I have Windows 7 Professional. I bought it in 2010 and it have never bothered me until when it started complaining. I have found that where I bought they did install Using their own product key but did give all Computers DVDs (XPSP3, Win 7 Pro et al). The Disks were lost in fire accident but I have its key (from bottom of laptop which is yet to be used anywhere) and The key they installed in my laptop (with no Discs).

Since My Windows is complaining I run sfc /scannow and found corrupt files and failed to fix them. What else can I do to make my PC work? I cannot even do Windows update. My diagnosis show that registry cleaners (I have used CCleaner and ASC and other one) might have tempered with files and corrupt them.

I need advice!

If you have a key, just download the install ISO and do a reinstall. Just changing the key should be possible too. I no longer have win7, but in win8 you can just input a new key.

I have both valid keys but changing it failed and that prompted me to check the file integrity its when I found its not intact. I will have to download the big file (Yes 2.x GB is big file) and repair may be. I hope MS servers will not refuse the key!

If you have the sticker on your machine, you can always contact MS in case of failure. It's legally yours. They are always interested if a supplier may have abused a key.

I have though its old and so scratched. All I copied into a paper is its key.
Is that even useful if I call MS?

There are free keyfinder programs which will retrieve your key. Just google "windows keyfinder"

I have used them and I have the key. Do I need anything else in case I want to contact MS?

Computers sold with a Windows Operating System must have an OEM License, and that is the key that is on your computer. Windows bought off the shelf have a retail license. Windows bought in volumes of five or more can be purchased as part of a Volume Agreement and a single license is shared among those installations of Windows. I've deliberately over-simplified these license arrangements to illustrate the fact that those licenses are not cross compatible.

If the shop used a dodgy Volume license on a range of Computers they were selling, when they should have been using an OEM version of Windows along with the license on the sticker, and that license became over subscribed or is bubbled as dodgy then it can't be used anymore.

What you need to do now is download the version of Windows stated on the sticker of your computer. Install it and use the license on your sticker.

The following link is legitimate, as are the versions of Windows 7. You will require a genuine license to use these ISO's. (Check the language too!)

Windows 7 ISO's

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