |
i use ms access as database and i dont know why my code not working.. here some of code [CODE]Private Sub btnSimpan_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSimpan.Click Dim conAccess As OleDb.OleDbConnection conAccess = New OleDb.OleDbConnection conAccess.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\kptm.mdb" conAccess.Open() If txtNamaP.Text … | |
I am starting to feel completely dumb when it comes to VB.Net coding. I am using Visual Studio 2010 and am trying to compare the numbers in 2 listboxes. If an item from list A matches an item from list B, I want it to add that item to List … | |
Hey, I am Creating an Application that has one button and a listbox, and I am using the FSX SDK. The button has Code that Extracts Data from the FSX game and Adds the Items to a ListBox. But When I click the Button and Am in game, it gives … | |
Hi, Anyone know how to access the contents of a password protected zip file via VB.Net? Like read, write, modify the contents as if its a regular folder. I have absolutely no clue how to the above. Its the final missing piece from my program. Any help would be very … | |
How to fill a combobox with a data stored in a table in sql server?.... Can we use stored procedure to do so? I tryed this code but it keeps giving an error message: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in system.data.dll" What does that mean???? My code: Private … | |
Hellow and hi i have one filed that makes total sum of bill and there is parameter serverice charges of type number now when i am creating formula like this {#total}+{?servervicecharges} then i get error that result of the formula can not be an array how to do this thx … | |
Well, i really don't know, maybe the title would be in appropriate. Here's my problem: Textbox1.text = [CODE]abcd sadsadasdas dsad as das d 1234[/CODE] After parsing between [TEX]abc[/TEX] and [TEX]1234[/TEX] It shows [TEX]sadsadasdasdsadasdasd[/TEX] However it should also contain spaces. Here's my piece of code: [CODE] Dim daniweb As String = … | |
Hi, can anyone out there help! I have a default form and a button. On click of that button I want to export a particular crystal report(without actually displaying it) to pdf format and store it in a folder named as temp. Is it possible? Thanks in advance, | |
Hi, I have a web form. On it I am generating a gridview through a stored procedure. Now it has it's DataSource set to dataset object ds. After generating this gridview. I want to generate an xls file. The code for that is correct. But since I am calling a … | |
I am using vb.net visual studio 2010 I have two comboboxes in the datagrid - one for Country and the other for State Province. Obviously the Country combo box controls what state/provinces to display. The trouble for rows with different countries - when the user is changing the state for … | |
I am using VB.NET using Visual Stduio 2005. From a Windows application, how to execute another form? Thanks for your help. | |
hello I wrote this code using classes and it keeps giving me the error message : a nullreference exception was unhandeled/Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I am trying to add stock code and stock shares to the list of transactions using a currClient As Client … | |
As Title say i need help to make code to i get in application listview if Recyclebin has some files in it their name if not then there is no listview... Do you have any idea guys? Tnx | |
Having problem make last if an statement work in the code. the variables in the if statment are doubles but the ide keep telling i need a proceeding if statement. but is already there it is in the last if statement of the code [CODE]Public Class Form1 Dim Totals As … | |
Can anyone show me how to get an Iamge from file. I tried using `image.fromfile"x.jpg"` but it didn't work when I used it in an array. Anyone have any suggestions on how to do it? | |
Is there any way i can pause a file download in my vb program?? I have tried both the http method and the my.computer.net method with no luck. I have also tried pausing the background worker by this method:[URL="http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vblanguage/thread/407a38ec-b012-4628-9627-c0aa3cd87a42/"]http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vblanguage/thread/407a38ec-b012-4628-9627-c0aa3cd87a42/[/URL] But even if the bgworker is paused the download goes on..... … | |
a. Create a database named “techdb” and create a table as “Personal” with Employee No, Name , Age & Salary b. Insert 2 records to the table c. Design a form in VB.NET e to Add, delete and Update records |
The End.