So, Avatar is an awesome movie. You need to see it in 3D. It is mandatory.

ahihihi... commented: yeahah +0
maydhyam commented: The plot was pointless...the graphics on the other hand was excellent! +0

I'll catch it on DVD this spring.

Ok buddy. I 'll try to watch this movie. Thanks for sharing. Would you like to suggest me a site where it can be available in DVD?

I'll catch it on DVD this spring.

No. This is wrong. You have to see it in the theater and you have to see the 3D version.

Agreed. No-ones life is complete without having seen Avatar in 3D. Seriously, go now!

Is it as good as the Muppet movie at Disney World?

I am planing to watch this movie in next week. Thanks for the info buddy.

I wanted to watch it last week but all seats were sold out. Now I am waiting for a more suitable time.

I have heard this from 3 different sources. hmmm. me thinks me will go iMax this one...

Na'vi vs. Nali: Ones a native of some sci-fi planet, blue, tall, slender; the other is a native of some sci-fi planet, brown, tall, slender.
Pandora vs. Na Pali: Soldiers invade planet, use massive machinery to battle the aborigines; Soldiers invade planet, use massive beast to enslave aborigines.

Think I'll just stick to the complex fantasy worlds and intertwining storylines of most modern video games, than be subjected to 2.7 hours of some hack movie.

It seems like just another 'white guy saves the natives' kind of story.

commented: true. but it's so brilliantly done, you probably won't even notice. +0

Pocahontas in outer space?

Think I'll just stick to the complex fantasy worlds and intertwining storylines of most modern video games, than be subjected to 2.7 hours of some hack movie.

Agghhh this is James Cameron's first movie in over a decade, Ebert gave it four stars, some folks old enough to have seen Star Wars are reporting being blown away even moreso than Star Wars, and you're calling it a hack movie without having seen it? I'm surprised -- none of your previous posts have ever reached these extremes of mental illness.

commented: Nice recommendation. +0

I'm surprised -- none of your previous posts have ever reached these extremes of mental illness.

Lashing out at the internet because Santa didn't bring you a bottle of hydrocodone for Christmas?

hack movie


commented: Too much effort +0
commented: o_o +0

I didn't see this movie yet. I am going to purchase its DVD and planing to watch this movie at this weekend with my friends.

commented: Dead things should stay dead. +0
commented: Another sig-spammer who doesn't know when to STFU +0
commented: Enough of your BS. +0

It's just a propaganda pamphlet for the extremist global warming movement.
Not going to spend a cent sponsoring people who want to exterminate humanity and worship "mother earth", which is exactly the message Cameron is trying to bring across, that human being are inherently evil.

It's just a propaganda pamphlet for the extremist global warming movement.
Not going to spend a cent sponsoring people who want to exterminate humanity and worship "mother earth", which is exactly the message Cameron is trying to bring across, that human being are inherently evil.

Or you can drive your SUV to the cinema and just leave the motor runnning for the entire movie. That'll teach those environment-hippies!

Have you seen the movie 2012 yet? Its just a remake of the Noah's great flood story in Genesis.

Member Avatar for diafol

Have to say, I've seen it 3 times in 3D IMAX (not by design!). The effects are way beyond anything I've seen before. The story is quite good, other that some of the 'gung-ho'/'yee-haw, lets kick some butt' that seems to drive so many American films. It tries to be moralistic, but does so by the natives building a big army and killing the horrible mineral-scavenging humans. This is a terrible shame as it tends to spoil what would otherwise be an awesome effort.

I quite fancy the female native - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to.

Mosaic: the storyline is more likely based on Pocahontas than whatever it is you are suggesting. Regardless, the movie was pretty good. It had a lot of interesting action scenes and the cinematography was beautiful.

This is an adult remake of a toddler movie titled Fern Valley same plot with industrial bad guys and cuddly animals. On top of that 3-D makes my head hurt. Later---

It was Fern Gully, not Fern Valley.

Or you can drive your SUV to the cinema and just leave the motor runnning for the entire movie. That'll teach those environment-hippies!

hmm, the gas tank would run dry before the break though :)
Other than that, excellent suggestion ;)

I quite fancy the female native - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to.

You're supposed to. Trust me, you aren't the only one.

It was Fern Gully, not Fern Valley.

Yeah that's the one.
when working with one functioning brain cell sometimes it goes huh, thanks for the correction. Later---

So, Avatar is an awesome movie. You need to see it in 3D. It is mandatory.

Yes, it is just amazing! And the story is also very touching.

Is the DVD version in 3D?

> Is the DVD version in 3D?
No, it's the same thickness as regular DVD's :icon_razz:

I watched it on Blue-Ray DVD just a couple days ago -- awesome movie even without the 3d effect. In the WalMart store where I work they were selling like hotcakes.

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