i am having an error message upon boot up of my laptop, though it does not prevent the laptop from booting up fully. Here is the message:

The system DLL user32.dll was relocated in memory. The application will no longer run properly. The relocation occured because the DLL for C:\WINDOWS\system32\HHCTRL.OCX occupied an address range reserved for windows system DLL's. The vendor supplying DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.

is this a virus? is it easily fixable?

can anyone help?



Nothing to worry about, just see this KB article and the problem will be solved. You just have to download the update :

The Realtek HD Audio Control Panel is the culprit.

had the same problem. fixed with as ihelp said. no worries

Thank you, it fixed the problem

I am getting a new message on start up; here it is:

The instruction at 'ox7c9105f8' referenced memory at '0x00090010', the memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate program.

The windows error message then pops up and asks me if i want to send the inf to windows.

any suggestions?


When you visit the link, it will tell you that you need a hotfix.
What you need to do is call Microsft Toll free no. 1800-936-5700 for US . And tell the rep who picks up that you need help doing a windows update KB909918. And as its a windows update issue a free case will be created and you will trnsfrd to tech support,who will send you the hotfix to resolve the issue.
Make sure that you say you have a problem doing windows update otherwise you wont get a free case.

I Contacted microsoft, got the hotfix, installed it, and everything was fine for 4 boot ups. Now i get the same message again upon boot up

The instruction at 'ox7c9105f8' referenced memory at '0x00090010', the memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate program.

Microsoft called me back for feedback. I told them that it did not help. They are supposed to call me back next Thursday, but I would like to get this resolved before then. What is my next move?


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