I know that I certainly wont, I'm a Mac/Linux/any other non-microsoft system supporter.

Nup, microsoft have enough of my money and time. viva la google! :)

Use MS Bing instead of google...
And what? Let Microsoft kill another market? No chance.

Let's put it this way. Microsoft kills markets by using it's OS dominence and unfair buisiness practices. Becouse they have an OS dominance, they can convince people that their programs are always better. After that, they make sure there software is incompatible with anyone elses. If someone wanted to make their software compatible with Microsoft's, they would have to pay Microsoft lots of money. That's one way they kill a market.

Our fight back? Open source software which does not need money to survive (like firefox, which completely destroid microsoft's attempt at dominating the browser market and writting there own html standards), and honest companies (like Sun, only making money off of companies that use java products, not the users or the programmers). Unfortunatly they are still not popular enough.

So, to stop Microsoft we need to cut their OS dominance. That means we need a competing OS. Luckly we already have one called the Linux kernal, and has already dominated the server and supercomputer markets. Linux is completely free. The reason why people don't use linux is becouse microsoft make's sure windows is not compatible with it, thus making linux seem like a "toy" that can't be used. We need a big company that people rely on to make their twist on linux, so people think "this is not so bad", "we can use this." But who? Google! Google already has a search engine dominance, so when they give out a superior operating system (bassed on linux), it might acually be used.

Microsoft's last resort is to compete in the search engine market, and wipeout Google before Google, and the rest of the open source community, and the companies that microsoft failed to wipeout, dominate them. Lots of factors also give both Linux and Windows advantages. It's going to be close.

commented: Amen! +21
commented: Agree +36

Who the hell answers a yes or no question with an essay?

commented: :D +13

i will only add sites to the engine for the moment.

I use just about every search engine for SEO but I only use google when I want to find something. That being said I had to put yes...

Who the hell answers a yes or no question with an essay?

It's a stratagy to make your teachers stop asking you questions. :P
I kinda wrote it as I was looking it up so it ended up slightly longer than I thought. Also didn't notice the scroll bar shrinking. Oww well :$

It's a stratagy to make your teachers stop asking you questions. :P
I kinda wrote it as I was looking it up so it ended up slightly longer than I thought. Also didn't notice the scroll bar shrinking. Oww well :$

I liked the essay. +rep. Some good points.

Never heard of it, so I answered No.

Thanks for all the non-windows support! :):)
And thanks Hiroshe for the essay :P

I still use Google for all of my own searches (research etc.) but when we do SEO reports for our clients, they like to see their rankings on Google, Bing and Yahoo. So we sort of have to use it from time to time.

It's a stratagy to make your teachers stop asking you questions. :P
I kinda wrote it as I was looking it up so it ended up slightly longer than I thought. Also didn't notice the scroll bar shrinking. Oww well :$

I wonder what your essay would be like!!! ;)

I'll use whatever makes the best searches (still google imo), I don't like all this anti-windows rubbish.

Just tried BING with a search and compared it with google, I prefered the results from the BING search engine. I may consider testing it for a while.

I'll use whatever makes the best searches (still google imo), I don't like all this anti-windows rubbish.

The bashing is understandable, IMO. People need to vent. In my experience, most peoples' main beefs with Microsoft are the monopolies/anti-trust/bundling issues, which all boil down to people feeling they are being FORCED to use a Microsoft product rather than being allowed to CHOOSE the product they want to use. Thus even when Microsoft comes out with a good product, that backlash and smoldering rage is there and people are unwilling/unable to judge the individual product simply on its merits.

my blog not index by bing...

my sympathy not given to you...

They can't even make a decent os let alone a seach engine
I think they need to take the g off the end cause thats where it needs to go.
I loved the essay rant above , every bit is true.
Move over microsoft google is coming with an os soon that will put it in the kerb & free probably

Have been looking for some time for an alternative to Google's horror-show of a search engine, so maybe Bing will prove to be just that. Also a little disappointed at all the anti-MS rants, when Google has long been a privacy-wh@re and is showing to be the new tyrant on the block! Google actually reminds me of Microsoft ten yrs ago

>Google's horror-show of a search engine
What's wrong with the search engine? I've never heard anyone complain about it befor. Mind giving examples of why their search engine is a 'horror show'?
I'm on google's side, but I never said microsoft had bad products. Some of them are good. I'll admit Bing is even good. But there marketing practices are horrible.

>showing to be the new tyrant on the block! Google actually reminds me of Microsoft ten yrs ago
Really? You'll have to explain this one to me. How is google like microsoft 10 years ago? How does google have bad marketing practices (I think thats what you ment by "the new tyrant on the block" )?

>Google has long been a privacy-wh@re
Yup. Even I don't like it. But Google has a good history of not giving it out. They are not known for using it in bad way's, and I dout that a human will ever read any of it.

>Google's horror-show of a search engine
What's wrong with the search engine? I've never heard anyone complain about it before. Mind giving examples of why their search engine is a 'horror show'?

Dreadful filtering of search results.
Being old-school, I use a number of advanced search techniques the manual way. Even then the number of results I get, which have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm looking for are absurd.

Sponsored results and paid-for prioritising of search results.
When I use a search engine, I want to know that the results I get are prioritised based upon their relevance to what I actually went looking for, NOT because someone has paid to make sure their site gets higher priority

As far as alternatives, AltVista used to be an excellent alternative, but due to the massive marketing machine that is Google, it has almost been run into insignificance.

"Not heard compliants"?
Do a search for "Google Alternatives" and see just how many results you get. The simple fact is that a HUGE number of people have been looking for a Google Search alternative for a LONG time now.

showing to be the new tyrant on the block! Google actually reminds me of Microsoft ten yrs ago
Really? You'll have to explain this one to me. How is google like microsoft 10 years ago? How does google have bad marketing practices (I think thats what you ment by "the new tyrant on the block" )?

The massive amount of acquisitions, which are either re-branded as their own, or snuffed out to remove competition.

Also the way they put their weight behind the EU witch-hunt over MS and their bundling of IE and other core apps... and just what are they proposing with the much-rumoured Chrome OS, which is literally an OS being built around all of their own apps!

And then there is of course the way they are trying to build their own monopoly at the expense of MS

Google has long been a privacy-wh@re
Yup. Even I don't like it. But Google has a good history of not giving it out. They are not known for using it in bad way's, and I doubt that a human will ever read any of it.

The fact that they use my info to tailor the Ad-Sense listing I get hit with, either on GMail or Google Search - or anything ELSE Google - is more than a little worrisome.... even more so since several hundred thousand clients private data got leaked a month or two ago.

Plus, you do realise there are lawsuits pending for Google on their handling of privacy, as well as other topics. Read links below.


Hey guy's have a look at this. It's a blind test of who's search results are better - Google, Bing and Yahoo! Click on the monkey in the corner to get the results. It look's like Google's results are still better than Bing's, but there were a few close calls.

I don't mind Google shipping their own app's in the OS. A) Everything will be open source, so it would be easy to rebrand it with your own app's and settings.
B) I highly dout that Google will start making their program's uncompatble with standard programs. In fact, that would be pointless since it's open source.
I would still probably end up using abyword and other non-google app's offline, if I use their operating system.

>The massive amount of acquisitions, which are either re-branded as their own, or snuffed out to remove competition.
Can you post a link? I've looked through a few anti-google site, but this seems original. If not than can you share more? I like being informed.

The leak was a security problem. It would have happend even if Google wasnt a "privacy wh@re". It was a problem with their online office. Honest error. Google's privacy standard's are arguable. I think that they should raise them for the public, but as an individual, I really don't care.

The bashing is understandable, IMO. People need to vent. In my experience, most peoples' main beefs with Microsoft are the monopolies/anti-trust/bundling issues, which all boil down to people feeling they are being FORCED to use a Microsoft product rather than being allowed to CHOOSE the product they want to use. Thus even when Microsoft comes out with a good product, that backlash and smoldering rage is there and people are unwilling/unable to judge the individual product simply on its merits.

I still haven't understood the whole "bundling issue" debate. If someone is bundling a browser with their OS, what's wrong with that? If a person wants to use Firefox, they'll simply install it on the OS and use it despite having IE on the system. I know a lot of novice computer users who switched to FF simply because they had read somewhere that it was better than IE. They were in no way wavered by the fact that the system came preinstalled with IE. They just used FF because they wanted to. What's the problem here?

I still haven't understood the whole "bundling issue" debate. If someone is bundling a browser with their OS, what's wrong with that? If a person wants to use Firefox, they'll simply install it on the OS and use it despite having IE on the system. I know a lot of novice computer users who switched to FF simply because they had read somewhere that it was better than IE. They were in no way wavered by the fact that the system came preinstalled with IE. They just used FF because they wanted to. What's the problem here?

Exactly! I know the Microsoft of the nineties and early millennia, was a questionable force unto its own, and in know way do I support that behaviour. But people can't seem to move on, or even the fact that others seem to have taken up the mantle.

Yes MS bundles IE into Windows... con someone give me a single example of an OS which doesn't bundle a browser, or who would even be willing to install an OS which didn't come with a browser out of the box?? Apple bundles Safari - with all its quirks - yet just like Windows users, one can install an alternate browser (even though some of the options available to Windows and Linux users have no OS X build available), but no-one mentions a word. I recently caught a post the Nintendo's Wii uses OPERA for their bundled internet browser, with NO alternative available (ironic, given the fact that it was Opera that started the EU witch-hunt!!). When is this lunacy, and blind anti-MS crap going to stop??

Now yes I am primarily a Windows user, but I still acknowledge the good points of OS X and some Linux distros (Ubuntu.... well forget it!). I also can acknowledge MS's past crimes, but also can understand some of where it came from. Early MS was under the helm os Gates - we all know that. What many MS hates don't know is that Gate's is mildly Autistic... a condition well documented cause diminished capabilities of empathy, social awareness, as well as a tendency for a "blinkered" focus on one's passions and interests... anyone see how this sounds a little familiar?? As the Microsoft has evolved and loosened the Gate's grip, we can see a company moving away from those roots.

Meanwhile we have Apple over in one corner doing the following:

  • Suing the crap out of anyone who either offers a way to install its precious OS on any hardware not built by them, or heaven forbid sells alternate hardware with OS X pre-installed.
  • Actively works against ANY application which alters the appearance of OS X.the HELL gives them the right (morally or legally) to decide what the phone's OWNER can or cannot install on the device they paid a small fortune for?? And you can MS "Tyrants"??
  • Creating a situation where an iPhone owner has to JailBreak their phone just to install any app that Apple hasn't approved (I mean what
  • Delays any warnings when security flaws are found in their OS, for fears the glam might by wiped away
  • And bases their ad campaigns not on the actual positives of OS X (and I can happily admit it does have some real positives), but by slandering the competitor.

And then of course we have Google with all its privacy abuses and its spamming of the entire bl@@dy internet.

Personally I'm tired of the anti-MS band-wagoners. If you can't find a relevent and up-to-date argument, or can't admit the flaws of the competitors who are often surpassing MS's past (or especially recent) behaviour, then shut up and go home!

commented: Well said. +13

The problem with Windows bundling there own browser was that they create their own "html" if you will, and made it so other browsers can't legally copy them. Soon people developed their webpages for IE, and anyone who wanted to see them had to use IE. kaninelupus said Microsoft has changed, which I partially agree on based on an ad I saw for Windows Azure. I'm still using Google bassed on quality, and I wan't to see how their OS fairs against Windows.

BTW, What's wrong with Ubuntu? It is a little bit balky for my taist, but it's starting to lighten up.

i gonna use it
i like to try new things

I have tried Bing but I don't see any different from google.com, there are not special function, the results can be found in Bing also can be find in Google, so why bother changing it?:-/

I have tried Bing but I don't see any different from google.com, there are not special function, the results can be found in Bing also can be find in Google, so why bother changing it?:-/

Why bother changing?? Maybe because it can return those results without:

a) invading my personal info to "customise" the search results

b) without bombarding with a whole heap of irrelevant results, thus a more useful search.

c) without storing my search history for later use.

I've been looking for a Google search alternative for some time now, as I simply find much about Google's practices, both inefficient and disturbing. I don't care if a better model comes from MS or the man on the moon... if it provides a viable alternative to Google, I'm running it though its paces.

I still haven't understood the whole "bundling issue" debate. If someone is bundling a browser with their OS, what's wrong with that? If a person wants to use Firefox, they'll simply install it on the OS and use it despite having IE on the system. I know a lot of novice computer users who switched to FF simply because they had read somewhere that it was better than IE. They were in no way wavered by the fact that the system came preinstalled with IE. They just used FF because they wanted to. What's the problem here?

My personal worst horror story regarding bundling, and it's a very common horror story, is the bundling of my laptop with Vista Home when I bought it two or three years ago. Vista was new, I didn't want it and I definitely didn't want Vista HOME, but I had absolutely no choice in the matter. Everything in the store had Vista on it so it wasn't like I could buy a different laptop. Vista, at that time, hadn't worked out the kinks yet to say the least. I couldn't install XP since there were and I think still are no drivers for it for this laptop. You don't get a Vista Home disk with the laptop. You get a System Restore disk, which is bundled with all of the Microsoft special offers, stuff like that, so you have to uninstall all that junk. You CAN'T uninstall Internet Explorer even if it's corrupted, I don't think, which mine is. Ditto with Windows Exlorer and Windows Media Player, I believe, which is constantly crashing. Etc., etc. I don't know if it's the fact that I don't have the plain old Vista disk but instead have the System Restore disk. End result is the laptop came bundled with a (at that time) new OS that I don't want to use and which was constantly crashing and I had no way to change to XP. I suppose I could have changed it to Linux. And I can't simply completely uninstall the programs I don't want.

I know I am not the only one who has had this bad experience. If I had wanted to volunteer to be a Vista beta tester, I would have done so.

Everyone (kaninelupus) seems to getting quite annoyed at the fact that google looks at your personal information to get you the most relevant search results. But really i dont see a problem with that. Its not like there is a google employee that is sitting there checking out your personal information and writing it down to blackmail you with it later.

Really all that happens is there is a computer program that looks through it, so whats the issue? Google has never flaunted private information. Why should they? What would they gain? Apart from a huge amount of people hating them and their image down the drain. I can understand some people are hesitant about the fact that google knows so much about you, but really, when is that actually going to matter? Apart from making your internet searches a lot more convenient.

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