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I recently tackled a challenging research task involving multimodal data for a classification problem using [TensorFlow Keras](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras). One of the trickiest aspects was figuring out how to load multimodal data in batches from storage efficiently. While TensorFlow Keras offers helpful functions for batch-loading images from various sources, the documentation and …

Member Avatar for cambalinho

i'm using CreateDIBSection(): Public Function NewImage(ByVal ImageWidth As Long, ByVal ImageHeight As Long, Optional color As ColorConstants = vbBlack) As Long If (Width > 0 Or Height > 0 Or hBitmap > 0 Or PointerPixelData > 0) Then DeleteImage Width = ImageWidth Height = ImageHeight 'Criar HDC MemoryHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ddory8843

**What is e-commerce software development?** The term eCommerce was coined in 1972 and it has slowly gained popularity as a buzzword since then. Today, we understand it as an umbrella term that covers all online buying and selling, including everything from selling physical products to providing digital services. There are …

Member Avatar for Emanuil23
Member Avatar for Dani

Ashamedly, I'm a jQuery user with very weak Javascript skills. However, I noticed that Google Chrome DevTools console is giving me the following warning: > Listener added for a synchronous 'DOMNodeRemoved' DOM Mutation Event. This event type is deprecated (https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#legacy-event-types) and work is underway to remove it from this browser. …

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Member Avatar for Paulmescal

Today, blockchain has become an essential part of multiple industries, including real estate, media, manufacturing, tourism, healthcare, and Cyber security. There is no such fixed price for blockchain app development, but on average, the cost to hire a blockchain developer will be around **$5000** to **$30,000**, depending on the project …

Member Avatar for aliceblack78
Member Avatar for Smbom

Hi everyone, I'm kind of a newbie and I manage my site, but my site seems to have some issues, and it has so few pages indexed that lots of them are unindexed by Google. After searching for some similar experiences, I'm going to do on-page or technical SEO first. …

Member Avatar for sankut
Member Avatar for Lius

Need help with JTable header group : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.table.JTableHeader cannot be cast to id.co.aal.common.GroupableTableHeader this is the part of table drawing ..... if(tabledraw) { tabledraw=false; for (int k = 0; k < m_data.getColumnCount(); k++) { TableCellRenderer renderer; if (k==Kehadirantable.COL_ALOKASI) renderer = new CheckCellRenderer(); else { DefaultTableCellRenderer …

Member Avatar for Jan_315
Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

Sentiment analysis, a subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), aims to discern and classify the underlying sentiment or emotion expressed in textual data. Whether it is understanding customers' opinions about a product, analyzing social media posts, or gauging public sentiment towards a political event, sentiment analysis plays a vital role …

Member Avatar for Abdul_116
Member Avatar for cored0mp

Hey! I've been asked to store some data from a client in mysql in an encoded format using python. Nothing could be easier, right? I will later need to decode the same data using mysql exclusively. Given that constraint, I thought that base64 would be the go to since nearly …

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Member Avatar for seotheo

Hi, I am trying to migrate products from Magento 1 to Magento 2. I have installed the data migration tool and created the config file as per the Magento guidelines however I get an error when trying to execute the migration command. This is the error: [Magento\Framework\Config\Dom\ValidationException] Extra content at …

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Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

In a [previous tutorial](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/computer-science/tutorials/541123/stock-price-prediction-using-1d-cnn-in-tensorflow-keras), I covered how to predict future stock prices using a deep learning model with 1D CNN layers. This method is effective for basic time series forecasting. Recently, I've enhanced this model by not just considering past closing prices but also factors like Open, High, Low, Volume, …

Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

A video is a series of images, or frames, shown in rapid succession. Its frame rate, measured in frames per second (FPS), dictates the display speed. For instance, a 30 FPS video shows 30 frames each second. The frame count and frame rate determine a video's detail, smoothness, file size, …

Member Avatar for usmanmalik57
Member Avatar for cambalinho

how send parameters on CreateThread()? on a class: Option Explicit Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (lpThreadAttributes As Any, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As Long, lpParameter As Any, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadID As Long) As Long Private Declare Function TerminateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hThread As Long, ByVal …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for techtheclone

Trying to call imagemagick using this code. The errors are with the appcontroller, myadoptscontroller, and index. I have been talking to someone who also uses the Mysidia Adoptables code and they provided me their code to edit, I edited their code but it is throwing these errors and I’m not …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have tried several ways, but i always get an overflow error :( how can i combine the ARGB color elements? Public Function ARGB(ByVal alpha As Byte, ByVal red As Byte, ByVal green As Byte, ByVal blue As Byte) As Long Dim color As Variant color = CDec(alpha) * 256 …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

## Introduction ## Loss functions are the driving force behind all machine learning algorithms. They quantify how well our models are performing by calculating the difference between the predicted and actual outcomes. The goal of every machine learning algorithm is to minimize this loss function, thereby improving the model’s accuracy. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for peol
Member Avatar for Adolfo_1

Hi, it is possible change this URL with .htaccess? **From** https://www.example.it/news.php?slug=aaaa-bbb-ccccc **To** ( seo-friendly without ‘news’ ): https://www.example.it/ aaaa-bbb-ccccc

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Member Avatar for calby

In the digital era, where technology forms the backbone of organizations, managing IT assets efficiently is crucial. Enter IT Asset Management (ITAM) software—a robust solution designed to track, organize, and optimize an organization's IT assets throughout their lifecycle. From hardware to software, this software is the linchpin that ensures optimal …

Member Avatar for Shawne

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.net.URL.toExternalForm()" because "location" is null. The error is from this line of code: home.addItem(new ModelItem(ID++, "Original Nuggets Meal", "", 90, "KFC", new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icon/img2.png")))); i use the correct folder as it is in a package in the same source of the file. please help!

Programming java
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Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

As a researcher, I have often found myself buried under a mountain of research articles, each promising insights and breakthroughs crucial for my work. The sheer volume of information is overwhelming, and the time it takes to extract the relevant data can be daunting. However, extracting meaningful information from research …

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Member Avatar for brooklyn1991

Hello, everyone!:) I am new to Daniweb and I would like a little help in implementing Binomial Heap subroutines in C, especially insertion in Heap. For my application it is necessary to implement max-heaps(i.e., roots storing the maximum value) in stead of min-heaps(i.e., root storing minimum value) in ANSI C. …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for Alicia_14

what unique characters are there in c? So far, I've found these: ¦ ¯ • | ÷ ¶ £ ¢ € ¥ © ® ™ › » « ‹ ‰ % ˜ 8 §

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Member Avatar for Dani

The new robots.txt tester that is now built into Google Search Console is finding errors with the last two rows of my robots.txt file: Sitemap: https://www.daniweb.com/latest-sitemap.xml Sitemap: https://www.daniweb.com/sitemap.xml The error is: *Invalid sitemap URL detected; syntax not understood* Any idea what could be wrong here?

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Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

Facial emotion detection, as the name suggests, involves detecting emotions from faces in images or videos. Recently, I was working on a facial emotion detection task and came across the DeepFace library that implements various state-of-the-art facial emotion detection models. However, in my experience, the performance of the DeepFace library …

Member Avatar for peol
Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

Stock price prediction is a challenging task that requires analyzing historical trends, market sentiments, economic indicators, and company performance. One of the popular methods for stock price prediction is using deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs are a type of neural network that can extract features …

Member Avatar for cambalinho

see these 'for' loop: Public Function SetTransparentColor(color As Long) Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer Dim c As Long Dim h As Long Dim w As Long Dim temp As BGRAQUAD ' substitua BGRColor pelo tipo de dado correto usado em bDibBGRA h = Height - 1 w …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for snah19

Hi, I'm transitioning to assembly, starting with processor 8086. The attached code is Masm 5 compatible and is a step up from Hello World, which linked and ran okay. An endless loop exists, giving credence to this note. Any comments or suggestions to resolve it would be appreciated, thanks! .model …

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Member Avatar for jayashree10

I am practicing to make GSAP animated websites but i am facing this problem of slow loading of my website for example slow loading images and fonts. It will be really helpful if somebody can help

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The End.