
I am studying software engineering ,My final semester is approaching soon and I've got to do a final year project by then. I'd like to propose my own title to my supervisor but I do not have any ideas as yet.

does anyone have any ideas???

Did you atleast think over the area you would be interested?

Did you atleast think over the area you would be interested?

yes , i am thinking of three approches networking , web design or e_commerce , but i prefer to be at networking

Can you set up a website as your project? If so, come up with an idea for a website (try to keep it tasteful), cobble together a server, and then put it up on the internet for the world to see.


If you like networking code a Layer 1-7 Intrusion Detection System.

Loren Soth


If you like networking code a Layer 1-7 Intrusion Detection System.

Loren Soth

I am a final year students in computer science and i am interested in the Layer 1-7 Intrusion detection.can you help me on how this can be down

no, we're not going to do your homework for you.
It's YOUR project, so you figure it out.

P.S. thread hijacking is incredibly rude.

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