10,784 Topics

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Member Avatar for bjsaturn

I scanned my system with Malwarebytes today and located the directories of several viruses. I used NotePad++ to open the executable files and deleted all the code written therein and saved the change to the virus. I proceeded to delete the viruses with Malwarebytes; but, I wondered, had I left …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for IceTouchAngel

PLease I hear of viruses, Spyware and other Nasties.I really dont know how it works. Anyone with an idea or a very good knowledge should be please take me on it. I will be highly grateful. Thanks

Member Avatar for KiloKraveSarave
Member Avatar for RikTelner

http://s27.postimg.org/b350970w3/whasd.png Something is connected to my Wi-Fi without my permission. I don't know what/who this is. How do I get rid of? Is it hacker/virus? I should be only one listed.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for <M/>

I can't seem to be able to remove a rotten adware called keep now.... i can't even find the location of it and I see it on all my browsers. anyone know how to remove this? It shows up on all sites that i go to, including this one...

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apparently it's Data Privacy Day tomorrow (January 28th) which, if you will allow me to quote the [Stay Safe Online](https://www.staysafeonline.org/data-privacy-day/about) website blurb, is an "international effort to empower and educate people to protect their privacy and control their digital footprint". Given the Edward Snowden NSA spying revelations that broke during …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for bryann

I have a PC with 2 drives. A SSD which has my OS installed and a traditional HDD which has all my files and most of my programs on it. My question is do I have to install my new anti-virus on the OS drive or can if funciton properly …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for kristen72888

I start up my mother in laws computer and she has not start menu no icons nothing. I can acess task manager and commpand prompt. She thinks she has gotten a virus where it has hidden everything as when you click create a new task under file you can see …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for brimstone

hello I was wondering if I could be helped. My moms computer has caught the sasser virus isass.exe an invalid parameter was passed by a function or something along those lines at start up of her computer she runs windows xp profesional. I tried booting it into safemode and i …

Member Avatar for Dell_1
Member Avatar for ShouldAt3

Hi guys, has anyone ever worked with keyloggers? I need a recommendation. I have found a couple of keylogger on Google, but I've never worked with those programs before. Has anyone ever used one of these keyloggers: [http://www.actualspy.com/](http://www.actualspy.com/) [http://www.desktopshark.com/](http://www.desktopshark.com/) [http://signum-soft.com](http://signum-soft.com) Thank you for your help.

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for mitchell.williams.121772

for some reason when on my computer, internet explorer keeps starting itself up, the only difference it doesn't show up on the hotbar or the applications tab on Task Manager it is only it's process that is started help?

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for christine.mendoza.969

good day everyone, my computer hardware are all good. but when i power it on, display only appears up to windows logo only. the next thing happen was black screen though the computer is still running. please help me to solve this problem. thanks...

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was just wondering what this url is "https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/hellocdn.html?v=1" for some reason on start-up my computer will open this url not all the time but occasionally. It doesn't do anything it just gives my a blank page, the HTTPS certificate is in affect so I don't thing it's …

Member Avatar for ZixCo
Member Avatar for sevichu

I got a virus that turned off Microsoft Essentials and prevented me from starting it. I tried getting other programs to remove it but i believe that the virus also disabled Microsoft installer. My skype wont start properly along with other programs i use daily taking an extremely long time …

Member Avatar for robert02
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) security researcher [Keith Jarvis](http://www.secureworks.com/cyber-threat-intelligence/threats/cryptolocker-ransomware/), the CryptoLocker ransomware that has been written about so much of late has infected as many as 250,000 computers during the first 100 days of distribution (staring on the 5th of September, 2013). What's more, Jarvis estimates, based …

Member Avatar for karg

Hello all, can someone please help me, a year and a couple hundred Euro later still have my problem. Internet explorer keeps opening by itself - up to a hundred pages, all to the home page. I have had people look at re-formatted the harddrive several times and nothing. Have …

Member Avatar for patrick.lee.9210256
Member Avatar for happygeek

US retail giant Target [has confirmed](http://pressroom.target.com/news/target-confirms-unauthorized-access-to-payment-card-data-in-u-s-stores) that hackers gained access to payment card data that could mean 40 million credit and debit card accounts are at risk. An official statement says that the retailer is "aware of unauthorized access to payment card data that may have impacted certain guests making …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for MarcelBig

I am not sure where did I pick up this virus, but i do not want it. I have already tryed add or remove programs in my control panel. No luck. It must have something to do with the registry, but I can not able to clean that.The other day …

Member Avatar for robert02
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a [report](http://www.fireeye.com/resources/pdfs/fireeye-operation-ke3chang.pdf) from researchers at US security outfit FireEye, a number of computers belonging to diplomats attending the G20 summit in Russia three months ago, including at least five European foreign ministries, were successfully targeted by Chinese hackers. FireEye researchers had monitored a server, one of 23, used …

Member Avatar for mcfilmmakers

Hello, I am currently running Windows 8 and am having an issue with Internet Explorer. Even with no programs running, IE constantly opens and tries accessing Outlook.com and hits an error screen from Outlook.com saying the requested page cannot be found. While downloading the virus scanners for the logs, I …

Member Avatar for mcfilmmakers
Member Avatar for DazzleKitty

Hey everyone, I've been trying to remove the Dell My Way Search Assistant from my computer. However, whenever I go to the control panel and add/remove programs, I got this error: Error Loading C: PROGRA~1/MyWaySA/SrchAsDe/1.bin/desrcas.dll Someone suggested that I run ccleaner to uninstall it, but I get the same exact …

Member Avatar for alexstone
Member Avatar for hettym

I started up my laptop the other day which is windows xp service pack 2, and when I logged in to windows this cmd.exe black screen thing came up for about a second - not enough time to read what it said?! Then about 3 minutes later the blue screen …

Member Avatar for DEBBIELCOLLINS2
Member Avatar for strawhat068

ok so the OS is windows 7 and here is whats happening. he caught it once and we were able to remove it but we cant do it by the same means this time, anyways heres what its doing.. Taskmanager is dissabled. Desktop is gone, no start bar, NO SAFE …

Member Avatar for techsheaven
Member Avatar for killer88

When a system is spread with viruses. . . what the virus first attack in system ?. . system files ? or data stored in hard disk etc ?

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for jacobin.draks

Hello people i've been trying to make a halware.... well a halware is a programme that keeps on creating .txt files it keeps on looping, using up like tons of GB... i wanna make a type of halware that atleast takes up 500MB per second.... my bro made it (he …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for linhevermind

whenever i open more window in firefox, it gets some accident popups confused me so much. really hate them.but i do not know the causes. pls could anybody here tell me if you once got this problem. many thanks!

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for aeaism

**Hi, I have some unknown malware on my computer. When browsing online, constant annoying popups and ads come up, my homepage is constantly changed to aol for some reason, and I absolutely can't remove it. I've tried MBAM (latest one included, totally clean), AVAST, AVG, Lavasoft adaware, spybot, etc etc …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for pwink44

I got a notice from "Lifelock" that stated Adobe announced last month that some of its customers' usernames and passwords had been stolen. The company says it reset the stolen passwords and notified its customers. Adobe also says the stolen data included credit-card information for some of its customers. That …

Member Avatar for pwink44
Member Avatar for Wunderhoo

I down loaded one of those Anti Maleware removal thingys **It said my PC had over 1000 problems which they could fix if i Bought thier product**Which if any is the best Anti Malware Program????Cheers

Member Avatar for Wunderhoo
Member Avatar for Wunderhoo
Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for orangepie

hello, can someone help me get rid of a toolbar/ or a virus, i don't know what it is/ it's called Gqs.donedrive I have absoluteley no idea how it got there, it just showed up and now I can't remove this annoying little green leprechaun x.x

Member Avatar for orangepie

The End.