1,518 Topics

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Member Avatar for vizz

How to Surf the websites anonymously in Windows XP without using tor? I found various softwares when googled for **hide IP address** But all are not working properly. Is there any guaranteed software?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for kristen72888

I start up my mother in laws computer and she has not start menu no icons nothing. I can acess task manager and commpand prompt. She thinks she has gotten a virus where it has hidden everything as when you click create a new task under file you can see …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for cmk_96

I have a Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 HP desktop PC when I power the computer on I got Vga input: no input signal and the monitor went back to sleep. If you do you think that is a problem with the video card it is attached to …

Member Avatar for vincentleeap
Member Avatar for Dani

[font=Arial][size=5][color=#0000ff][i][size=2][color=black][font=Verdana][color=black][i]I found this in a few different places around the 'net - hopefully it's helpful:[/i][/color][/font] [/color][/size][/i][/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=5][color=#0000ff]Change the Logon Window and the Shutdown Preferences in Windows XP [/color][/size][/font][size=2][color=#000000][font=Arial]Setup configures Windows XP to use the friendly Welcome logon screen and the shutdown buttons, if your computer is installed as a home computer …

Member Avatar for adwin.leff
Member Avatar for Gary_3

Hi, I just reloaded my Dell desktop (formatted the hard drive) and now I cannot connect to the internet. I looked in Device Manager and there are no question marks or exclamation points. I am receiving packets (looked at the properties of my connection), but I cannot ping www.google.com via …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for damle1

My key board doesnt show if cap lock is on or off. Is there any way to add it on Task Bar I can do it on word but not other applications Pl Help how to do it Regards

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hasan8u

Microsoft windows xp will be banned for update and update device it is very bad think of all who like xp very much so if any one want to get xp all time and like it so he store it by pen drive or high method hard disk CD really …

Member Avatar for Tjmahone

I am trying to help a customer restore their connectivity to their server. earlier this week, a power outage wiped out thier servers' internet connection and the connection to 2 computers, I'll call them 1 and 2. We advised them to replace the wireless usb adapter they were using to …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I want to copy a folder full of folders to a backup on another disk. But if a duplicate filename already exists on the other disk, I want Windows to prompt to ask whether or not to replace the file for each file separately. Windows XP just gives me the …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for cyberyoda

A while ago, we had used a dial-up connection on our desktop computer with Windows XP on it with no problems. Since then, the hard drive died out, and it was replaced by a new hard drive. Now, when I would try to use dial-up, I would get an error …

Member Avatar for cyberyoda
Member Avatar for l_wicklund

I am trying to use 2 external monitors with my laptop in a docking station and I cannot get the option to use the second monitor only one works. I have an HP elitebook and used to have a Dell and since switching I can't use the same set up …

Member Avatar for l_wicklund
Member Avatar for best4earn

How can i instal windows Xp sp 2 32 bit on core i7 ? I have tried many time to instal windows xp but not succeed

Member Avatar for best4earn
Member Avatar for Vimal Bhatt

Hello friends I have purchased a Lenovo Thinkcentre desktop (second hand) from a friend. The "windows XP professional" CD bundled with system is lost by the former user.Now I have product key of that copy of Windows XP Pro but haven't the original CD.I want to istall WinXP on my …

Member Avatar for Vimal Bhatt
Member Avatar for Made In England

Hi For some reason my computer will not allow new usb devices to just automatically work. It will always ask for software, which it cant find. Ive recently tried using my new digital camera (an olympus Mini) and I plug it in, the computers beeps 3 times quickly (the beep …

Member Avatar for blue_faery
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH]16171[/ATTACH] Windows 7 offers heaps of computing-gravy for users that are looking for something sweeter than XP and less bitter than Vista. It has been optimized and overhauled into a truly modern version of Windows. Unfortunately for a lot of users, upgrading from XP is a daunting task if you …

Member Avatar for db2xpert
Member Avatar for Rafik Almeria
Member Avatar for DM Galaxy
Member Avatar for arun.mmassy
Member Avatar for blh9783dw

xp desktop new ssd bios sees it xp device manager sees it and reports it is working properly. File manager fails to see it, fails to assign a letter to it. HOW TO FORMAT IT?

Member Avatar for greenknight
Member Avatar for hearthackrz

Hello guys, Recently I reinstalled my Windows XP SP3, now suddenly whenever I start my system it shows a black/blank screen after the Windows XP load screen. I installed the latest video drivers too (ATI Radeon) but it's of no help. I can go into safe mode without any issues …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Aryan_2

hi everyone my windows desktop doesnt star after i tried to install windows 7 in it without fromatting windows xp which was der before, now the problem is that cpu starts and fans are spinning but the monitor goes blank after showing boot options[e.g press f2] so please help me …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Kastarla

So I was working on my computer and everything was fine and then all of a sudden it restarts itself and i get this error about the win32 file. It tells me that my computer cant boot because of a missing or corrupr win32 file and to use yhe repair …

Member Avatar for Little Relhok
Member Avatar for Ant70

The disk in my laptop has become inaccessible after I changed the cluster size. *The problem* When I try to boot up, I get the laptop's proprietary screen as normal followed by a few seconds of the Windows XP start up screen followed by a brief flash of a blue …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jacksonbird03

Hello Friends, How are you all ???? I have a problem with windows XP... While the installation of the Windows XP it shows an error message that "asms file is needed"... Please help what I will do to recover this error... Thank you in advance...

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Radio2006

Hello all, Having a very interesting situation here. Working on PC for a friend who stated that it connected to the network, but was unable to browse to any sites using Internet Explorer and Google Chrome... After re-creating the issue, I began with pinging the Default Gateway. Successful. Then I …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for nmakes

I have a compaq 510 notebook PC which has intel core 2 duo t5870 processor (@ 2Ghz, 2MB L2). The vendor from whom we bought gave us windows xp 32 bit installed in it. Lately I discovered that it is a 64 bit processor. **So, I think I need a …

Member Avatar for nmakes
Member Avatar for nelsonjayac
Member Avatar for VanessaGisel

Does the repair/recovery disc for Windows xp need any sort of installing before I can format my hard drive with it? My computer has a virus that doesn't allow installing of programs. I want to know before I order it from eBay.. I don't know much about this sorta thing

Member Avatar for alexalbert
Member Avatar for cmabill

I have tried many options outlook provided, but it still doesn't work. the error box heep prompting up asking me to verify the pop server, my account, and password, after I confirm it, it come up again. when I cancel it, then the dialing prcoess ended with error sugestion.---that the …

Member Avatar for cmabill
Member Avatar for Lennox

I used to do a bit of programming in Turbo Pascal but since Microsoft eliminated DOS I don't know how to set up the compiler in Windows XP or 7. Can anyone advise how I can continue to use Turbo Pascal? Thanks I got this reply "TP will still run …

Member Avatar for Lennox
Member Avatar for C++ programmer

Hi. I had 2 HDD in my pc. Today I installed a new HDD in my pc with other two HDD connected. I booted with my default HDD in order to format the new HDD with Win XP format utility. XP isn't showing the actual size of the new drive …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The End.