5,727 Posted Topics
Re: spam forums like this one with the URL of your website, apparently. A lot of people seem to do it so I guess it works. | |
Re: do your own homework, or at least try and show where you are stuck. Us doing your homework for you helps nobody, least of all any of us who may end up with an incompetent idiot who got his diplomas by cheating. | |
Re: Ever more government agencies and some companies won't work with a supplier until they have specific ISO certifications, and this is the latest fad among those. | |
Re: looks like a spam account that forgot the link to their website in the post and profile... | |
Re: It'll just invite more spambots, not just to post the posts to be paid out but even more of them to upvote those posts. Unless you can take care of the glut of spam accounts and homework kiddos (who'd no doubt do the same for their classmates) you'd just end … | |
Re: Sounds like a poor project setup, and not having your classes as part of packages makes that even worse. Not using a normal naming convention for classes makes things worse still. Not knowing your tools doesn't help either. | |
Re: It tells you EXACTLY where the error is and what the error is. You're passing a null value for an argument where an actual value is required. It's for you to figure out what that actual value should be. | |
Re: having worked until very recently on ACTUAL airport software, I can tell you this is indeed not anything real. It's a simple homework assignment. Nothing wrong with those, they're supposed to be simplified. But they're also supposed to be implemented by the pupil or student, and not strewn around the … | |
Re: All depends on what you need it for... A web application needs a server to run on, lots more infrastructure than a standalone desktop application. Of course if you're just interested in a single static page, then yeah, it might be easier to make a rough outline in html and … | |
Re: So you want us to do your homework for you. That's not going to teach you anything, and would end up with your future colleagues having an unqualified coworker who graduated without deserving it. Instead do it yourself and then if you don't feel comfortable maybe ask specific questions about … | |
![]() | Re: An easier approach would be to store just the ingredients list per recipe in json or xml, allows you to use already existing languages to create an application that can combine those ingredient lists into a shopping list. And if you want you can create a recipe repository to go … |
Re: Which shows again how important it is to have proper code review processes and things like that in place, even for open source projects. A properly run project wouldn't have had this problem as the code in question would never have been approved for inclusion in the first place. | |
Re: Do you have a few BILLION dollars to invest in that venture? As that's what it'll take to create a viable competitor to both those giants (or even facebook alone) and the marketing to get it a large enough user base to get to the point it has critical mass … | |
Re: ah, doublespace. Loved that software. It was doublespace.bin, and would create doublespace.000, 001, etc. as needed as well. The slowdown wasn't noticeable as machines back then were so slow the disk wasn't the performance bottleneck it is today. From personal experience: if a drive fails with hardware errors, don't put … | |
Re: first learn to write coherently. Your wall of text causes most people (including me) to simply give up after a few sentences (if they even get started). So the only thing I got from your rant was that you want to become some sort of super programmer without ever actually … | |
Re: Public cloud solutions may be cheaper and convenient in the short term, in the long term they're expensive, brittle, and leave you open to the whims of a third party (or multiple third parties) for the availability and security of your data. That may be a risk you're willing to … | |
Re: I've tried several, and the only one I kinda like is the one provided by IntelliJ. It seems to create the least convoluted code, but as anything it takes time to learn to use properly. | |
Re: pumping 5 million rows is going to be a problem to do in a few seconds over any kind of network connection, and if it then needs to be parsed into some output format and then pushed over another network connection to yet another computer to display (worse still if … | |
Re: sadly the politicisation of covid has caused a lot of people to think that way. I've seen people flip-flop on it even. A leftist friend before Biden became president was all opposed to "the Trump vaccine that's going to kill everyone", there was no virus, Fauci was the literal devil. … | |
I'm trying to use CLion (thus CMake) to create OpenGL applications using C++ on MacOS Monterey using a 2021 (so M1 based) Macbook. Glew2 and GLFW3 are installed correctly using Homebrew, XCode and the commandline tools are installed as well. Creating and compiling/running through XCode works fine, but using the … | |
Re: got my first shot about 2 weeks ago. Apart from the usual stiffness in the arm for a few hours after the injection (I have that with any vaccine), I didn't have any side effects except this very bad urge to bite people in the neck and suck out their … | |
Re: start by using the standard containers. https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/sort/ shows exactly what to do... That's the c++ way. | |
Re: Unless you have access to a hardware Python interpreter, you're not going to use Python to build an operating system. And even if you have, you're unlikely to succeed due to the limitations of Python when it comes to low level system operations. | |
Re: Only way to be certain is to talk to a lawyer, who can then ask them... But apart from Dani's suggestion, which is a good one, it can also mean you're not allowed to share the data with others (as that'd be potentially illegal, especially in the EU, but also … | |
Re: Beating yourself on the head with a sledge hammer while dancing barefoot on white hot razor blades blindfolded. | |
Re: Having been involved with multiple government agencies and departments over the years, I've more than a bit of insight into what they need. 1) good support from an external party handling the servers 2) excellent security 3) guarantees that no data will be stored or handled by computers in other … | |
Re: C# is important as well, as it's what Unity uses. Java for Android phones, obviously. C++ for those using Unreal Engine. Both Java, C#, and C++ have (to various degrees and with various restrictions) the option to be used for cross platform development. However, many games are more scripting into … | |
Re: First programs I wrote I wrote on double spaced paper, then had reviewed by someone else who wrote his comments in between the lines. Then the corrected program was written again on double spaced paper and submitted for review. Rince and repeat until all parties involved are happy with the … | |
Re: sit down and think about what you want to do, what the program's structure will be as an object oriented system. Don't just mindlessly start coding. And that includes homework assignments. | |
Re: There are professionals who can restore books, sometimes. They work for museums and rare book collectors. They are expensive... They'd leave you with a book that's hopefully in a better state or at least no worse and longer lasting, but at a (rather steep) price. If you want to just … |
The End.