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Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I have a memes website and I want to drive traffic from social media. I have a Facebook page with 20,000+ fans but when I post I hardly get any traffic. I also tried Pinterest but most users just bounce off the website, although it can drive a good amount …

Digital Marketing social-media
Member Avatar for 6Maxi
Member Avatar for steve_57

1. Best time for Facebook posts Facebook’s algorithm changes over the last few years have emphasized friends, family, and meaningful connections. Thus, the content that drives the most engagement is going to be “viral”. Let’s look at the best time for Facebook marketing. Best time to post on Facebook- between …

Digital Marketing advertising social-media
Member Avatar for 6Maxi
Member Avatar for Naheedmir

What are best courses for learning digital marketing?

Digital Marketing
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Frankestine
Member Avatar for Jasmin_2
Member Avatar for jiten_2

I have just started a Twitter marketing campaign and i am not that much experience about it. But i am trying to learn and i need your suggestions. Tell me how can i get tons of followers in short span of time?

Digital Marketing social-media
Member Avatar for nihitthakkar
Member Avatar for johnsmith486

Not sure if this is the right forum to post this. We are looking to improve the speed of our [custom website] to rank higher on google. Can anyone guide us on how this could be done?

Digital Marketing seo web-design
Member Avatar for nihitthakkar
Member Avatar for dotspiders

Hi Friends,At present i start Social Media Promotions for my website(Twitter.com). While i am promoting the site i am getting the followers. But after some time they are unfollowing me. I am doing the social media promotins personally only not by any 3rd parties. Can some body help me why …

Digital Marketing social-media
Member Avatar for Caitlyn_1
Member Avatar for Md.Akaash

this is tips, if you can search backlink with blog commenting just open google.com, baidu.com.bd and type site:.com inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "Change with your keyword" site:.org inurl:blog "post a comment" -"comments closed" -"you must be logged in" "Change with your keyword" site:.edu …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for jack jastin

Hello to all, I would like to ask, What type of marketing strategy basically this "Digital Marketing" is? How it differentiates itself from the strategy very popular in the internet marketing world that is "Search engine marking"? Actually, What a little bit i know regarding this strategy is, It covers …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Rathi
Member Avatar for Morgan_7

What are you think abouth e-com website plugins/tools. Have you found any really useful one.

Digital Marketing ecommerce
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for AccurateAG

PART 1 1. INTRODUCTION: When you are starting with your first SEO project, you may feel as if you have been told to empty the ocean with a teaspoon, there is so much to know and so much to do. Well, don't freak out, it is not as bad as …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for bijutoha
Member Avatar for James Gordon

Hi friends, I have a own eCommerce website. For the past few months, the sales is decreased. So, I decided to promote by business in an efficient way. Kindly provide suggestions based on my needs.

Digital Marketing
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for emmastone14

Anyone of you can check my [website](https://thejumblesolver.com) and let me know that how i've done its designing and its seo is good or not? Should i carry on with some links at the backend strategy or you guys can suggest me some tools.

Digital Marketing seo web-design
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for showman13

Hi, This might be a simple question, but I have an affiliate site that I want to drive traffic to, and the traffic will be coming from various sources. All I want to know is that I got the traffic count that is being contracted for from each source... My …

Digital Marketing mysql php
Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for Drone_2

Curious if anyone started to adopt video marketing in their remote selling efforts and whether that proves to be an effective format.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

AMP pages are clogging the Valid Pages coverage report, grouped as Indexed, Not Submitted In Sitemap. My AMP pages are linking to the AMP version of the URLs the desktop versions link to. Desktop links to desktop. AMP links to AMP. What this means is that sometimes the AMP version …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samauden

Hello Friends, I have .com website and would like to get traffic or more sessions for the website from USA. The company is located outside of USA, in India,Asia.Their main business is iphone application development, android app development and ipad application development.Overall their focus of business is mobile application development.They …

Member Avatar for Sandyrock
Member Avatar for robinson909

Today when I log in to my Google Search Console account, i see some errors listed under the Mobile Usability section. One such common error is “text too small to read”. Can anyone guide me how i resolved this error Or is there any guideline by google search console to …

Digital Marketing seo web-design
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for marilubray

Internal links are wrecked – One of the ways to rank websites pages in search engines is by swarming their links. If there are deceased links or broken links on your website, it can stop search engine bots from crawling your site and, thus, indexing it. It is good that …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Is there any news yet as to what the December 2020 core update focused on? What types of sites were the biggest winners vs biggest losers?

Member Avatar for Dani

The new Crawl Stats in Google Search Console shows a breakdown of how much googlebot recrawls existing content for refreshing its index, and how much is discovery of new content. Has anyone been working on increasing the rate of new content and seeing that correlate to a linear increase in …

Member Avatar for Dani

Just a heads up that Google announced they’re running a core algorithm update starting today. There hasn’t been one since May 2020, which is longer than they usually go. The SEO community was expecting one back in September. I’m anxiously staring at Google Analytics to see if we come up …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for wade32

I was wondering where there were other forums like this one. I really enjoy DaniWeb. There is one other forum that I really enjoy too, and its dofollow, called [SNIP - promoting my own forum] Forums like these are the reason I have helped get my site to where its …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Joozed

Hey all! I've been a long-time lurker on this forum so I wanted to share some super powerful SEO link building tactics that I've used that I think might benefit a lot of you. I'm primarily a marketer, so dev is a weak point for me, and this forum has …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Neil_12

It can often be tough to determine what direction the digital marketing world is going, considering how it is evolving in a time where technology is continually changing and evolving. However, many analysts and experts that can agree that there are methods that simply aren’t effective or might not be …

Digital Marketing
Member Avatar for jatinkalsi
Member Avatar for kiruthi_1

I have tried so many article sites but it's all are just a news sites. I can't able to post my articles there. So i need to know the list of article submisssion sites

Member Avatar for katebonner
Member Avatar for jgaonkar

Is web page loading speed really helps in google Ranking?. I did some experiments and found nothing sure that it helps in ranking.

Digital Marketing seo
Member Avatar for chrisjames
Member Avatar for Syedsikandar869

Hi, I'm new to that forum, and I'm also affiliate marketer, I just want to know from you people, that what steps you take when you are not getting engagement on Facebook

Digital Marketing advertising social-media
Member Avatar for JeanMilburn

The End.