10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for gendv

ok, firstly, an outline. I create coursware, and the coursware i'm crearing now is HTML, JS etc, etc. It works via MSIE, and is fullscreen, so it does not appear to the client that it is infact MSIE. Ok, so here's the challenge. There are paragraphs that build up (in …

Member Avatar for gendv
Member Avatar for gendv

[QUOTE]body { background-image: url(images/101.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #FFFFE5; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; line-height: 22px }[/QUOTE] Is it possible to Fix the Background img?

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for martinkorner

Is it possible to have a script on my site which says something like: [I]"Please click on at least 3 of the links below to continue to the download."[/I] Then, when the user clicks one of the specified links it opens in a new window and this page says: [I]"Please …

Member Avatar for martinkorner
Member Avatar for gendv

Is there code to hide the taskbar in I-Net explorer, all menu icons, menu's and address bar? or perhaps make it AutoHide?

Member Avatar for gendv
Member Avatar for bodikon

There are two parts to this post - reply for both or either... Firstly, is it POSSIBLE to force a browser to print when it hits a certain web page? And before i get a hundred comments back about the evil world of screwing with a clients browser - this …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for linet

:sad: I have friends who know am good in computers and they really need my help.A friend of mine came for help and i told her i dont know how to develop web sites know i feel upset and ready to help her have her own website for her project …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for thescorp

Hi every1! I have a problem with flash. There is a button in flash which doesn't show it's "overstate" property when i take it into a html page. Every time i need to see the "overstate" given to it,i have to 'click' on it the first time.Once i 'click' the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for tsmartin

Hi, I am new to the forum and hope that this will be a great place to give and take ideas, suggestions when it comes to tech stuff. :cheesy: I currently have a problem that I need help with. I am a Windows gal and am currently working on my …

Member Avatar for cmills83

Everything else is good so far except the drop shadow around the main content box only goes down to the bottom of the browser window in FireFox and Netscape but works in IE. Here is the HTML site I am redoing in CSS [url]www.sanmarcosonline.info[/url] Here is the CSS site with …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for sammymaudlin

I have successfully floated an iframe over a flash mov in Dreamweaver. The ifram in fact scrolls like I want it to but the scroll bars appear [I]under[/I] the flash mov. While floating completely over I don't see them but [I]can[/I] use them! If I float over the edge of …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for sarahfc

The British Design Council is looking for ways to improve and support the design industry-and wants your views: please take time to visit [url][/url] there is lots of interesting info on the site and a forum. thanksx the website is [url]http://www.keepbritishdesignalive.com[/url] but the above link is directly for the survey, …

Member Avatar for sarahfc

The British Design Council is looking for ways to improve and support the design industry-and wants your views: please take time to visit [url][/url] there is lots of interesting info on the site and a forum. thanks the website is [url]http://www.keepbritishdesignalive.com[/url] but the above link is directly for the survey, …

Member Avatar for punkrockbboy

I've been scratching my head on this all night, i'm trying to position in CSS a image in the {body} element (i hope that is the right term, i'm still new to all this). Heres what i have right now: [code]body { background-color: #ffffff; color:#000000; background-image: url(chapter11bkg.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Actxiom

I have just uploaded my first video .avi to a web site. The Flash 8 encoder is real slick, works relatively well. The procedure is also relatively simple Without the video feature a regular .fla file is published and two additional files are created, the .swf file and the .html …

Member Avatar for lunarstudio
Member Avatar for anne-marie

Hi guys Just wanted to let you all know about this exciting competition that's running at the moment - the EUROPRIX Top Talent Award. It's a great opportunity to showcase your talents to international experts in the design industry and also win some fantastic prizes at the same time! Basically …

Member Avatar for windspeed

I have a 'welcome to our site...' block of text in the middle of the home page on my small site and I want that text block to be swapped for an image as a mouse rolls over a menu item on the left. My problem is that it seems …

Member Avatar for nixpix

Hi there I am creating an interactive CD-Rom in Director MX on PC. I have a problem with some of my cursor changes. I have a manual on the disc, after the user has finished reading it, they have to press a "back" button to return to which frame they …

Member Avatar for lbjandai

I have adobe indesign cs (not 2) and created a home page for a website on it. Now how do i transfer this from indesign to the website? I have a domain name already and everything.

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

I wish to have links for the menu like this: [url]http://www.tristarwebdesign.co.uk/templates/templates/karma/index.html[/url] However, I wish to have MY OWN font style on each links as it can be seen on: The only difference I want is that this guy has used "title" in order to display text on each "li" link, …

Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25
Member Avatar for qbit

Hey guys, I was curious if someone would be able to provide advice on how to do this... Basically I want to create a simple web-form that has a bunch of questions and allows the user to answer them. Then it has to pass the list of questions under one …

Member Avatar for qbit
Member Avatar for raouf

[COLOR=#555555]Dear all members,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]I’m a guy in Saudi Arabia took this design job from the local newspaper which is : A new University in Saudi Arabia called (JAZAN UNIVERSITY) is opening and is requiring a official logo for the University, with the following specifications:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]1- [/COLOR][COLOR=#555555]The logo should be representing …

Member Avatar for raouf
Member Avatar for bkendall

My stylesheets tend to get long at times and I find I am constantly fishing around looking for colors to use. So I asked a friend at work about it and he created a dremweaver extension that will pull all of your colors from your css ot html fil and …

Member Avatar for Sina

Hi everybody How can I creat a (rollover image with text link) like this: [url]http://www.yahoo.com/[/url] I mean a (rollover image with text link) like front buttons of yahoo home page, my image is in a diffrent layer from text link, thank you.

Member Avatar for Sina
Member Avatar for dummyingup

Google keeps saying my sitemap is partially indexed, but I have all my pages listed. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Member Avatar for dummyingup
Member Avatar for gendv

On my main web page, I have a button that opens a browser window, this window contains a tree menu created with JS. What I need to know is if I click on a link in the tree menu, is it possible to comunicate with the main page in such …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Yoshi CLONE

Hey guys, I'm stumped. I was wondering if any of you know a script so that when you rollover any image, a body of text will appear above it. An example would be here. [url]http://vgfusion.z7xstudios.com/affiliates.php[/url] Roll over the image buttons, and it will say a rating. Ofcourse, they could put …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for neshinator

Hi all, I have been set the task of creating a flash installer for a software application and basically I need to be able to activate an exe file. I understand that for security reasons this is not very easy to do but for users who definitely want to activate …

Member Avatar for gendv

How do I get a Tree menu to expand when I navigate from another page? ... also is it possible to expand on a specific section? (See prev. Post for code and more background)

Member Avatar for gendv
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hullo everyone. I know there have been many polls regarding what graphics software everyone uses. In this thread I want to ask specifically what **3D** graphics software you are using and why? I shall start by saying I use the free open source software named blender. I use it cos …

Member Avatar for lunarstudio
Member Avatar for Madhster

In Dreamweaver 8, when using any of the menu items at the top: file, edit, view, etc. I get a ghost image of the that menu item ex: Save As, which stays on my screen whether I am in Dreamweaver or another program. Once this image appears, I am not …


The End.