14,380 Topics

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Member Avatar for silvertype

Hi, I need some help here. I Haven't been using my computer cause I've been in the middle of a move. My service pack 1 expired in October. I turn on my computer yesterday to download service pack 2 and after countless restarts and some bsods I finally get on. …

Member Avatar for silvertype
Member Avatar for regularities

Ok, i recently tried reformating my PC to which i thought i did a good job. Problem is i have my drive partitioned from C: down to H:. When i went to reinstall Windows instead of it overwriting it on my C: drive it installed a new copy on D:. …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for panura

Does anyone have information about Proxyway and ePrompter? I used them and removed both when strange things started to happen. I think someone has and may still have remote access to my Home PC. Stuff got way too complicated for me and I took action. I bought a new hard …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for abbeygearbox

hello my comuter keeps crashing a blue screen appears with a long message the error code is 0x000000fe(0x00000002,0x8540c5d8,0x8da4a8,0x85a641b8) i have downloaded a patch but it still happens thankyou

Member Avatar for Dortz
Member Avatar for Bonesaw

Ok so my computer's been working fine, then for some reason I started getting BSOD's with random stop errors (codes are always different and always points to a different file, the last one didn't even point to a file). I thought this was a RAM problem so I replaced it …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for moblkjaz

failure at step 19 (user verification of software):hresult=0x00000000(error code) i'm using a nvidia chipset(soundstorm) on a abit nf7-s. :confused:

Member Avatar for HeyNav
Member Avatar for Wombat_38

G'day to all Anybody's got a system with Prescott cpu? My system: Asus P4P800-E Deluxe and Prescott cpu. My question is anybody got similar system with windows xp sp2? I was told that installing the service pack 2 will lock up the computer. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Wombat_38
Member Avatar for ccczone

A customer brought me in her NB yesterday. She said it wouldn't load windows. I booted it up perfectly fine. However i could not get online with it, nor could i do anything else. Come to find out, well over 3/4 of the services were set at disabled. I took …

Member Avatar for Dortz
Member Avatar for spid3r1987

Hello im New on here, so first of all HIIIIII i was wondering, is there a way to format a NTFS windows NT hard drive USING DOS or another NON windows xp/2k disk before the operating system starts up?

Member Avatar for Cyberxn
Member Avatar for KBeers

Hey everyone! I recently reinstalled XP Pro on my server at work after a hardrive tanked and ever since I've been having permissions problems. I use the term "server loosely, we use this particular machine for data recovery, ghosting client drives, virus scans etc etc. Before I reinstalled permissions problems …

Member Avatar for KBeers
Member Avatar for ICP

Hallo, I have run into what seems to be not a unique problem ie uninstalling Microsoft Flight Sim X to try and clear a problem, did not uninstall totally and now wont install (error message 1722 followed by 1603). Cleared every FSX file I could find, no change. having applied …

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Member Avatar for kibawolf

hi everyone...this is my first time posting here...i am having a problem with my WindowsXP on my laptop. The screen with the logo appears and it seems to be loading...but just stays on that screen...it isn't frozen cuz i can still see the bar on the bottom moving back and …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for morgansean

:rolleyes: Hi Everyone! New to this forum and have run into a new problem for me. Starting yesterday my OE6 has started freezing up when I try to open and or delete some of my mail. It seems to be a random thing. 90+ % open fine. I've tried going …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for kikmydog

well, i was playing aroung with safe mode and everything was too big so i tried to change the resolution and it didnt work so i changed the dpi and now it says cannot display this video mode. any help?

Member Avatar for Cyberxn
Member Avatar for b.bea

Hi everyone, Please bare with me as I have never posted anything on the web before and am new to the site. I am somewhat of a computer novice and I am having a problem I would appreciate any help with. Every time I try to download a pdf file …

Member Avatar for Cyberxn
Member Avatar for imarif

Hi, I'm trying to connect a new workstation to a very small network (30 computers) The computers are linked via Ethernet and switch and all of them are sharing Windows XP. The new workstation is also using Windows XP. When I setup the computer, I made it a member of …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for rickyb007

I need some help.. I have a critical system error message icon flashing on my task bar that wont go away.. when i click on it, an internet explorer window pops up with an advertisement for VirusBuster software... how do i get rid of this...

Member Avatar for Daty
Member Avatar for mylil

[I]Any help would be appreciated. My computer keeps restarting in the middle of anything. sometimes in restarts and just as i click on my side it shuts down again and restarts again. this happens about 3 or 4 times in a row and then stops for a min. and then …

Member Avatar for xcellpro6
Member Avatar for erniestl

Hello I have win xp home with all the updates and I also have windows media player 11. Here is the problem when I play a cd or dvd the sound is jerking the video will also pause for spilt second. I have tried to turn off every even the …

Member Avatar for xcellpro6
Member Avatar for trx.

Okay, first off, sorry for doing this as my first post, I really hate asking a question such as this as my first post, just makes me seem like a noob :( . Anyways. I'm having troubles with my Control Panel. When I go to Start > Control Panel it …

Member Avatar for xcellpro6
Member Avatar for Squirty

Hi, I use Win Xp and recently installed all-in-one HP PSC 2175. Everything works great except that I see there's a icon in that notification area that says Safely Remove Hardware. It wasnt there til I installed that HP printer. I dont know if its supposed to be there or …

Member Avatar for unawaire
Member Avatar for gerbil

My turn to pose a question. I just received a weird, unsolicited email. If you try to copy n paste it, u get underlying text appearing with the normally visible text... it only appears when you lclick and drag. A sample of a capture [top text only..]:_ "Market Makers and …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Wombat_38

G'day all I've found a folder named"ACW" in c:\Program Files, and contains the following files:ActiveContentWizard.dll, ACW.exe, ACWExt.xml, AcwPSSExtn.dll, ACWRuntimesCab. Anybody knows why I've got such folder? how did it get there. :surprised Platform: Windows xp sp1, IE6, Firefox1508 Thank you for your help

Member Avatar for Wombat_38
Member Avatar for kyle_105

hello, I'm having some trouble with my windows XP. I dont know if it is either that or just my laptop (Compaq Presario R400). Every time i move a window around it causes these wierd lines to appear and I dont know how to fix it. If anyone knows how …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for teradost

Hello everyone I just made my computer, and installed Xp Pro x64 on it. It is loaded with drivers, applications, and antivirus just fine. Everything seems to be running OK, except I cannot create secondary accounts with the limited setting. I have the Administrator account setup with a password, and …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for GriffIT34

anyway to restore admin priviledges after changing something to deny? I made a mistake and system restore is failing consistently. It was removeable storage in computer managment that i changed to deny, now i can't get back in to change it back. any idea's.

Member Avatar for GriffIT34
Member Avatar for amcb2005

Everytime I open a folder and want to click the "up folder" to get back to the previous folder... it will work until I click the up folder to get back to the desktop and it freezes EVERYTIME! Anytime I want to go to my desktop, I have to just …

Member Avatar for Starbelly

[COLOR=Black]Hello. I am pretty familiar with computers and hardware though no genius by any means. I am trying to wipe my gateway win-xp home completly clean and reinstall win-xp pro. I have the cd, prod. key and all the drivers and sp 2 cd's I need. I started following the …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for lwerfel

I have a weak battery and have always had to keep my Dell laptop plugged into keep it working. I used the computer a few nights ago and it was fine. When I went to turn it on the next morning, it wouldn't turn on and just started beeping. The …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for DustOff

My friend has a problem with his laptop: It is a Compaq Presario, and it runs Windows XP. It boots normally, but as it shows his desktop background, right before the log-in window comes up the blue screen appears. "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down …

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The End.