10,650 Topics
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Hello guys! I'm making a site and I want to add a mouserover effect on the social-network icons, exactly like what WinRumors ([http://www.winrumors.com/](http://www.winrumors.com/)) have on their social icons. To understand what I mean (and what I want), open the WinRumors site and place your cursor on top of any of … | |
i want to know how to write a design for the small sized network for not more than 80 users | |
Hey, http://we-remortgage.co.uk/sitewp/ I'm trying to make the form to the right actually clickable however it seems like something is in the way. Can anyone locate the issue? Thanks! | |
Hello! Me and a friend are working on a website (We have for months) we have tons of functionality working, it's just we are never happy with the look of the site which is of course one of the most important parts. It seems like everytime we redesign things we … | |
Hi all, Im working on a website, and Im trying to put a navigation bar in the navigation divider I made, however when I put the image in, it doesnt go into the divider, even though its between the <div> tags. Heres what it looks like: ![enter image description here][1] … | |
hi all, Im working on a website and need to make a Divider. I coded one, but no matter what, the form isnt made. Heres my code. Can anyone tell me whats wrong? CSS: #wrapper {width:1000px; margin:0 auto; } #header {background-color:yellow; text-align:center; height:50px } #footer{clear:both; background-color:yellow ; text-allign:center; } #navigation … | |
Hi, I need to develop something like this. How do I start on this? Please check the following URL: [Click Here](http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z452/trishfernan/Explanation23_zps22127e0d.png) | |
http://ylakiuglobosnamai.lt/darbo-uzmokestis Hello, in this page I cannot find a way to make table less wide. It was probaly pasted from word to WICYWYG javascript text editor. I edited the html and removed all witdth attrivubtes, set it even to 50% as you can see if you open element inspector, it … | |
Working on this site and now i'm majorly annoyed it isn't working. <div id="Mid_Content"> <div id="Left_Content"> <h2>heading </h2> <p> test </div> <div id="Mid_point_Content">asdasd</div> <div id="Right_Content">Form</div> </div> Mid_Content is a container and the rest inside it. Here is the CSS #Mid_Content { Width: 1000px; } #Left_Content { width: 33%; } Mid_point_Content … | |
Hi there, I'm interested in creating a one page website with wordpress (the one with multiple pages in one with the scrollbar). I was curious whether anyone knows of a great website that has tutorials for this or someone that can give me a bit of information on how to … | |
I am using a Dedicated Server. In the web-hosting side, I have folders arranged like so. html forum files images files Equinox index.php header.php footer.php style style.css mc-multiplayer style style.css index.php header.php footer.php I am trying to get the index.php of mc-multiplayer to link to the css file in mc-multiplayer, … | |
Hi, I need to show a "Your message has been sent" message notification for 5 seconds via a small box that should appear on top of our sites message section and then disappear. I need the full html codings or a full example on how to develop this system. | |
Hi All, Could you Please give me your valuable suggestions for the following requirement. I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this thread but please have a look and give me your suggestions. 1. I am planning to design a ticket tracking tool. 2. If … | |
I have a form and it is pretty simple. What i want to do is allow the user to fill out the form and select a color and depending on the different color that is selected, a question will reveal varying on its selection. So here is my HTML: <form> … | |
In some web sites, ebay and Amazon specifically, they have several thumbnails below a larger image. When you hover over one of the thumbnails the corresponding larger image is displayed in the space above. This effect would be perfect for a site that I am working on right now. Can … | |
Hello everybody, I have per day around 10,000 visitors on my blog. Few days back I started to developing new wordpress theme into my blog but 'Theme Test Drive' plugin isn't working for me because you know well **some WordPress general setting disturbing and also template selection etc...** *I need … | |
My draft webpage currently has a <head> but no <body>. It links to a css stylesheet that exists in the expected location but is currently blank. When I loaded it into Firefox 17.0.1 for Win XP, the error console returned these three messages: > Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/extensions/%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D/chrome.manifest'. … | |
What css attribute and value do I use to set image width to whatever the user's window width happens to be? Progz | |
Hi I am populatin a gallery with images whos paths are stored in mysql table. I would like the images not to be all lined up but sort of 'higltypiglty'; sort of arranged in a messy fashion if you get me. At the minute they are all lined up level. … | |
I set out to learn html4.01 and 5, css, javascript and perhaps php with a view to developing strong technical web design skills that can be applied to designing websites from scratch. My reasoning is that I'm a bit deficient on the visual creativity side and could perhaps compensate by … | |
I have a premium html blog template - how can I use to create theme and use in blogEngine.net? I had been to this webcast... Creating custom themes (25:00) [Click Here](http://www.nyveldt.com/blog/post/blogenginenet-creating-themes-webcast) , however, it has been deleted. | |
Hi how are you all webdevlper im new blogger and im use wordpress i have fashion niche i ask one qustion i wana a photo gallery plugin any one have idea | |
I'm learning html and having a lot of trouble understanding the use of the src attribute to load an image from local storage, such as the images directory on my hard drive or, when the webpage is uploaded to my webhost, the images directory of my webhost. Can someone please … | |
I wrote an autocomplete input (i don't think that is the best thing to call it) in jquery. What it does is auto completes your text. It does that but it autocompletes by re-displaying the whole word/s rather than displaying what is left. I think I am un-clear, I may … | |
Okay, I dont have any code for this I am just not sure at all on how to do what I want. I have a website which displays pictures. There are albums and when you search the album it brings up all the pictures of that album. Now lets say … | |
I have a form to edit a table record, and am having trouble with it in Chrome. In IE7 it works fine, in Chrome it does nothing. It uses javascript because there is a sprite to change the button on hover. Any ideas? I'm stumped and would appreciate any help … | |
| Hello, When viewing [this page](http://www.jjwangracing.com/setup-sheets-electric/) in IE 8, I'm seeing weird white lines. There is one right below and above the "Coming Soon!" header, and two below the small grey sentance below it. I've looked at the CSS, and I can't see anything that could be causing this, and the … |
Hello, I have made an aspx page in dotnet, I am also using user controls. I have used 17 small images as my module icons. I want them to come in one line for every screen resolutions. Its not coming on small screens, plesae suggest. | |
First of all, everyone a good 2013! I now live in a small Argentinian town. Not many persons do have internet! However, I do have to design a website for a local hotel owner! If you compare my website: http://www.eduardlid...icolas/hpn.html which I made in 2011 and my website http://www.eduardlid.web44.net which … | |
I'm interested in learning html,css, flash, java anything to do with web design and so forth. Just wondering if anyone out there has a really good starting point for me. Are there any books i should read or should i just go straight off the web. anything will help. thanks … |
The End.