I got this assignment today and need as much help as possible please it is attached in the provided pdf document

"We only give homework help to those who show effort"
Go on, make a guess...

How many answers are you really expecting to be delivered to you on a plate?

well not on a plate was hoping for some direction to some information or something usable

How can you expect us to help you when you didn't ask anything?

Read your lecture notes. Attempt some answers. Post them here and someone will probably help. I'll usually go out of my way to help someone if they're getting no responses, but if you don't ask a question, no one here is going to waste their time explaining your assignment to you.


Frick. I didn't realize this thread was so old since it was up at the top. Whoops.

still good advice (even if op probably never will read it, maybe someone else will).

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