I didn't know where to put this but this seemed to be the best place. I took an internship this summer and found out that I will be doing embedded development in C/C++ and Linux for phones(land line voip stuff). This is bad for me since I have always been an above the operating system, higher level programmer so i'm getting a little worried. I really know almost nothing about embedded development. I will definitely be scouring google but I was wondering if there were any good books for an introduction into embedded development that I could check out.

Any hints would be appreciated.


If the cross-complier is already setup then it shouldn't really be a problem...Program as usual but run the programs on your embedded system...If your looking for tuts and docs try googling GCC embedded systems


Ok great. Thanks for that tip.

the beauty about internships is they don't expect you to know a whole lot, and will teach you what to do.

i'd be pretty stoked if i were you. this is a great opportunity.

I am excited, nervous, but excited. I really want to actually do something and really get my hands dirty.

commented: Should be a lot of fun - enjoy! +20
commented: Go for it! Your enthusiasm will make it happen. +8

I am excited, nervous, but excited. I really want to actually do something and really get my hands dirty.

Well good luck and I hope you need a lot of soap this summer.

i hate coming home all covered with bits.

So should I expect to be doing a lot of system calls and muti threaded apps? I would assume no to the threads because of the lack of system resources. I'm just trying to get some keywords I can throw into Google. Embedded linux development doesn't really produce the best tutorials/lessons. BTW thanks for all the help so far to everyone.

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