10,650 Topics
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hello , I have a problem...... I actually have a servlet ... and this servlet actually retrieves the values from my database and displayes them in a table. All this works fine... but now ,below this table , i want to have button saying " Print this Page" , so … | |
Hi everyone! After going through quite a number of site designs, I've finally come to something I like. Although (most of) it validates, the code does not work properly in any version of IE below 7, and Opera also has a slight rendering problem with the links. Basically, I've been … | |
I have to 2 questions regarding image editing. [LIST=1] [*]I want to change the background color of any image. [*]How can I design an image which if I put on any image/web page so background of this image match to the background of web page. Plz see the this below … | |
hey i need to creat a login/sign up and a control panel for a website mainly created in html. can anyone please help me | |
how can i make a group of images to align up or down? take a look: [URL]http://www.freewebs.com/racoon200[/URL] What i wan't to do is that those images get down, so they woudn't bounce so much when you hover them. | |
Hello, I have received some tips to take advantage of the whitespace on my homepage and I was wondering; What is a good way to utilize whitespace in a way that still pertains to my website and doesn't overcrowd the page? I was thinking of using more defined spacers between … | |
| Hi, guys. I have an odd problem with internet explorer, that I cannot figure out how to solve it. I have a dynamically generated page, that displays a gallery. Basicly the structure is the following: [HTML] <div id='content'> <h2>Gallery</h2> <div id='thumbsHere' style="float: right, width: 740px;"> HERE GETS GENERATED BY PHP … |
i want to let my website visitors upload thier pics on my site. i don't want to be limited by any community. want to have the ability to let anyone post thier pics and to resize them automatically and display instantly on the web. along with some text. also i … | |
i want to make login control using htm and asp will u please give code for it? | |
i want to use streaming video on my site. any advice on what format i should use and what are the things i need to look out for? do i need any thing my my server? | |
I'm using a multidimensional array to create a basic nav bar for a website i've been working on for a while.. I'm still very much a "noob" to programming, which is most likely the reason for the concussion I've sustained from repeatedly slamming my head against my desk.;) anyway my … | |
I don't know why google is giving such a low grading to one of the finnest web designing company in the world,I really miss a huge in my personal website if I doesn't opt for MSN in time. You shall visit and see the designing bonanza. | |
What would be the best way to check and see if 27 diff conditions were true before executing a statement? This is the code block I'm needing to add this to. The var objAddress.CountryCode needs to have 27 poss values that the code should be checking before executing. if not … | |
:confused: I have a challenge. I want to print some text based data on the client client side based on some input. I am to associate the client printer as a dos device ie LPT2 using window script host technologies but cannot just make it work. What am I doing … | |
Hi... Well the problem is that i have 2 divs in my page... and one have 1 horzizontal scrollbar adn the other one have another horizontal scroll bar.. and want that if i move one scroll bar the other one move in the same time... i dont know if this … | |
I am rather new to Flash and I am having what I consider to be a strange result which I do not know how to address. I am building an HTML site using CSS. Last week I embedded a SWF which scrolls a simple movie over the banner\ header. This … | |
I want to do a bar with images and that each, when mouse-overed, they will grow, just like in mac os x. Very fluid. If that can't be done, then It would also work that these images grew on mouse over, but from 20% to 100% of size. No fluid … | |
I have the code bellow and for some reason I have a infinite loop, but I just can't find it to fix it. I just call the function move to dynamicly resize a DIV. var pos; var finalPosition; var myTimer; var myVar; var cnt; function move(finalSize){ cnt=document.getElementById('contentBorder'); pos = cnt.clientHeight; … | |
Hi , Could some one help me out to count the hits made on a page(created in html).I want the number of people accessing a particular portal . Thanks, Aswathy | |
Hi I have only just started using tabels and I copied this table from a book but when I write in the main window the writing starts half way down the window not in the top left corner. Can anybody tell me why please here is the code [<!DOCTYPE HTML … | |
Is there anyway to import/export posts accrss two different servers. Eg, post made on one site appear on the other? Or anyway to displayposts made on one site on the other? maybe display inside an iframe? | |
Hi All, I am a web developer and I am lately becoming fairly security conscious. So two questions for you and any help appreciated. 1)I have my hesitations about my web code being revealed to everyone through the "view page source" feature of web browsers. Apparently the source review may … | |
hello, I have a table with 10 rows and 6 columns in each row all with text fields . i have named the text fields from text1 to text60.Actually i need to find the total price of every item in each row,by multiplying the quantity and the unit price for … | |
How do we cut such design using photoshop? I mean the edges [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/inside_bar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/inside_display.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/outside_full.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.sulawines.com/images/sectional/outside_balcony.jpg[/IMG] | |
How to create a favlet to allow my members to use this code offsite? favlet should have a link they can drag to their toolbar links. [code]<form><input type="button" onClick="fullwin('http://herproom.5.forumer.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=7101')" value="Screensaver"></a></form>[/code] or if i make ita regular href link can they drag that to their toolbar links? <a href="http://herproom.5.forumer.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=7101" target="_blank">screensaver</a> how … | |
Just launched a new web design tutorial site. Hope it could be useful for some. [url]www.hotcoding.com[/url] | |
I inherited a machine from a friend with a valid copy of Photoshop7 I am thinking of doing an upgrade to CS (and paying Adobe) and wonder what the upgrade process is. Has anyone gone thru the process and had issues. | |
Hello, First of all I would like to say this is a great layout and has helped me a lot. Now, on to my question. :lol: I cant seem to get my divs to always align to the center of the page. [code] body { background-color:#e6e6e6; } #header { position:absolute; … | |
This seems like a simple enough question to answer.... For some reason, FF and IE7 seems to render the navigation on my web page differently. Both the top and bottom borders of the links render as i want them to in FF, but not in IE7. Maybe someone could help … | |
Hi all im looking for a simple script that just has a single form where someone can enter their email address and the form will send that address to my email account , like "Subscribe to Newsletter" style thing... Thanks all |
The End.