58 Recommended Topics

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Member Avatar for Wagstan

My laptop turns on, its fun runs but won't display anything. How to fix such problem?

Hardware laptop
Member Avatar for david.phillips.902
Member Avatar for Danielle

Hey there! Thanks to all you good people first of all. I have been using speakers with my PC which work fine. Now I have wanted to talk to my friends on line so I tried to plug in my headset with attached microphone. I can hear fine on the …

Hardware pc-peripheral
Member Avatar for RAHULLAUNCHIGO
Member Avatar for Paframe

dell inspiron 2200 power led is on and the fan is spinning, internal hdd is on (i can feel its vibration and ticking on start) but there is no picture on display (even the dell logo is not showing). I can touch the gpu chip and is getting a little …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for aadesh113

Would it be bad to use a aio cooler (even if it is a reliable one like corsair) for 10 years or more? I would not have the pc running constantly, only when I am using it for gaming. Also, does it increase the chances of the water coming out …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for John@Morgan

These top essential technology gadgets are the latest affordable tech items and can help small businesses tremendously by escalating efficiency and maintaining costs bent. These essential top gadgets are the latest affordable tech items and can help SMEs ... The best advice for early-stage startups and SMEs is to keep …

Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Dani

With the launch of Oculus Quest 2 (I have the original Quest), I was wondering if anyone had any favorite games they could recommend. I’ve been having a lot of fun with Tetris Effect somewhat recently. However, I’ve been getting a lot of migraines and have tried to avoid VR …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Wetzel267

Hey guys, I finally found what was solving my crashing of my computer and it's been determined it's the graphics card (onboard Nvidia gforce 6150se.) Now the problem is looking for a graphics card that can fit in my system (computer is pretty darn compact.) Computer model is a Emachines …

Hardware pci-card
Member Avatar for Greg_13
Member Avatar for ekstrovrtn

Hi. Just bought a new pc,intel i7 2600 (integrated intel hd 2000),4x2 ram,1tb hdd. Worked normal for a couple of hours of gaming (ETS2,idk if its cpu heavy)then suddenly it turned off.Waited for a couple of minutes then it turned back on normally. Weird i thought but alright. After some …

Member Avatar for HelpingHands-IT
Member Avatar for MiketheBook

My wife's laptop is getting old and its LAN socket has worn to the extent that no matter what cable she uses the fit is poor and when she's online she has to hold the cable as a certain angle to keep the connection . . . which is frustrating. …

Member Avatar for MiketheBook
Member Avatar for Xozz

I bought a "MMOBIEL 4 Port USB 3.0 Data Hub voor Macbook" It worked the first time I connected it, but now it doesn't anymore. What can be the problem? Thanks

Hardware pc-peripheral
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lewashby

I don't do a lot on my computer anymore and on the odd change that actually play a game on it it's usually and older game so there's not problem. However there is one part of the game Dieing Light that I can't play because the game becomes too choppy, …

Hardware gaming
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jermaine_1

Hi, So I have a system with the ryzen 2700x the motherboard is the Aorus b450 pro. in terms of power I have a Seasonic Focus GX-850 Now the problem. basically I render a lot on my PC so it is often on. Woke up this morning, my PC had …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Person wrote - "I can see it happening and found many cases of mobile explosions specially much frequent in Rajasthan. I can say it started there and now i am hearing from mumbai also. There were many victims died of this in last one and half month. It is not …

Member Avatar for Arpan_3
Member Avatar for Yusuf_13

basically my sister had a ipad ,and she was using for a long time and was enjoying using it and she forgot her ipad password. there was no way to reset the password without going to shop and we couldn't be bothered to take to pc store to reset the …

Hardware asp.net c c++ java vb.net
Member Avatar for Yusuf_13
Member Avatar for ringtones123

How can we use an mp3 song for a ringtone, we used to be able to use it on Windows 6.5, are we unable to find any details about it anywhere on Windows 7 mobile phones and there are no choices in the phone's music side to set it as …

Member Avatar for usman_24
Member Avatar for happygeek

If the schools that my kids attend are anything to go by, it seems that high on Santa's list this Xmas just gone was an iTouch, iPhone or iPad depending how well off the parents were. That's understandable, they are just as attractive as gadgets for kids as they are …

Member Avatar for luka98
Member Avatar for Dole_1

I have been going through assembly tutorials to understand how computers function at low level. I learned most of the standard x86/64 CPU instructions, but also still did not get all the answers, mostly relating to accessing the I/O and other hardware. So I have perhaps a somewhat silly question …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for belzeyhus9666

Hello guys.I have a problem with my pc.It actually works good but after about 4-5 days when i restart it he won't boot up and shows me message on the monitor no video input check for cables.Then i have to shut it down and when i boot up pc works …

Member Avatar for Tex_tech
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T500 and a microphone. But recording doesn't go. Microphone is detected but doesn't work.

Hardware audio
Member Avatar for Garylea
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to research from data recovery specialists Kroll Ontrack, some three quarters of those workers that had lost data on a broken device didn't attempt to ensure that information was irretrievable before disposing of the hardware. ![dwebdatarip](/attachments/large/0/dwebdatarip.jpg "dwebdatarip") It doesn't matter whether the hardware itself is a PC or laptop, …

Member Avatar for Backgroundsun
Member Avatar for Brashley

I bought a second hand custom PC back in 2016 for gaming. The guy said it was plug and play, but my husband spent hours trying to get it to work. Anyway, the past year or so it's been giving me some issues. Mainly rebooting itself without prompt or just …

Member Avatar for manxann
Member Avatar for Rejanu

Hi there, I have a Toshiba Equium A300D-16C laptop. It was fine until now... When I press the power button, my laptop turns on but the screen remains black / off. HDD indicator doesn't flash or anything ... ( in case this helps ) I've also tried to remove the …

Hardware display laptop
Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for MickeyD

I am running Windows 10 64 bit on an HP Compaq 8200 Elite Small Form Factor with 8 GB RAM. I just learned the max RAM for this computer is 32GB. Though the computer runs fine as is, I've given some thought to upgrading the RAM. As I do not …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for Violet_82

So my new Asus UX305 has just arrived. I charged the battery till full and I'm now using the laptop. I'm planning to switch it off very soon, and then it occurred to me, do I have to break in the battery, or can I just use it as normal …

Hardware laptop
Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for anetry

My toshiba laptop screen suddenly turned black,but if looking closely you can still barely see what is on the screen, like the screen saver turned it self on, but I restarted my computer many times and it loads up but still no results. I had this problem about 4 months …

Hardware display gui
Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for Kirill_b
Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for pknoester

HP Pavilion DV2700 - Vista Windows OS the backspace does not work and only the g and the h and the ' key on the "a" row work. I have changed the keyboard - brand new - still the same keys do not work. Why? and is there a fix? …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for Dani

My boyfriend got me an Oculus Quest as an early birthday gift, and while I love it, he loves it wayyyyy more. Does anyone have any game recommendations? Unfortunately, the Oculus Quest does not share a marketplace with the Oculus Rift, and since the Quest has only been out since …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.