20,284 Topics
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Hi All, I have two dimentional array, i want to filter the records in array is there any way to do it? | |
I have everything done, but I forgot one simple little thing, how to save the database to a textfile, I have two forms with this application, the first one has all the information in it (textboxes) and a listbox in it to see all the contacts, then the second form … | |
I have installed visual studio 2010 on dc7700 machine when i am trying to open my project made in visual studio 2008 it convets it and didn't work converted file also when i am trying to create new project i did't find languages option like vb.net c# etc please help | |
i have written an application in vb.net 2008 that i want to access a remote database. when it tries to connect, this is the error message: system.data.odbc,system.data,version=2.0.0,culture=neutral,publicToken=b77a5c561934e089 failed what might be the problem? thanks | |
I have an assignement to use each grouping of code only once and put it into an application. Cut the snips of code from the snips part (ill have that coded at the bottom) and paste in the application based on comments within the application. You dont enter a single … | |
Hi, I have the problem that the textfile did not appear after I saved it at my document, dekstop and other existing folder or new folder that created by user.Currently, it is only can be saved at C and D. Below is the summary: first:i want to call the value … | |
I'd like to print preview and print 3 tab pages from a windows form. Below is my code. I was able to get it to work if it's only one tab. but not 3 tab pages. [CODE] Imports System.IO Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Drawing.Printing Public Class Results Dim bmp … | |
Is there a way to determine is any control at all on a form has gotten focus? I know you can individually determine if a single control has focus or has been clicked, etc. but is there an event that can tell you that some/any control has been clicked? i.e. … | |
Hi, I'm making a system where only the supervisors can use the Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up the menu (Vista / Windows 7) or start taskmanager (XP) Since my application will not be running on anything less than XP I don't need to worry about 95, 98, ME, 2000, etc. I … | |
[CODE]<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" class="grid_16 example" align="center"> <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderStyle="Groove" CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="5" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"> <ItemTemplate> <ul> <li> <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="328" height="200"> <param name="movie" value="vplayer/player.swf" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <%--<param name="flashvars" value="file=<%# Eval("vurl","video/swf/{0}") %>&image=<%# Eval("vpurl","video/thumb/{0}") %>" /> --%> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="player2" name="player2" … | |
i would like to show an image in a datagridview cell giving the path of the image.. how can i do so? | |
Hi ... i want to send multiple screenshot images from my client to server.. now i already get the screenshot code.. and the only problem i have is that .. i can't send them in my server.. any code will help... Thanks Ahead.. God Bless... | |
Hi i want to send an multiple screenshot image.. and i want them to send one by one from my client to server.. Can you please post some code.. im using vs2008. Thanks Ahead.. God Bless | |
Hi , After we finished make a project , we need to make setup file right ? is the setup file contain all the component we use in our vb.net ? like Crystal Report component ? im use VS.net 2003 Thanks for your information | |
i m using vb.net with oledb connection when retrieving data from EMP database i m getting error as syntax error(comma) in query expression 'eno='1',lname='',fname='' And FromPay=## And ToPay=##' plz help... [CODE] Private Sub PopulateNameList() Dim Connection As New OleDbConnection(ACCESS_CONNECTION_STRING) lvName.Items.Clear() lvName.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending Dim cmdfill As New OleDbCommand("SELECT eno, lname … | |
Hi, I am working in the program which is written in Access 2003 database with developer extension. It looks really similar with vb6. It is quick and it does the job, but we would like to upgrade it into vb.net considering that the technology might "abandon" it. So, we try … | |
Hi all , i have a string var containing info like this. [B]STRING[/B] = "Are you posting in the most appropriate place [B][COLOR="Red"]PKG0620_REL_23_Nov_2010[/COLOR][/B] to receive relevant replies" So, my program will ask only "PKG0620" info to be given by the user which i am storing in SEARCH var. SEARCH = … | |
Hello all, I have been trying to use the Gmap.Net.Windowsforms Control I do have it in my Components tab but When I try to add it to my Form it Does Absolutely NOTHING. I dont know why, But it will add every other component I try. Can someone please help? … | |
hi, How do i [COLOR="Red"]disable[/COLOR] user from goto desktop and when they press Control+Alt+Del it must prompt with admin username/Password.Is it possible to do....any idea ? i have created a login page but i have no idea on how to make it prompt when user press Control+Alt+Del | |
Im trying to make an application that collects how many items were sold and which items they were, I was thinking something like this for checking the upc number, to see if it matches the names in the “files” [CODE] Select Case TextBox1.Text ' 0921115150 “Dark Chocolate Truffles”, 2221001501 “ … | |
Hi guys, i have two tabs one is expiry date and block. my problem is, when i click block tab for 1st time it will correctly populate the datagridview. but when i click expiry date tab then block tab again, i got this error 'Provided column already belongs to the … | |
hi all, In my project is also administrator purpose also.I have not found solution about how to remove application from taskmanager using vb.net windows application.In vb.net I have not found properties of application with respect of that issue.But in vb it have properties of app.taskvisible then it is possible in … | |
I got a dataset which contains the following data: id code description eff_date end_date --------------------------------------------------------- 1 ADV ADVANCE 2007-12-01 2007-12-31 2 ADV ADVANCE 2008-01-01 3 BUS BUS TICKET 2005-03-09 2007-04-05 4 BUS BUS TICKET 2007-04-06 5 PET PETROL FEES 2008-01-02 2009-10-11 6 PET PETROL FEES 2009-10-12 7 BOK BOOK 2010-01-01 … | |
hi and hello is it possible to make images visibale =true or false in crystal report suppose there is crystalReportViewr Form and this form there is textbox if value in textbox is 1 then image box visible =true if txtbox =0 then image box visible=false please help me out is … | |
Please how can i make a Label control to have the present day an time value and also make the time tick as in a normal digital watch.i would be glad if anyone could help with a good idea and clear illustration with codes.Thanks and God bless | |
Hi Guru's I would like to be able to run code from a text file - is that possible. Ideally multiple applications will read this file and all behave according to the code inside the file. rather than having to keep rebuilding and distributing new versions./ I can't think of … | |
Dear Experts, I explain first the scenario. In one vb form, I have 2 tables connected through ID(relationship from MS Access).In the first table the fields are NameID, Company, Name, Grade and on the second table the fields are ExamID, NameID, Date, Score1, Score2, Score3, and Average. Now, I want … | |
Hi all I have a simple program which calculates some values for me. Let's say I receive some money in advance, go to a trip and spend some money there (not necessary in the same currency that I received advance in. Now if I spent more money then advanced, I … | |
Hi based on the title, I want my textfile created can save at any location folder . Please help me. | |
any idea how to use autocomplete in the textbox getting the records from database? i tried using the properties of textbox. But if the table is updated then autocompleteCustomSource is not updated... please guide me.. thank u. |
The End.