266 Posted Topics
Re: [QUOTE]i was wondering if it was possible to make a mmorpg using C++, with out being to proficiant in javascript and html and either what software i would need or where to start.X[/QUOTE] You need to start with C++. Be specfic with your questions. MMORPG is too vague. | |
Re: [QUOTE]I have a little problem with two panels that are on top of eachother with the exact same Size. What I am trying to do is with 2 buttons to choose wich panel that will be visible and not visible. So what should happen is that only one panel can … | |
Re: [CODE] printf("how many words u wanna sort\t"); scanf("%ld", &num); getchar(); words=(char *)calloc(num, sizeof(char));[/CODE] Put the above statements in the main() function and the code should be fine. EDIT: You'll also adjust the scope of some variables. Do that, too. Post any further problems you have. | |
Re: Just create your normal application and add it to the scheduled tasks. You don't need to worry much about (regarding the code) the scheduling part. | |
Re: [QUOTE][B][U]modify[/U][/B] the program siutably so that once the calender for a particular year has been displayed on screen , and year has been displayed on the screen,then using arrow keys the user must be able to change the calender in the following manner:[/QUOTE] Modify which program? | |
Re: What compiler are you using? If you're using one of those old compilers, make the memory model large. Dynamic memory allocation would be a better solution. | |
Re: [QUOTE]" e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'LT360LIB_LinkedCnt' e:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\lt360lib.h(182) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found "[/QUOTE] If you've got the header file from a genuine source, the only possible problem is that you might not have … | |
Re: Does this appear to be a homework help site? Show your efforts and specify your problems in order to get effective help. | |
Re: [QUOTE]So I do whatever they ask me but I don't get the point of this.[/QUOTE] The point is, that they are meant to teach C++ using example codes. [QUOTE]How do I put this writings to work?[/QUOTE] You'll come to realize that as you go on pursuing C++. As of now, … | |
Re: [URL="http://www.math.grin.edu/~stone/courses/fundamentals/IEEE-reals.html"]Here's[/URL] another article that might be of help. | |
Re: The simplest method is to use brute force. Develop your first program using that, then look out for further optimizations. | |
Re: Check out [URL="http://forums.msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/vbgeneral/thread/41e5a1fd-b33a-4e62-b73a-aa364c5dae5c/"]this[/URL]. | |
Re: [URL="http://www.regular-expressions.info/unicode.html"]This[/URL] may help you. | |
Re: [QUOTE]Make TextBox's property : MultiLine = True ScrollBars = 3 ' Both[/QUOTE] For just a horizontal scrollbar make ScrollBars=1. No need for making it MultiLine if you don't need the vertical scrollbar. | |
Re: [QUOTE]i'm still stuck (mainly cos i'm not using ADOOB).[/QUOTE] Then, use it ;). Frankly, I couldn't find out the solution to your problem from your post. Post the entire code if possible/feasible. | |
Re: Not [QUOTE]infile>>s1; s2; s3;[/QUOTE] But [CODE]infile>>s1>>s2>>s3;[/CODE] After that, check your program for bugs and return if you need any help. And yes, use code tags for posting your code from now onwards. | |
Re: What kind of database do you have? How do you want to update it? Automatically? | |
Re: [QUOTE]i-card hav speicifc format with a image[/QUOTE] Do specify that format of that I-card. Manipulating only images is easily done in Java. Or you want to do something else? | |
Re: Another 'fossil' thread bumped up right through :D | |
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Re: [QUOTE]I wanted to know that does anybody can provide me the source code of : how to find the shortest path between different countries.?[/QUOTE] Google for the [B]"Traveling Salesman Problem"[/B]. You might come across some help. | |
Re: [QUOTE]i need to take some details like company name, contact no. and address during the installation of the project itself.[/QUOTE] If you want to add those details, go to Project-->Add Form and select About Dialog. Specify the information there and link it with the menu option Help-->About in your application … | |
Re: Other IDEs for the same are Win-AVR, ICC-AVR, CodeVision AVR etc. Try them. | |
Re: [QUOTE]I know that if I use "r+" in my popen, I should be able to read and write, but it segmentation faults whenever I add the "+", so I assume somehow it doesn't work for [B][U]me[/U][/B].[/QUOTE] Oh! It's not biades towards anyone ;). There must be some other problem. Refer … | |
Re: vijayan121 has just provided the functions, you'll have to adapt them according to your main code and use them. His functions will compile, but how do you expect them to run?! | |
Re: [QUOTE]Where should I state my do-while loop and how do I go about counting the score to be displayed as three separate scores " wins, losses, ties" do I need to ++ each case as a win,loss,tie?[/QUOTE] Insert the switch(userChoice) into a do-while loop and specify a break condition for … | |
Re: AD already answered that: [QUOTE]The second example is ok because string literals are not put on the stack but reside in global space (the heap). You can safely return objects or pointers to objects that reside in the heap because they are unaffected when a function returns to its caller.[/QUOTE] | |
Re: If you don't get any reply after about 5 days, you probably won't get any afterwards. Check out [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread129466.html"]this[/URL]. | |
Re: Use code tags :D [QUOTE] // for ( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )//initializing the elements of array n to 0 as long as the elements are less than 20 add 1 // n[ i ] = 0; [/QUOTE] Why have you commented intialization statements? |
The End.