Hi friends,
Increasing frequency of BSOD with video players including WMP,cowan ,vlan,now even youtube.
windows xp sp3 up to date.negative virus scans.chkdsk ok.nvidia geforce ok.temp guage usually ok but sometimes high.
bluescreen view shows 0x0000007a bug check code caused by ftdisk.sys+a642 and 0x00000077 caused by ntoskrnl.exe+22f43

what next?
thanks for your help

I read a while ago there was a problem with one of the new drivers for the nVidia Graphics card, it would basically kill the Card.

I would recommend you get a new Driver, if you are using the newest try Older.

I did run the Invidia testing program on their website and it passed. hard-drive and ram testing also passed.

did you change the driver?

i went to invidia ,but there were no driver updates. this is a geforce 6150.also ran their stability test againand it passed with over 50 passes

here is the bluescreen view
Dump File Crash Time Bug Check String Bug Check Code Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Caused By Driver Caused By Address File Description Product Name Company File Version Processor Computer Name Full Path Processors Count Major Version Minor Version
Mini062310-01.dmp 6/23/2010 10:18:14 PM KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR 0x0000007a 0xc07b98a0 0xc0000185 0xf7314642 0x0b59c860 ftdisk.sys ftdisk.sys+a642 FT Disk Driver Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 5.1.2600.0 (XPClient.010817-1148) 32-bit C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini062310-01.dmp 2 15 2600
Mini062210-01.dmp 6/22/2010 6:31:48 PM KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR 0x00000077 0xc0000185 0xc0000185 0x00000000 0x06c50000 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+22f43 NT Kernel & System Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Corporation 5.1.2600.5938 (xpsp_sp3_gdr.100216-1514) 32-bit C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini062210-01.dmp 2 15 2600

thank you,but the post above yours was from bluescreenview. can you help with the interpretation, or what the next step should be?

What card do you have? Is it a desktop or a laptop?

nvidia geforce 6150 in an HP dv2171 laptop amd turion xp media center1gb ram

I will try that Finito.
The driver I have is 8/24/06.
The one on the HP link is 9/1/06
I had gone to the Nvidia site ,and they said there were no updates.
I am posting this in case the whole damn thing crashes.
I should know soon

well,it did reboot.
device manager says was actually a rollback to 6.14.06 which is why it was not listed as an update.anyway,i should know today if it works and i will let you know.thanks for the help in either case.

ok, I will wait

so far no crashes with a moderate trial.
will let you know for sure tomorrow.
why would an earlier driver work?

Newer Driver is supposed to work with Vista and Windows 7, The One I provided is the one that was specifically written for your laptop.

Writing software is a tricky business, it's difficult to make the perfect software that will never bug out. As they keep adding code the chances that there will be a bug increases.

thanks finito. the older driver appears to solve the problem.no crashes yet.

the newer driver had been in use for awhile before the bsod crashes began.i think it was probably updated from an HP update or possibly a visit to nvidia website. either way i had xp all along.

thanks for solving the problem.i also learned something about updates.

No problem please mark as solved

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