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Member Avatar for Fay Lora

Hey guys, Recently fell into a slump and the organic traffic to my website has been considerably decreasing. Is there anything new that I should be particularly looking into in 2022?

Digital Marketing advertising seo
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Javier Abad

Hi everyone, I'm Javier Abad, a student of Business Administration and Management, specializing in marketing. I am delighted to join this community and to be able to expand my knowledge in SEO positioning, SaaS, IH... I am very excited to grow both personally and professionally and I would like to …

Digital Marketing seo
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for kapilmazee89

Hey guys, My name is Kapil and I have been working as a freelancer for the last 4 years. I can perfrom SEO, Social media, Article writing, Forum Posting, Classified ad posting, Social media marketing, Youtube video creation and promotion, Data entry, Web Research, Keyword Research, Documents, PDF to MS …

Digital Marketing advertising promotion seo
Member Avatar for mr_420
Member Avatar for Anish_10

Hey all , I am a digital marketeer and I would want some views on how I can market jackets which are the most latest trend in the fashion industry . Because I am really finding it difficult to rank the work .I thought it would be good if I …

Digital Marketing advertising promotion seo
Member Avatar for mr_420
Member Avatar for Adel_12

What are the best data connectors platforms for Facebook ads ?

Digital Marketing advertising social-media
Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for Sarah_27

I am stuck in between Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics.. Help me out.... Should I go with the traditional style or use any other Analytics??

Member Avatar for AccuWeb Hosting
Member Avatar for mateenusha
Member Avatar for nextsmm

Hi, can someone explain to me why google isn't delivering clicks? I found a keyword and offered different amounts but it still does not work

Digital Marketing pay-per-click
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for moonlife447

What is SEO? How does it work? What Softwares are required? What are the requirements? i need complete information about that. please help.

Digital Marketing seo
Member Avatar for ishika_2
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Gamerseo
Member Avatar for salm_27

One of my client's micro <link snipped> site has some cls issues and that's why it has a slow response on mobiles. How can we resolve cls issues.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nextsmm

My website has disappeared from google search on cell phones. It appears top on the desktop for its key words. Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for paulbeswick

I just want to ask if what are the best marketing promotions that really works for your marketing campaigns?

Digital Marketing promotion seo
Member Avatar for devinmelo
Member Avatar for noah_7

I am working with an E-Commerce store. Working almost a year but did not get good response. Kindly share some good strategy for ranking. **Work I done Already:** 1. Daily Content Updating 2. Daily Social Shares 3. 5 To 10 Backlinks In A Week. 4. Photosharing 5. Video Uploading What …

Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for dennyleon

Hi guys, I was wondering if it can be a problem to have a forum signature with a backlink to a website. For example, I see some people here on BHW having a banner with a link to their blog in their signature. How will Google perceive this? Can't this …

Member Avatar for Gamerseo
Member Avatar for nextsmm

How many social accounts does a "modern" person have? What do you think about this?

Digital Marketing social-media
Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for aarna6928
Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for nextsmm
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nextsmm

Which social media can help to improve your website?

Digital Marketing social-media
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for usaidr20

So I want to lazy load ads to improve my site performance. I tried but ads are not appearing. I must be doing some mistake. I am using this code given by Google. This is how I tried to do it: **Pasted below code in head and just replaced googletag.defineSlot('/6355419/Travel' …

Member Avatar for Ichrak
Member Avatar for Dani

Starting September 1st, about 25% of crawl requests started returning 304 Not Modified instead of 200 OK. Prior to that, there were just a small handful of such requests per day. I did not make any code changes that would introduce returning this header. Once I noticed, however, I tried …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Gaurav1578
Member Avatar for DanielKeith
Member Avatar for DadaAus

Hello We are already using search engine advertising for our website, and also some affiliation programs. We are now looking for a good network to buy CPM traffic at a fair rate. We found some networks that sell banners ads at 10$ CPM or more, but this is too expensive: …

Digital Marketing advertising
Member Avatar for globcpm
Member Avatar for Dani

I am trying to remove an entire folder of thin content from Google to help me recover from a Panda/EAT-related penalty. I want to keep the content on the site for the benefit of users, but not waste crawl budget or have Google think that we have so many pages …

Member Avatar for HelgaRaymond
Member Avatar for Smarter_1

My website site ranking was in the top ten. Suddenly Google has been Ignoring our Meta Description and Now Google is pulling meta description from my about us page content. After my website Ranking Dropped Dramatically . Can anyone help me with this problem. my website name is bismatrimony.com

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Member Avatar for Caitlyn_1
Member Avatar for HelgaRaymond
Member Avatar for nabeelarkisdata

The End.