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Member Avatar for jan1024188

Most common quiestion is: [quote]Is there any C++ GUI API?[/quote] My answer is MANY. There are many API's for making GUI applications. Here are some. [B] 1. WinAPI: (C based)(MFC is C++ based)[/B] [I]Its a great API and the best solution if you are windows programmer. First code will look …

Member Avatar for sreenivasula
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I am looking for a good .NET licensing system, which would be extremely easy to use and integrate (automatic integration into the program). It should be safe (not easy to hack/crack), and verify the license each time user opens a program (connect to the license server and see if …

Member Avatar for sam_25
Member Avatar for addicted

here...this always works...I use it [CODE] void clearscreen() { int x = 1; int y = 100; do { printf("\n"); x++; } while( x < y ); } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for jan1024188

I have a problem....I wrote program which makes computer beep, but there is no beep when executing a program. I included [B]windows.h[/B] header, defined [B]speed[/B] and wrote following line [CODE]Beep(2750, speed);[/CODE] Why there is no beep?

Member Avatar for +_+man
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello guys, I am wondering how to promote business online. Ive tried adwords, and it didnt work for me. Are there any websites where you can get efficiently promoted? Jan

Member Avatar for seoevans
Member Avatar for jan1024188

I want to know how to write a program that moves for example C:\ex.exe to D:\ex.exe.... What header to use? stdio.h? what function to use? Can i get a link of source(this program) ?

Member Avatar for luigi10011
Member Avatar for WoBinator

it is much easyer to understand c++ if you know c.... C++ isnt difficult...some people think (like me) that c++ is easyer to learn than c

Member Avatar for Zacadx15
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, Lets say I want to access a website using httpwebrequest, and I do want to fill some form on it. Its HTML based form. What I want to do, is insert some text in element by ID "Email" and than invoke member "submit" from elementID "subscribe". Is it possible …

Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello guys, I have 2 questions.... 1. I don't know what format is the best for saving screenshots in. I have tried .BMP, its good quality, but 5MB per screenshot is just not acceptable. I have tried .JPG, but quality is too low. TGA is crap (you need apple quicktime …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Diode

this works in windows what about linux [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main() { puts("using winAPI Beep(frequency_hrz, duration_ms)..."); Beep(523,500); /* 523 hertz (C5) for 500 milliseconds*/ Beep(587,500); Beep(659,500); Beep(698,500); Beep(784,500); usleep(500); // 500 ms delay puts("\n\\a makes a beep on the internal speaker too ..."); usleep(500); puts("\a"); usleep(500); puts("\a"); getchar(); …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I want to make a message box which would show me how many points have I earned. So I have: [CODE]unsigned int points; //code points++; MessageBox(hwnd, "You have bla bla", "Total points /*HERE I WANT TO DISPLAY CONTENTS OF points VARIABLE*/, MB_OK);[/CODE] Is possible to do that?

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I have a few questions about C#: 1. How to make the C# application quit? Like [CODE]PostQuitMessage(0); [/CODE]in winapi. 2. Is possible to use same commands in C# like these in C++ [CODE]PlaySound(); ShellExecute();[/CODE] Thanks in advance (have to know some C# basics because the project I work on …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I have a server and client file. In Client I have [CODE]WSADATA WsaData; SOCKET Socket; [/CODE] In server I have [CODE]WSADATA xxx; SOCKET yyy; [/CODE] This is same in both files: [CODE]sock_addr.sin_port = htons(1234);[/CODE] Will this connection be established?

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Im not sure this is right forum so please move topic if necessary. I want the best cms blog. I dont care if is not free (like vbulletin). Blog must have forum, portal, full module support... This would be appreciated: -video module -audio module -forum (phpbb, vbulletin or invision power …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I d like to know how to call Blue screen of death under Windows Xp/Vista. (link to tutorial appreciated)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I edited a source code I found on a net and now it compiles well. I get a linker error. [CODE]1>Linking... 1>MSVCRT.lib(crtexe.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main 1>C:\Users\jan\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\YAST server console\Release\YAST server console.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\jan\Documents\Visual …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I have made a "server" using winsocket. Its a console application and I already added wsock32.lib to liker. Here is error I get (by linker) [CODE]1>Linking... 1>server.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__mciSendStringA@16 referenced in function _main 1>server.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WSACleanup@0 referenced in function …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for quintoncoert

I also wanted to create a simple 3d games, but I changed my mind very fast. 1.For making games with DX or OpenGL you MUST know WinAPI and C/C++ DirectX 9 and 10 are very difficult to learn, but powerfull. OpenGL is a bit easyer and recommended for newbies, but …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello About half year ago I was interested in Direct3D 9/10 programming, but I released that DX isnt for me. Im not really interested into a game development. I know C/C++ basics, some Win32 API and some QT4 basics. Now, I'd like to try OpenGL. I am looking for a …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello I found a code on net, and I wanna use some parts of it in my program. But when I run Linker I get this: [CODE]1>Linking... 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PlaySoundA@12 referenced in function "unsigned long __stdcall threadplaysnd(void *)" (?threadplaysnd@@YGKPAX@Z) 1>C:\Users\jan\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\avdiojan\Debug\avdiojan.exe : fatal error …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for ndeniche

yes, I agree with you. Id like to say "thanks" to anyone who gave me advice what to do, link to tutorial, peace of code, etc. I agree, that you should NOT write the full codes, because on that way people wont learn anything.

Member Avatar for nkhosinathie
Member Avatar for CRD

I have Visual Studio 2005, and is really easy to make a resource files (icons, dialogs, menus, version, bitmaps...etc.) resource.h is generated automatically...

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

hello, I saw option of MFC project in VS2005 and I d like to know what MFC is, and what can we do with MFC. I presume MFC is C++ based, but does it need any framework? And whats the difference betwen Winapi and MFC? What can you actually do …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, So, dear hardware-software gurus. Will be ever possible to install and run a DX10 games on graphic cards like Geforce 7900 GTS 512 MB?

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for vikter

My answer is MANY. There are many API's for making GUI applications. 1. WinAPI: [I]Its a great API and the best solution if you are windows programmer. First code will look a bit difficult, but later (after making few apps.) you will see its not so rusty. I like it, …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, 1.Id like to know how to create a link, for example in DialogBox. Id like to see a link to my website on about me selection, and when user would click on it, my website would open. 2. I made an bitmap, but now I dont know how to …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

hello, Can anyone tell me how to get a current path (working directory in linux), using WIN api or iostream. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I have a problem with my Win32 app. I made a window, and than a Dialog boxes. For window I use one message loop, and for Dialog boxes another. But It seems this wont work: [CODE]while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { if(!IsDialogMessage(g_hToolbar, &Msg)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } TranslateMessage(&Msg); …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I made a small app and I wanted to include DialogBox Here is a code: [code]#include <windows.h> #include "resource.h" const char g_szclassName[] = "myWindowClass"; BOOL CALLBACK WelcomeDDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(Message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDD_WELCOMED: { int …

Member Avatar for jan1024188